Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

So ~75% of the people who are active in the game & community discord are all wrong?

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god i strated attackign a grellkin in hearthglenn on wildgrowth and fell asleep , almost died

I was in LFG asking anyone if they needed help with anything but no one replied … it’s a game design / gameplay loop problem not a server problem. Our server was alive during the 50-60 and dungeon gearing/introduction of MC time.
Doing this server breaking before BWL/ZG is bad - people are going to naturally be more engaged with the game and excited again.

lol you really can’t help yourself can you?

There is a very big difference between a bunch of wrench pullers in discord and the active vast majority as you can clearly see from these threads, to even claim 75% of the server voted is almost comical.


U must be crazy, blizzard said they leaned from their mistakes and they are now listening :DDDD

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You assume people use server discords. Haven’t even logged on the Pennance discord since it’s inception. It’s flawed logic.


Your doing the Warchief’s work, keep it up

Yes, please Free Us in Penance.

Please open up the transfers to lets us move and be able to play with more people.

Thanks Blizz


75% of the discord is not active players its just discord. Definately a spanner

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You’re right, there is a clear difference between:

Public poll advertised in discord and in game with 400 respondents.


A handful of angry forum posters right after they are denied what they want.

I wonder which one of these two data sources will provide a clearer and unbiased picture of the overall sentiment of the server?


tHE (( sad part is )) they STAKee&& ))(( tHIER PREUPTAION ON This aND THeY mESSeD Up…)!!!

Why did Blizzard listen to trolls and screw over legit players who actually play the game? This is not how you collect feedback. Also try to ignore the trolls in the thread posting about their tiny, statistically insignificant discord poll. Delusional, to think you represent even the smallest portion of players involved.


It seems fairly clear to me, look forward to having this reversed tomorrow morning and jumping into the transfer queue and seeing you and your dead server finally die.



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No doubt the majority, the louder voice is people who want to transfer. Blizzard just needs to take one look at this thread to come to the realisation they need to enable transfers.


so some one who doesn’t agree with you is a troll? and people that are a part of the community discord aren’t legit players?

On a positive note, this may be the most active oceanic forums have been in a while.


To everyone stating that “We should have voiced our opinions sooner”, we didn’t have to because they told us transfers were open to us. We were busy preparing our guilds and our characters for transfers, instead of flooding forums with information they didn’t need since the decision was already set.

Pretty wild concept to some of you trying to fight for “the majority”. Lol.


Clearly you and your two friends are the ones who know what’s best for the other 5k players. You really are special. You should also make the balance changes and help tune the raids. How about we fly you to Irvine and you can manage blizzard as CTO? You are a genius.