Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Loud minority trying to overwhelm the majority of OCE to kill there own region.

Who would’ve thought.

Penance has been below sustainable levels for many phases now, and finally we had a light at the end of the tunnel in sight. Now the absolutely VAST majority have been heads down preparing to finally being able to play the wider game, while a handful of trolls and outspoken individuals disingenuously misrepresent the situation to the extent where blizzard flip on the stated and restated plans in the last second. The lingering remnants of the server have the entire server in bags, any portion of them deciding not to unpack only cripples the server further.

What a day.


What is dead cannot be further killed. Penance has been dead for months. Lets be honest here

Was looking forward to seeing old friends still on Penance who cbf rerolling (like I did) and you know… playing the game as an MMO together. But yeah this is sensible. Just let Penance stay dead and let those people play other games instead.


Genuine question. Do y’all not have enough resources and that’s why its taking 2 day 24 hour estimated time to transfer? did you underestimate how many toons would transfer even though your team has exclusive data? Or did the servers just poop the bed?

Come on Blizz, a lot of Penance Guilds have had the talk and were largely agreed to a transfer. I’m not sure why a holdup is necessary when most have planned to transfer.

Please open the prison doors and let us out. We might be mostly Aussies but we don’t bite . . . much.


It is absolutely miserable on Penance. Has been dead since end of P2


I mean the server is named penance.

so i’m getting the mailbox isn’t cleared error. my mailbox is cleared. but i did honoring the hero earlier today, so i’m guessing the mail from the NPC giving the bountiful harvest reward is pending and apparently it doesn’t get delivered for a few days? so technically my mailbox isn’t clear because there’s this mail from the NPC in the pending list. blizzard can you speed up this mail from the harvest NPC so i can start the transfer process on my main?

Sorry first time writing on the forums and had to because Blizzard made bad move with the sheeps wool pulled over our eyes so to speak. I have some friends who have unsubbed due to this idiocy and all for blizzard listening to the pvp server population. LET PENANCE MOVE! my guild was ready to move all excited and now nothing…I’m considering unsubbing as well.


I would absolutely love it if they opened up transfers to Crusader Strike from Shadowstrike for those of us that actually did want to move - but keep character creation open for those that are keen to stay there. This is deeply disappointing news that they’re not going ahead with free transfers.


The loud minority? Like your 10% poll? You went on a childish rant for DAYS, bumping your own threads every 30 seconds, desperate for attention. It’s pretty obvious from the outrage here (that you caused no less) that OCE players (in particular, Penance) are more in favour of transferring.

The adults are having their say now. We’re not interested in being held hostage by a someone throwing a tantrum (incase it’s not clear, that’s you) :kissing_heart:


Why are you discriminating against me


YEAh if this move doesnt happen im unsubbing as well…Maybe ill play FF14 BLIZZARD!


It pretty easy to see the response blizzard. It is OVERWHELMING. Let Penace people move. How much more do you need to make this decision! just a brief scan of the posts can EASILY confirm what is wanted.


Oce seeded instances is the technical solution that we would be happy with. We do not require dynamic cross-region for open world play, just oceanic instance servers for raids.


This is a terrible decision and shows a real lack of balance and consideration. You’ve been hoodwinked by a vocal minority from Shadowstrike and as a result have condemned Penance to an accelerated death. You said yourself we’re not viable yet you’ve left us to die.
Now there are hundreds of posts opposing this change and asking for a Penance to WG transfer. Will you listen and let players be free to choose a transfer if they want or continue to block us and watch the Penance population implode within days as people quit in frustration.


Hi Garnet and the Blizzard Team,

First, I’d like to thank you for all the work you’ve put into managing server populations and transfers. I understand the challenges in balancing player distribution, but I wanted to voice a concern that many OCE players, particularly on Shadowstrike, have about the current transfer options.

As an OCE player living in Sydney with a solid internet connection, I experience around 200ms latency to East Coast US servers, compared to around 150ms to West Coast servers. While this difference may seem small on paper, in practice, it impacts gameplay significantly. For example, while testing out abilities on an East Coast server, I noticed that inputs like queuing Heroic Strike often fail to register properly when used around 75% of the swing timer, which I rarely experience on West Coast servers.

For competitive players in particular, this higher latency could severely impact their performance, and I believe I may even be in a better position than many others. Players in locations like Brisbane, remote regions, or Western Australia will likely experience even higher latencies, potentially making East Coast servers unplayable for some.

I think that the easiest solution is to allow all OCE players to transfer to Wild Growth, regardless pf PvE/PvP status. The best solution is to still move OCE players to Wild Growth, but allow seeded instances for the more competitive players. I understand the second choice is probably too resource-intensive or complicated, but it would provide a better long-term solution for OCE players who want to continue enjoying more competitive gameplay.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this feedback. I know these changes may not be easy, but they would make a world of difference for the OCE community.

Kind regards,


resubbing to FF14 is starting to look real nice right now… and i haven’t thought about that trash for over a year
thanks blizzard, i love not being able to find a single person for any dungeon under lvl60 or just being the only person in an entire zone, Australians just don’t matter to you at all do we? how hard is it to just do what retail does with the servers, just do cross-realms, battlegrounds can do it, SOD has already changed enough that the game isn’t even “vanilla” anymore so why hold back, just add the LFG system for dungeons under lvl50 because it is literally impossible to get a group unless guildies are bored on alts or some bored 60 just boosts through

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good go away

Blizz You have been trolled and held hostage.
The Response is clearly OVERWHELMING… LET US TRANSFER. - especially us on Pen.
We understand there are limitations with older code and what can be done… but you made a decision to consolidate to one server…
Stop questioning it and stick to your guns… OPEN UP THE TRANSFERS!