Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Blizzard - Your more likely to see people quit and leave (not just SoD but WoW aswell) than having us transfer to the Mega-server. The majority of players I know have no intention of playing retail and are enjoying a Classic 2.0 style of wow.

If your speaking about making money, surely losing a whole continent is bad for business.

For a lot of us it’s not about the initial opening of transfers, but its more of what’s to come after that - which looks to be a forced move for all regardless of what we want as OCE players. And this is what the people don’t want. if 30% of players choose to move is up to them, but the other 70% who don’t want to but are forced to are not to happy with this


You keep repeating the “seasonal” nonsense that means nothing. Can you think for a second before posting?


Read what i said afterwards…

There are catchup mechanics specifically made to skip low level content so making any kind of argument about not finding groups at low lvl is irrelevent on sod

Please open PVP to PVE. SoD PVP is wildly unbalanced and mostly degenerates into toxic gameplay and greifing.


^ hear us please, the pvp game balance is terrible and whatever faction just griefs you for hours with no issues. I’ve been on both sides and is not fun for anyone, if you want to pvp as the minority, you just get farmed, if you want to pvp as the mayority you just get no kills, it’s legit terrible. Not only that but streamers ruin most servers 95% of the times with the economy and stuff like that, I don’t want to deal with that, we never signed for that when we started playing SoD. Let us go from PVP to PVE, is not too late yet.
Otherwise my guild and prob a lot of people will straight up quit the game.


Why don’t blizz do cross realms like vanilla?

Reading the answers here looks like it will kill world pvp, which is the most balanced since ever.

Everyone can kill everyone. Except shamans and pallys, that doesn’t count.

lol. conclave of the shadow? :slight_smile:

Please let me transfer off of crusader strike… I came here because of my guild and they all left. I hate being stuck on a pvp server.


Looking forward to the Penance → Wild Growth transfer.

No interest in merging with a PvP server. See you on the other side mate!


Hey Blizz,

You answered all of the common questions except PvP → PvE. Please, please read the room. Please let us free.


Please let us free, we don’t want to be part of this degeneracy that is Streamers PVP servers.


dont let the door hit ya on the way out

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Blizzard you should open the FCMs for Penance to Shadowstrike first, so people who left because of the population will log on and move to Shadow strike and continue play. And the timing of this is so bad, BWL will launch next week, you should check the population at the moment, not the last week of P4.

We are now at over 400 responses to our Shadowstrike community poll, 300 of which clearly saying they DO NOT want to be included in this merge, citing high ping as the reason.

This has been shared in multiple forum threads, and to your personal + wow Devs twitter/X.

With less than 24 hours to go until your proposed FCM opening, can you please at least acknowledge this feedback that you say you are open to?


I hope they just decide to make Shadowstrike the OCE “megaserver”

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There’s only 1 PvP oce server at the moment.

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I’d rather quit than move to a PVP server.


The problem is that it’s pure griefing, I’m fine with pvp but not if it’s 5v20. or in this case 15v50 on Lonewolf

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Reminder that there’s numerous threads of feedback from the oceanic community saying they don’t want this

You asked for strong feedback we delivered.

Now its on you.

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They dont care about OCE never have… They ask for advice with 4 days till free xfers. 2 of which are the weekend. Expect nothing from blizz , i dont