In addition, it’s from people present in the community discord, which are the most active and engaged players on the realm, including almost all guild leadership. It’s a very high quality sample.
No, that’s precisely why it’s an extremely biased sample
Vast majority of the player base does not know / are not bothered enough to join a server discord. These players, i.e., the vast majority, or 85% per your own stats, tend to have a very different need to the sweatest group of players.
I for example don’t care about pings. I want to do dungeon at random times during the day without the need to rely on guides.
You mentioned political polls - this is also precisely how the poll got the 2016 US election so wrong.
Nearly 30% of those who voted in your poll still wanted Server Transfers. That poll speaks for nothing.
not my problem, and shouldn’t be the OCE communities problem, yes, you lost so you insult me nice.
I did voice my opinion and it was drowned out by like 3 Shadowstrike people posting over and over.
We need a bluepost on the LUA errors, and transfer error everyone is now getting
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Just took a lovely US Tourist jaunt through Penance’s Stormwind and IF… less than 30 people in each city. No wonder they want a solution.
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That poll reprsents abiut 450 people out of 3k people on the sever so it does not reprsent the sever you tard
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Showing how small your brain is aren’t you. Good reason no-one should listen to someone like yourself. Here, let me explain it for you in simple language.
Clearly people have many toons they want to transfer and not have to re-gear all over again. Easy to understand now?
Put the glass bbq down bro and go collect your cenna-link money… most of SS ? lol.
It was a insult your comment was dumb so your a tard
i take it you couldn’t understand either, nice try though
Failed logic.
Blizzard clearly said WE ARE doing this but tell us if you’re not happy.
Very different message than saying “you have two choices and you MUST tell us which one you want”
The majority who were happy with the decision felt no need to respond as the decision was already made in their favor and in their minds it was a good one.
You can see now by the hundreds of post voicing disappointment that more people are in favor of the transfer than not.
At least you admit you don’t understand. Open the transfers as originally planned and let players who want to transfer, and players who don’t want to can stay.
so your insulting me because you lost. grow up mate
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Bold of you to assume it’s over. One look at this thread and I think it’s pretty clear, (at the very least) that Penance wants to transfer to Wild Growth and not be held hostage by Shadowstrike.
This is why everyones upset now because they had already accepted this outcome.
We don’t want Shadowstrike to die. Penance has been dead forever you can save that.