Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

I’m glad we can at least agree that Penance transfers to WG should be enabled.


Server Xfers open please!

One of the servers biggest raid leaders all phases of SOD for PUGS…

Had to stop many raids, and struggling to fill the ones I still lead.

Vocal minority are the ones that posted.

Look how this has blown up since stopping Xfers. People want Xfers and to be able to play the game on a large and vibrant server !


that’s how you know they are trolling, they are just doing it to spite the players that got a win and get play on their server with their community.

Very curious that how many players still in Penance.
According to Blizzard said, Penance is already dead.
But saw many reply that said they from penance and need to FCMs.
If penance do have large number of players.
Blizzard should merge penance with Shadow Strike and make a new Mega PVE server

most remainers wanted pen to be merged with SS and get Warmode of some kind.

edit *even merging SS and pen and changing to PVE could work, you can always /pvp

Free Penance…

Please let us go!


This isn’t the answer. Shadowstrike has the much larger player base - they don’t want their server to become PvE just because Penance is. The only solution is to open transfers from Penance to Wild Growth.

Penance and Shadowstrike are both totally different servers and need separate solutions.

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Most remainers do not want to remain!

then how are they remainers?

Hey all, another SOD player here from Penance server, myself located in New Zealand. I played Wow classic OG in 2004-2006 and I’ve come back to relive my childhood fantasy, and to actually experience the content I couldn’t when I was younger (MC onwards).

My sub is for SOD only, I don’t play retail or any other version. I’m loving the game and my class (Paladin) - it’s like the Paladin I always wanted, somewhat like the Paladin was at the final patch pre-launch of TBC.

Anyway, I want to experience the rest of SOD content but this wont’ be possible if we cannot transfer. The server is too small. Our population too scarce to keep replenishing our raiders in the guild over multiple phases going forward. We’ve tried to recruit for months with no bite at all. We won’t be able to raid if we stay, and so, the server will die and the our experience of SOD (and my sub).

Please free Penance for transfers.



A few sweaty gankers want war mode, it’s not even possible with the classic code. Stay on SS if you’re happy there, it won’t affect you if others leave

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free peanuts

free penance, the server is dead let us leave

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Free us from these people who try and speak on our behalf and rig up dodgy votes and opinion polls.

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No, let me transfer away from all Season of Discovery OCE realms (Penance to Wildgrowth). This would be the one chance to move characters to the largest PvE server in SOD, which was the orginal intention of the developers in their blue post.

This level of engagement in due to the fact the decision to not allow transfers was communicated at the same time as they were scheduled to be open.

I am ready to save my character and transfer to the US realm.

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yes, but the people that are throwing the tantrums, can always leave, but apparently they are trying to destroy SS, so yeah it does affect me. what wouldn’t affect me, is if those people that cant stop screaming about how they want to leave but still choose to stay and ruin it for everyone else. Nothing is stopping those people trying to ruin other people’s enjoyment by just simply creating a new toon and going.

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Rolled on Penance because I wanted to play on a PVE realm but Wild Growth was locked. I was hyped once I heard the servers were going to be reconsolidated. Please allow Penance players to transfer to Wild Growth.


how is rigged? it is open to any one, how is it dodgy?

When Maintain a healthy, high-population, low-latency server.

PVP is expendable.

If OCE players go to NA, the realm is 100% dead.

People who go to WG will not get many players in Pub because during the time OCE play, NA is sleeping.
people who stay in OCE will dead slowly.
Its not win-win, Its lose-lose


easy enough to get some bots in there voting for ‘the server’ same with rigging up multiple discord accounts… whole thing was rigged sham from the get go.

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