Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Huh? 1%? What? Whatever drugs you’re taking, I want some.

There are 3000 active raiding characters, and about 3000 discord members.
The poll got 400 responses, 75% in favour of NOT merging.
That’s a sample size of 13% of the active raiding characters

Now, let’s make the very fair assumption that on average, everyone is raiding actively on 2 characters (some more, some less), we’re pushing into 25% of the active raiding population being polled here.
This is a very significant statistic of the actively playing community on shadowstrike.

I again have no idea where you got 1% from, are you at least attempting to discuss in good faith, or are you just horrible at maths?


Free Penance.

The server is dead, and you forced a bunch of people to create new characters there when you locked down WG. Now you pull the rug out from under us all with this insane exception? You have handled this the worst possible way and screwed your players over at every turn.

Season of discovering incompetence.


How many people do you really think are only doing 5 man group content and not raiding at all in SoD? Do you think it’s a meaningful statistic, especially when it comes to considering if they would prefer to be merged or not?

i account for 2 raiders, i should have double the right to vote for staying with my chums on Shadowstrike

The entire transfer service broke, got purged, restored, and they’ve stated transfers won’t be complete until at least Friday. I got in early and I still have a 2-3 day wait period.

Ive been on the discord there is not 3000 active members. Stop lying. If your poll is so correct on what all the players want. Why do you want the transfers closed. If most players want to stay it shouldnt matter if the free transfers for people that wqntt to move. It should not affect the server at all


It’s a minor inconvenience compared to what they are doing to the OCE playerbase. Just hope y’all know the community as a whole is with you all.

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Your time would be spent better looking into a different ISP that can give you a better ping so you can parse or practice whatever you think is holding you back, but I promise you, its not your latency.


What is the lie? I said there are 3000 active raiding characters on shadowstrike, this is a verifiable fact via
The discord has over 3000 members, this is also a verifiable fact, but I am under no illusion that a large amount of them are inactive. This is why the poll was advertised IN GAME too.
All guild leadership in the discord encouraged all of their members to vote on the poll, it’s a very healthy and valid sample of the active playing population.

There are a huge amount of people spamming up this forum thread are are incredible ignorant of simple facts and statistics that can be found using public methods.

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ISPs cannot defeat physics. From my location, it’s 250ms+ to Chicago.

Why, in 2024, should I accept a nearly 0.3 second input delay on every action I take?

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eh, i listen to wow podcasts, keep up to date etc. im on shadowstrike and not in the disc, i had no idea about the poll.

Because its a game from 2004, and it does not matter. :slight_smile:

Still didnt answer my question if all the people on server wanted to stay why does matter of the free transfers are offered as most want to stay. Cause you know most people will transfer off if given the chance


That would be blizzards fault, as we were given 4 days notice on FCM, with an off-cuff statement from a single dev (in this thread) “OCE is planned to be part of this but we are open to feedback”.
So, after some discussion, we held a 24 hour poll, this was 2 days ago.

You and your chums can stay. Let others have a choice to leave. No one is saying there should be a forced merger, just choice. Let’s see what happens.
Or are you afraid that the majority actually want to leave to play away from Shadowstrike without needing to reroll.


They want to have their cake, and eat it too. Meanwhile, handing out S**T sandwiches and telling them to enjoy it. Me Me Me

exactly this.

They know that the majority of people want OUT .

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i have been clear, you want to leave, you can leave anytime. It is seasonal. go re roll where you want to thats why there is the Exp buffs.

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It’s time oceanic demands a better solution.

The decision has been made accept it.