Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

why are you so opposed to me transferring my current characters from your server?


then why haven’t they left is if that bad? seriously.

Yes cause what we need is all the neck beards targetting players who disagree with them in game as well as in forums. And dont say its not like that cause you damm well know it is exactly like that on SS

You aren’t being told to move off Shadowstrike, others just want choice. Stay and be happy, but don’t hold others hostage to your selfishness.
If you love your community be prepared to let it go


Just like you accepted the original decision you spastic


so far i’ve been insulted only by the players that want to leave but refuse to do so.

The decision hasn’t been made, it’s been put on hold. I can’t speak for Shadowstrike, but I fully expect Blizzard to open Penance transfers to Wild Growth shortly.


Well, you can see from the poll data that about 20-25% of people want to merge.

If we apply this literally and at random, that would mean each raid team would see ~20% of their roster disappear.

At the same time FCMs are open, new characters are not being created (not like many are making new chars in SoD this late anyway…)

Losing 20% of your roster at this stage is essentially a death sentence to a raid team/guild, especially if it’s happening everywhere else too. This would encourage guild leadership to transfer the guild out of pure survival, not because they want to.
This exact topic has been in discussion in the private guild leadership channels on the community discord, which obviously I can see.


oh I want to leave. I think a lot of people here would love to leave. You don’t want us to leave with our characters .


don’t try and reason with it, it has very little intelligence

Because your solution is dumb why should we re roll? When the opportunity for a free transfer was there but dude to idiots it got canned. How does me transferring off for free hurt thr server anymore then me stop playing on shadow strike and rerolling on another server?


No one’s refusing to leave. Rerolling is obviously not viable for a lot of people and you know it. You’re the ones who are attempting to hold others hostage to the servers that we are literally asking to leave. If the majority of players really do want to stay, then opening transfers won’t affect you, will it?



Wow so hypocritical of you! just accept it aye like you did originally what a joke. no one is making u transfer yet ur trying to stop the rest of us who want to go. just accept shadowstrike is dead except a few guilds who log on once a week to parse.

oh… like the players whispering me today?

Like you I have invested a huge amount of time into my raiding characters and do not want to reroll and waste 4 full phases of progression, 10,000g and full epics.
Would you - honestly


the mental gymnastics, i couldn’t care less, go and play on another server i just don’t want the lemming affect, people getting forced to leave because 1-2 guildies move.

just re roll and get over yourself its SEASONAL

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Thanks for listening Blizz and keeping Shadowstrike alive.

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Penance is complaining about a dead server? Simple move them to Shadowstrike. Only boost the OCE population. If you think griefing is an issue you’ve clearly never played on Shadowstrike. Props to bliz for the stay of execution.

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no thats why i chose to stay and like the majority of players want to stay,

also changing to the US means i would have to quit playing, tanking on 230ms is a joke, specially in SoD where dps cant hold their d’s for that .23 of a second.

i also want to play when people are online in my timezone, most of the people complaining here about not being able to leave will quit within the first two weeks over the lag.

You keep saying reroll but you realise that the servers are closed for new characters, no one can make new characters right now, there is no choice to transfer or to make a new character at the current moment for OCE players