Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Those of you saying Ping won’t be so bad for OCE players haven’t thought very hard - OCE is a Region, not just Australia. Good luck to all my South East Asian & NZ homies, no way they’re going to keep playing on 200ms+


That sounds awesome, you think blizz are competent enough to do that?


As promised above, we have polled the Shadowstrike community discord and collected the following results.
This discord is the only community discord for this realm, it has around 3000 members and is a hub of group activity, guild recruitment and our platform for reporting bad player behaviour. It certainly is a good representation of what the overall majority of active players want.

Please note this not a ‘locked’ or conditional poll, so add a small amount of error margin to answers, but I think you will see the sentiment is very clear.


Q: How do you feel about the upcoming realm merge?
:one: I do want Shadowstrike to be merged into a US mega realm
:two: I do NOT want Shadowstrike to be merged into a US mega realm

~72% vote that they do NOT want Shadowstrike to be merged.

Q: IF you voted that you DO want to be merged, which one of these choices most closely matches your reason
:one: I want to play with a larger group of people, and I don’t care about the large ping/ms increase
:two: I want to play with a larger group of people, and I think the large ping/ms increase is bad, but worth it.

~77% of the players who say they want to merge admit the ping increase is bad for them, but they will accept it for access to a larger group of players.

Q: IF you voted that you DO NOT want to be merged, which one of these choices most closely matches your reason?
:one: I do not want to play the game with a large ping/ms increase
:two: I do not want to have my current OCE based community split up / moved into a US mega-community
:three: I am worried I will lose my character name(s)

As said above, the answers are not locked, so people can choose multiple answers. This question got the most engagement on the ping increase answer, which speaks loudly for itself.

277 responses to question 1 saying they DO NOT want to merge, and 277 responses citing high ping as a reason for this.
In addition, concerns over fragmentation of the community are clear.
Within guilds, some will move and some will not, forcing raid teams to be split up and killed on the Shadowstrike side even if the majority do not move away.

Blizzard, this is showing a clear majority of Shadowstrike do not want this to happen.


This is what the people want. Majority of us would prefer not to transfer. Please take the feedback seriously @Fwoibles


If you dont want to transfer. Then stay in your guild runs and continue raid logging once a week as you are now.
I want to be able to play many hours and current server does not allow that as the active player base has about 6 people online at a time and forming even a dungeon group is near impossible… let alone new content when it comes up.


Forming a dungeon is easy on Shadowstrike.
Anytime I actually need a group for anything it happens quickly.

Everyone is at the part of the games design where they have completed everything and they dont have a reason to log on, it’s only game design.
Depsite this the server feels very alive, even much much more so than the worst time in p3.

No one ever said I hope they transfer us off to US realms. The only thing that was ever suggested was folding Penance into Shadowstrike.


The “just stay lmao!” response is hugely disingenuous.

We have witnessed many times, with other realms, that as soon as blizzard opens FCM and closes new character creation, the server is dead. This is akin to a forced transfer, spread out over a painful few weeks as guilds realise they will now no longer be able to recruit effectively and either disband or transfer for survival (not because they want to).


There is no scenario where we would willingly go from single digit ping to 200+, this is the whole reason Oceanic servers were created to begin with.

A number of suggestions have been made in the other thread of which of the idea of raids/instances being hosted in OCE is the minimum viable solution. But locking the server is just forced death “Population is unviable” while making it so is just disingenuous, yes the server isnt pumping 24/7 but thats perfectly fine when we already have a 7 hour spread between NZ and Asia with people on and interacting for their various peak gaming times.


If you open transfers on oceanic the regions dead that’s basically it.

Announce Shadowstrike as the oceanic megaserver and open transfers to our server not off it.

Allow penance to transfer here if they want as well.

Problem solved.


Bang on. This is what we want.

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Blizzard. Please provide a better solution than shipping off 10% of your playerbase for SoD over to US Server where the game becomes much harder to play because of ping.

Classes like Ret pally where twisting is important will be next to impossible to complete, I know healing in 200ms+ is also quiet rough. If your solution is that you want us to move over to US Pings, it’s enough for a lot of us to stop playing Season of Discovery.


Yeap, it will be back to dota and unsub till it’s fixed.


I have 2 accounts i will be unsubbing if we end up with 200-300ms. WA on OCE i sit at 50ms. I wont be playing with 250+ ms. Like going back to 2004. Blizzard, you make enough money to carry OCE servers…


I think most people will stay shadowstrike then quit the game afterwards.

Those who do go to NA if blizzard do nothing to help us will play there a few weeks at most and quit as well.

Same thing happened in season of mastery like 90% of the oceanic playerbase quit after going to NA including myself.

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the free market will decide.

if people love SS as much as you suggest; they won’t leave and you have nothing to worry about. However, if people do leave SS, well, maybe you should re-adjust your opinions.

The reality is that OCE has been a failed experiment in SOD and both our servers could disappear and nobody would even notice. Such is the life of Australia.

PS: They aren’t going to engineer new network solutions for OCE on a SOD season either.

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Server is getting emptier…
I already started a new toon on crusader strike. I’m ready to switch whatever Blizzard final decision is.

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It’s not free market when they’ve actively taken steps to ensure the server dies e.g locking any new character creation and prevent any transfers to the server only off it.

They should be looking at ways to have oceanic catered for because we are an entire region and if they want the oceanic community to continue playing it would be well advised they start finding ways to either help grow our region or develop tech that allows us to play on oceanic ping on NA servers.

yeah but you assume that your community is actually growing. How many new players are coming into SOD, wanting to play on OCE, and, especially, want to play on a pvp server? And why would anybody downgrade from a larger pvp server to come to SS?

We’ll see the SS community’s sentiment come wednesday.

small problem I don’t see anything regarding my concern, please I just don’t want to spend months ranking all over again

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You don’t lose your rank progress.

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