Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

So the other servers remain online but locked? Nice, time to roll every class on those servers and enjoy my private gameplay. :smiley:


Wild Growth.

Thats the thing. Wild growth CC is disabled rn, and the RP server thats US is locked

I just can’t believe the absolute tone deafness of this lack of pve->pvp and pvp->pve transfers.

I rolled PvP because its where my friends were, and now we’re all tired of the griefing… and our only choice is to deal with the intense griefing, or start from level 1 on Wild Growth and lose 4 phases of leveling, runes, rep, and gearing?

What the hell are you thinking, Blizzard?


Anything about oce realms?


I thought this would be the chance for PVP → PVE/PVE → PVP, yet it turns out I was wrong.


It’s insane how we all want to leave the pvp servers and Blizzard has never seen this coming. As far as I know they are against griefing, but if they go with this, it’s going to be a griefing fiesta everywhere.


Oh yeah, I forgot that part. You’re right, you basically can’t play until the 19th.

You’re probably one of three people who are just trying to get into SoD right this moment. Everyone else has already quit, is still playing, or doesn’t intend to try it at all.

We all know devs hates players, but not allowing us to leave this low iq/quality pvp goes beyond evil. You guys should really give up on forcing this world pvp thing to happen…itll never go beyond pure griefing.
Also ill give you guys 1 god rule u can use for every single version of the game without any chance of making a mistake:
“Will this system prevent 2 friends from playing the game together because of the realm/faction they choose 2 months ago?”
if the answer is yes, dont make it, itll look like ur dumbs, which i dont belive you are


Good ol Blizzard right on time with the disappointment.


Please please please enable PVP to PVE realm transfers. So many players want to be able to transfer off of PVP realms to the last standing PVE realm. Please don’t make Crusader Strike the only real server left with 3-4 times the population of Wild Growth.


Idk if my interest to try this out will LAST until the 19th…
And I wanted to start gearing up for phase 5 b4 it launches


they dont care about losing anybody from basically forced realm transfers, i doubt they care about losing the minuscule amount of people that are just now wanting to try out sod.
edit: for a specific week at that

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I’m really not understanding the whole “opening up transfers” bit. Just merge it in. Why do you bother to keep the old servers open, in a zombie state, when effectively you want everyone moved over anyways.

Is it that you don’t have any way to actually forcefully merge servers, and you have to rely on the one-at-a-time- transfer method? Because, if so, that’s pathetic.


If you’re forcing us to go play on crusader strike, remove the RP tag from crusader strike so we don’t get forced into following RP naming rules please.


To stop a land grab of names on the most populated servers? That’s a joke. Not to mention I know guildies that already created the max amount of toons on that server the day you announced transfers.
Thanks for helping the streamers keep their names, and telling everyone else to pound sand.


So, for those of us who are on one of the chosen megaservers and wanted to create a new alt for the upcoming phase, we are just screwed?

You’ve locked character creation like two weeks before the start of a new phase.

Can you not see how that completely messes things up for your existing players on those realms?


Any chance we can move to these mega servers from the OCE servers ?

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Will gold limits be in place?

So what’s going on if people have lvl 60 toons of different factions on pvp servers? Can they transfer different factions onto pvp?