Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Blues, unless you actually listen to the OCE population, and put in place seeded instances for forcing players onto US latency, you’ve effectively just shafted your entire competitive playerbase from the region. Many of us actually lived that pain in vanilla, coming from Blackrock to Frostmourne was a godsend back in the day. It felt like lead boots were finally removed. You may not think 0.2-0.5 is much of a difference to players, but it’s felt by anyone with dot management, or people that have to interrupt critical mechanics. We get it, there’s 3.2k OCE vs the 40k US players, but there’s about to be even less OCE due to forcibly removing our low latency option.


There appear to be a lot of Shadowstrike people here telling Penance what they need to do (merge to Shadowstrike) forcing us to either play PvP or stay on what will become a defunct server.


We are currently holding a community poll for feedback on this decision and the reasoning stated in this blue post, so far we have approximately 300 responses from active players on Shadowstrike.
I will share the results here once the poll has been up for 24 hours.

I hope someone at blizzard reads it, as this will be the single largest and most accurate source of OCE player sentiment on this topic.


The issue being, there’s what, 12 people left playing on Penance at the moment? As opposed to thousands on Shadowstrike.

They just need to let Penance players transfer to US PVE, and leave Shadowstrike alone.

Wow, it’s like they are deliberately spitting on us by forcing us to the east coast server.


Pointless because the overwhelming majority have already said they don’t want the merge and the rest say they want oceanic seeded servers as a condition for the merge.

There’s maybe 5% at most of the playerbase who want to merge and are happy with 200ms+ they aren’t the majority.

That’s what the poll says. A poll of active Shadowstrike players can’t hurt at this point.

The problem with the poll is that there are many people who aren’t on the discord. I play actively and have 0 interest in joining another discord, but I am also 100% against transferring off Shadowstrike.

Penance is basically irrelevant with how many people are left there - they should just be allowed to transfer wherever they like.

I also think asking for OCE seeded instances on the new server is pointless because:

a) There’s no benefit to American players, so no point putting any effort into it
b) Probably can’t do it anyway with classic servers, same as how they can’t use raid flex tech
c) If there’s a 0.01% chance an American player might accidently get put into an OCE instance and have to play a game with a higher ping for even 10 minutes, it’s unacceptable for them to have to put up with that.

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This is a very good point. In the same way that we started playing on an OCE server and shouldn’t have to deal with international ping, the US players started playing on a US server and shouldn’t have to deal with international ping either. Even worse for them as they’d have no idea why it was happening either. I can imagine them probably just leaving any OCE seeded dungeons/raids and we would be lepers on the server because nobody would want to play with us.

The best solution is to nurture Shadowstrike so we have at least one OCE server still going.


please don’t make us play on non-local servers.


Blizzard might as well just open a mega server in Antarctica, that way everyone has terrible ping and it’s all balanced.

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Just to re-iterate, this is a JOKE blizzard. Please actively look at taking steps to resolve the OCE merge issues. :slight_smile:


In the Penance poll, 90% of respondents said they will be transferring to Wild Growth.

If we’re really just a drop in the water then transferring us to Shadowstrike will make no difference to your population. Therefore you may as well let us choose where where we want Penance to transfer rather forcing us onto PvP, since it will, by your very own supposed calculations make no difference to Shadowstrike’s population.

Conversely if we’re not a drop in the ocean then our decision where we go carries that much more weight.


Make Shadowstrike AU the oceanic mega server and take steps to improve it.

I mean, did you even read what I wrote twice? You should be allowed to transfer wherever you like. The handful of people still on Penance are irrelevant to the population and would have no impact on Shadowstrike so there’s no point forcing them onto PVP.


Apologies you did indeed say that, thank you.

Any danger in migrating all of our characters automatically?
Instead of having us do each character one at a time.

Asking for a friend with lots of alts.

I’d rather not play in a NA server with 200 ms, if i value “population” that much, I would’ve played in NA and not in shadowstrike from the getgo.


The larger issues that affects the most people is:
Please let people transfer off of pvp servers to wild growth.

To all the OCE players that are making up majority of the feedback in this thread:

Best option IMO: Transfers are completely optional. They should allow the transfers off of these servers to NA mega server but not stop character creation. If players want to deal with the higher ping on NA servers but have a much higher population of players, LET THEM.

If the OCE community does not want to deal with the ping (vast majority of the comments in this thread), they can already stay on their OCE server right now. But the no new characters created ever again effectively kills the server. Let them stay there and don’t lock the server. Simplest solution.


As soon as you open transfers, it’s a forgone conclusion that it kills the server. Enough people will go, in anticipation of others going, that everyone else is going to have to follow them because there will be less and less people until there’s basically nobody left. It’s what happened in SoM and it’s what will happen if they do it with SoD.

It’s not truly optional.


Blizzard know its not optional that’s why they’ve taken steps to ensure it slowly dies.

They could do things like not lock character creation and open transfers to shadowstrike as well and not open transfers off the server and it would preserve our server and help it grow.

They know exactly what they are doing because they’ve done it before with the oceanic server in som.

The oceanic community said the same thing back then we didn’t want transfers they ignored us and completely killed oceanic so badly that a lot of people just quit.

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