Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

If its not growing why do they need to stop new character creation ? … yeah

If they open transfers to shadowstrike there will be people who come from all over if given the opportunity.

I spoke to a guy on NA server saying he wanted to xfer to shadowstrike because he hates the ping and didn’t realize how bad it would be.

Blizzard lose nothing by giving oceanic a chance to grow but if they go ahead with transfers they kill an entire region.

Look im on the supposedly worse for wear realm right now (ShadowstrikeAU) doing dailies in Searing Gorge with at least 50 other players, being merrily ganked (I am a bad player) etc.

Certainly feels very viable to me at the moment.


No SoD communities are growing, it is a seasonal game mode that is in decline, just like all other seasonal game modes. It will end when the content is finished.

Shadowstrike has around 3k active raiding characters now, and it’s stable.
Opening FCM and closing new character creation will make some of these people move, what is left is a fractured and injured population who will quit or be forced to transfer.

If 20% of your raid team transfer, and new character creation is closed, wtf are you supposed to do? This is why I laugh when people insist this is not a forced transfer. It’s certainly forced if you want to continue end game content.


Ofc it is its the end of a phase it always slows down and on top of that theres all the doom and gloom with how they have handled the news surrounding the transfer

Hey look the office is on fire, why is everyone leaving

Penance AU horde is practically dead, I’m alright with transferring. It would be great if we could still get OCE raid instances though.


Because it’s a rule across the board, and not indicative of trends, nor is it a vendetta on OCE.

They’re making the right call by consolidating everybody into one server.

SOD isn’t going to grow in the end game, and I’d go as far to say that we should’ve always had one mega server to begin with. Servers as a concept is outdated and simply a technological relic.

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Why’d you make a character on a pve oceanic server when historically pve servers are the first to die especially if all of sudden your now okay with 200ms lag on na ? :grinning:

Your opinion is irrelevent.

The whole of classic is a technological relic. It does not have the modern features of retail such as sharding / seeding which relieve some of the issues (not all of them) with high latency.

Moving players into a new realm where they now have a 0.2 - 0.3 second input delay on every action just feels horrible.

There is a reason that the OCE community fought hard to get their own classic servers in the first place, it was a total non-starter for most players if this was not in place.


I started playing on Wild Growth instead of Penance some time ago. I loved Penance but it has died. There are now already many more oceanic people playing on Wild Growth than there are on Penance. Unlike many years ago playing wow on us servers now I really don’t notice the ping difference. The technology has improved. So Wild Growth is fine for oceanic players. PVP however maybe another story as I rarely PVP so I don’t know. But for PVE it’s great on Wild Growth for oceanic players.


It’s regional, and subjective.

If some players insist that PVE realm status is more valuable than it being local, then cool. However, even in that scenario the result varies heavily based on location.
In the Shadowstrike discord, people testing ms to the other Chicago based servers:
Syd gets about 200
Melbs gets about 240
WA and asian players, 250-300.

The average adult reaction time is 250ms, you could argue younger gamers typically have better reactions around 200ms.
Playing at close to 300ms is literally outside of the mean reaction time, it feels GARBAGE for all types of gameplay.
This is ignoring the introduction of additional line jitter/instability from the increased connection hops.

turned out to be a mistake hey, crazy that they happen occasionally.

It’s the same ping as we’ve been getting in retail from the beginning.

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Except it’s not like that on Crusader Strike? I don’t know how it looks on alliance side though.
Anyway, as I said I’m going to play on US server. Ping difference is only 50ms for me.


Have you yanks made a descision on behalf of another country about this yet or what?


Blizzard hates Australia


Visibility Comment.

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Chad no one is creating new characters anyway becuase early game is dead , I literally had to beg a 60 warlock to get a rune from a frozen makura , there are no levellers , there are just raid loggers and farmers , thats fine I guess if thats what you like , but I like an active community at all levels not just 60


Post on main or be quiet.

Seasonal server isn’t for all levels that’s why you have a 300% xp buff and incursions that give you 2-3 levels in a span of 15 minutes the content is at 60 …

If you want more players at all various levels then make a toon on NA deviate delight or hardcore server or classic era all of those will have people leveling slowly at all levels.

lets say this represents the actual servers position. If the 72% just stay on the server and don’t take the OPTIONAL transfer, and blizz doesn’t close character creation, what’s the problem? If 28% of the server takes the transfer, it will be dead?

No currently raiding guild on Shadowstrike can survive losing 28% of their player base.


The megaserver is more than likely not going to solve this problem for you I fear lol.