Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

You aren’t part of the oceanic community you left that behind when you went to wildgrowth you are now an NA player advocating against the oceanic region.

Fixed it for you.

Majority of players do not want a merge the players who are open to the merge want instanced oceanic servers on NA and the minority want to go to NA and make invalid arguements can’t even post on mains and don’t even raid on the toons they do post on.

You are not fooling anyone.

I do speak for you stop hiding behind alts if you have something valid to say post on your main or gtfo.

Hahahaha says the screaming child in discord.

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Good go no one cares about you

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Hahaha ok racist

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ouch you hurt my feelings :speak_no_evil:

Yeh cause your a racist

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:monkey: wah wah wah

Blizz dont care about OCE, they did the same and killed classic. Pretty much what i expected. You want opinions but with free xfers in 4 days, i expect nothing lol


by your own words you and your large commuinity are no longer OCE players and are just looking for a free transfers for your alts.

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in order of importance to me as an OCE player/ what I’m willing to accept:

  1. Merging Penance and Shadowstrike into an Oceanic mega-server
  2. Seed an instance ID with Oceanic latency.
  3. An Oceanic layer existing on the US mega-server
  4. Sharding between Shadowstrike and Crusader Strike and Sharding between Penance and Wild Growth

I will not accept 250+ ping and being “forced” to merge because you’ve locked our server.
I would have never started playing SoD if it weren’t for Blizzard offering OCE realms–
so don’t pull the rug out.


We are a day-one guild on Lone Wolf. We chose Lone Wolf because it was NOT on the streamer server. We do not want to be forced to move to a streamer server. It is already difficult enough to coordinate moving hundreds of characters, much less moving hundreds of characters to a server they don’t want to go to. Please consider allowing us to move from pvp to pve so at least we’re coordinating a move they won’t mind. We do not want to have to deal with the B.S. that goes with being on a streamer server. It’s not even in the realm of how we want to play. Why would you force us to? What kind of sense does that make for your paying customers? We love SoD. Don’t make us hate it –

You’ve now heard a HUGE outcry from the people who pay for this game saying they do not want to be forced to move to a streamer server. Nearly every other post here says the same. Please hear us and do the right thing. Not just for your streamer base, but for your whole player base. For us regular, committed players too.

Thank you.


GOOD NEWS! most streamers quit playing SoD, at least the bigger ones with toxic sperg armies did lookin at you asmon.

This is some next level cognitive dissonance lmao. Some real main character syndrome you’ve got going on.

There are plenty of Oceanic players on Wild Growth, its a much better experience for Oceanic players than the dead realm that is Penance. And those players want their gold and characters they levelled on another realm.

Heaven forbid not everybody wants the same thing.

If you don’t want to take the free transfer, stay on your dying realm. We’ll transfer our alts and gold and enjoy it.


Curious to this however, “we feel that a higher ping but actual ability to find groups for content supersedes lower ping times”. Ah yes, it’s going to be great playing with all the other OCE players during our peak hours of game play, which are anywhere between 1 - 7am for the US servers. So all the Americans will be asleep anyways! Going to be great queuing with the same players I did on shadowstrike only now we will have 250+ms!


That’s exactly what we want. We want transfers for our alts with our gold.

Open up the free transfers, we’ll take our alts and gold, and you can stay on your dying realm.

And we’ll enjoy the Oceanic community we have on the larger server.

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I mean we don’t have the option to swap to PvE though. The world MS isn’t going to matter as much when you’re not pvping.
(Lag still sucks for raiding, regardless of the situation however.
Makes competitive raiding impossible as well).

Can you please actually take the time and read the comments directly in relation to OCE servers.

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I agree

For me its doing everything possible to build on shadowstrike and make it the oceanic mega server i’ve had people message me from wild growth and other servers say they’d transfer to shadowstrike if given the opportunity.

If no solutions can be provided to maintain shadowstrike then it would be oce seeded instances.

Large portion of my guild will quit if we are forced onto NA ping with no workable solution i won’t continue playing either i quit in som because of this and ill quit in sod because of it.


Just because you’re on a dead server, doesn’t mean Shadowstrike should be destroyed too. By all means allow Penance to transfer to Shadowstrike or Wild Growth. Just don’t kill Shadowstrike which is still a perfectly good server.


They should open free transfers to shadowstrike for everyone so any oceanic players who were stuck on NA realms or penance can freely migrate here too and then see how many new players we gain as well.