Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

It is though. If they don’t close character creation.

“Server will die if they let people transfer because majority of people will take the transfer”


“Majority of people think NA ping will be a deal breaker and will not want to transfer”

You have to pick one. Based on the overwhelming majority of people in this thread, #2 seems to be what they believe, so don’t close character creation, keep transfers optional, let people that want to move to mega server with ping do so, let others who refuse to play on 300 ping stay on OCE servers.

As it stands they are closing character creation therefore it is not optional.

Which is the entire reason I am even posting my suggestion to not close character creation…

Let people choose to move if they want. Let people choose to stay and lock character creation. Seems like the simplest solution by far vs opening OCE layers on Ma servers to help with ping, making a mega OCE server with war mode.

I guess “don’t let anybody transfer off OCE at all” is really the simplest.

IMO I’d rather have 5k+ active players and 300 ping than sub 1k with low ping.

Shadowstrike has 3k players we have no issues currently filling dungeons / raids and can do everything we need without issue.

My guild alone runs 3 to 4 mc’s a week.

If people didn’t care about ping and prefered population why didn’t they roll on NA to begin with ? because they want oceanic ping they shouldn’t get the option to now actively kill an entire server/region.

Simplest solution is give oceanic seeded instances if we go to NA problem solved.

More complex is to take measures to boost the population through various suggested options and promote an oceanic mega server i believe in the long run growing the oceanic community is much better overall than destroying it completely and forcing people to NA.


This is the simplest? They have like 3 devs working on sod part time, they aren’t making new server tech that has OCE specific layers on NA servers. Sod doesn’t generate any significant amount of money for blizz.

Why would your guild just not stay Shadowstrike then?? Or are there a large amount that would still transfer because they prefer more players over best ping possible? Assuming character creation is not closed.

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Character creation doesn’t factor into it. Once a certain percentage of the current raiding characters do this one way transfer, that’s it for the server. The population is low enough that enabling it at all will tip it over and it’s finished,

Giving this choice to people removes the ability for Shadowstrike players to play on a healthy OCE server. It’s not a choice at all. If you really want choice, allow players to transfer back to Shadowstrike for free once they realise how bad the ping to central US servers are.


Because of the trickle effect / fear people think when server transfers open its inevitable people are gonna leave.

Even when all the guilds / discord have all said they want to stay and make shadowstrike work you will still get a small group who leave and because the server is already hovering on just viable it has an even bigger impact.

Combine that with character creation lock and the the slow decline active items on AH overtime people just give up trying to make it work and either quit or transfer.

Most of the time from what i’ve seen in som those who did transfer stick around for the “hype” of big population and within a few weeks quit the game because of the lag (myself included).

Also keep in mind that our peak time is like 5 am crusaderstrike so the whole “more players” is kinda misleading ofcourse there will be more players but not how some try to advertise it and more players does not always mean better it comes with pro’s and con’s more griefing / harder to farm / harder to get buffs etc etc.

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So are we thinking the AH prices are going to drop with the server merge?

We forgot the first time new players :frowning:

I got my friend to resub who hasnt played in 3 years and hes mad at me for wasting 5 days of his sub waiting to make a character…

It would’ve been nice for a placeholder server that people can transfer off of. This hurts brand new players a lot as they are not addicted or used to the abuse regular players receive.


That’s because they don’t care about Oceanic players, they care about their specific server health. This would be fine if they weren’t trying to gaslight Penance players that want to move to Wild Growth.


So what happens if we don’t use the FCM? Do our characters get moved anyway? Are you shutting down the old servers? Do our characters just go away?

Personally, I think Blizzard should leave Shadowstrike out of the merge and allow Penance players to FCM to either Shadowstrike or Wild Growth.

Then, in Phase 6 or something if Shadowstrike has died off some more, lock it up and open FCMs from it to Crusader Strike.

Unfortunately, both Chaos Bolt and Lava Lash were easily two-three times the size of Shadowstrike when Blizzard chose to close them against those players’ wishes, so I don’t know if they’ll bother holding off any longer here or not.


No to all of those things. All Blizzard is doing is locking the servers from new character creation and opening FCMs.

They have made zero move to force anyone to move from the servers they already locked (Chaos Bolt and Lava Lash) and have not shut those servers down whatsoever, or deleted any characters on them.

However, locking those servers and and allowing FCMs did cause their populations to drop by about 99% within two weeks of doing so. The same will happen on every other server being merged into CS and WG. People will rush to transfer off, because no one wants to be left behind on a dead server.

It is a choice for players that aren’t currently happy with the current pop and would be fine dealing with the ping to play on a server with significantly more players.

Honestly not seeing this position posted that much though. Majority of comments are “I’ll quit before playing on 300 ping”. Which makes me wonder if majority of players actually hold this opinion, they won’t take the transfer and shadow strike will still have a high enough population to play the game. But blizz needs to not lock character creation.

Character creation isn’t the issue here. The issue is that the Shadowstrike population is low enough that if you open up transfers, enough people will leave that the rest of the people, the clear majority that don’t want this, will be forced to follow them as Shadowstrike won’t be viable anymore.

Raiding population is the issue, and opening up the transfers will kill that immediately. Just like it did in SoM. It’s no choice.

Why should a tiny minority of people who want to play on a US server decide for the majority? There’s nothing stopping you from rolling on CS right now.

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Proving how horrible people like you have made pvp servers no one wants to be friends with you

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I play on Shadowstrike, at different times during the day. I feel that the population on Shadowstrike is very healthy. I have never had an issue getting a group, even at 9am in the morning. Yes, the population is low Mon-Fri at 9am, but that is to be expected…people are at work etc. But during the peak times, its great! I do not see any reason why Shadowstrike needs to be merged…and by opening up free character transfers is just going to kill the population. To put a population of players that play/raid at 8pm OCE SVT…do you think they are going to be able to find lot of people in US time-zones to join them? All that will happen is that you have 2 separate communities on one server.
There must be a better way to solve this issue…cross server dungeons (via way of a cross server LFG channel)?


Zero consideration for NZ based players on this merge as well, like add on another 50+ ping on top of Aus based players, so your looking at 250/350 'ish" ping, might as well stop playing… Shadowstrike is fine and the economy is great and there is still people active.


Yes, bots are gonna farm non contested mats and flood the market, so I’d stock up on dreamfoil and black lotus :wink:

Simple merge Shadowstrike and Penance. That makes the community sustainable again . Do not allow transfers from OCE realms to US realms or you’ll kill OCE. If people insist on playing on the US servers allow them Cloned toons let them have the best of both worlds. This means on peak times in AU they can still raid at AU ping and other times they get volume from thr US servers for casual/community content.

Square enix uses a system where you can transfer to other worlds IN game for certain events and yet transfer back when you wish to retain your lower ping local content.