Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

I just want to confirm, we can transfer Penance (AU) to Wild Growth. Just need this answer, not anything else.

Is this really how our server ends? You say you’re asking for feedback, let us all scramble for 4 days providing it, and not even give us the courtesy of a response before you go ahead and kill the OCE realm anyway?


Im sure there must have been a mistake , According to the OG blue post creation lock was supposed to endure till the 19th, A lot of small mistakes are being overlooked presently. Penance doesnt show a free transfer in the shop but Shadowstrike does. This makes it abigiuous at best to most people looking if Penance is even eligible.

I understand the nescessity for these merges , What i dont understand is the lack of any sort of professional conduct or transparency in the process.

Pretty poor work Blizz

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We will all see what happens in an hour.

The saddest part is that they did ask and, in typical Blizzard faction, haven’t followed up.

In a few days, there may be a long follow-up on X from the guy who asked where he proceeds to “explain things to the disgruntled OCE players” in the most toxic way possible. He will state that the OCE players who had concerns are just selfish, and this move was needed to appease some father who “gets livid after not finding a group in an hour” and how this guy who rages over practically nothing may quit the game. Keep in mind this example of a player probably doesn’t have a guild or friends because he rages over practically nothing in general and is INCREDIBLY selfish and is therefore bad for any guild or MMORPG. His problems are self-caused, and this type quitting will have no negative effect on the game, but this type is Blizzards golden child and they’d rather keep this type around over people who add actual value to the game.

That paragraph is what they did the last time which is why I’m saying it, maybe that won’t get posted on X this time but that’s for sure the thought process.


Said they were open to feedback, didn’t say they would acknowledge, read or act on said feedback though.

We are a bunch of paying suckers I guess.



Oceanic said loud and clear we don’t want this blizzard ignored us once again.

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These changes are now Live!

One further change will take place with the next realm restarts, Crusader Strikes ruleset will change from RP-PvP to PvP. Crusader Strike has always been a dubious role play realm since its creation and we want to ensure that players uncomfortable with roleplay are not unfairly actioned for RP ruleset violations.

Lastly we have however held off on opening OCE to US transfers at this time as feedback was strongly mixed on this topic, trending more towards negative than positive.

Unfortunately we do not have any other technical solutions that are supported in Classic to allow more dynamic cross-region play between OCE and US so if and when this move comes it will be all or nothing.

On this particular topic we would welcome further discourse, there is no wrong or right answer so it’s very helpful to see a wider range of player thoughts.


It’s only live for some people.

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Thanks for considering the feedback and pausing for now


You are a legend.

Single handedly saved oceanic.

insert gladiator gif ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED


Absolutely no addressing the PvP->PvE requests from the community that are tired of being griefed and being told they have no choice but to move to a server with even more griefing?

After being absolutely silent for days? Oof. You guys could have taken the easy PR win… =/


While it would have been nice to know earlier, thank you!


If FF online can do it, why not blizzard?

Skill issue probs.

Can’t transfer yet, anyone else?


Confirmed, blizzard only listens to the whingers from OCE! squeeky wheel gets the oil.


Leaving it to the literal last minute to tell OCE what you are doing.

What the hell is even going on over there?

Now if OCE merge comes later rip names.



Penance (AU) is literally dead. I was looking forward to transferring to Wild Growth so I can actually start playing SoD properly. Please open up the transfers!


Please let Penance OCE players who want to transfer do it now. We are waiting to transfer.


I started a character here (AU)Penance with a friend because character creation was locked on WG - we are now 23 and are you kidding me your not opening transfers to WG from this server… what a waste of time.


Good communication there guys, -239875/10

Just open transfers from shadowstrike to penance, let us just have one PvE OCE