Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

I do hope that blizzard don’t give the same weight to comments from Penance players to Shadowstrike ones. The situations are apples and oranges. Penance - too late. Palliative care situation. Bit of temporary life support and Shadowstrike might survive. People have already given up, there is a bad vibe.

Some reassurance from BLizzard BEFORE 17 September that Shadowstrike players dont get free transfers, and opening our server to new characters would help breathe life back in.

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Everyone i’ve seen on shadowstrike / discord / guild have all said they are staying and not going anywhere the only way anyone takes those free transfers is if they provide oceanic seeded instances then its something people would discuss.

I’m hopeful blizzard won’t repeat the same mistake they did in season of mastery a second time and they have something in the works to protect the oceanic region.

This is key, Penance and Shadowstrike are in very different positions.

When people start saying ‘Oceanic players are in agreement, this is what they want’, they’re not taking into account the differences in Penance vs Shadowstrike.

These servers have very different communities with very different priorities.

Personally I think Shadowstrike has enough population for Blizzard to leave it going, but Penance needs transfers.

You’re right with that because penance has been dead for a long time and has like 2 raiding guilds or something.

My personal opinion is that all of oceanic should be merged together i don’t even care about pvp/pve i’d prefer to see all of penance players on shadowstrike with like warmode or something than see oceanic players go play on NA because its sad.

It’s also why i suggested opening transfers to shadowstrike for all servers so more oceanic players can come to a oceanic mega server.

I also believe that in future blizzard should never allow 2 oceanic servers they should either pick a pvp or pve and have 1 single server if you don’t like w/e they opt to make then too bad go play NA.

Its way too late for that with how many people left and created new characters on Wild Growth.

You’re still advocating for something that players like myself don’t want, which is why you’ll get push back when you say ‘Oceanic players are in agreement’.

Speak for Shadowstrike, hold your meetings and advocate for what you want, but there are large numbers of players that were forced to leave Penance a long time ago because it was no longer tenable. Those players want their characters and gold to be able to join them at their new homes.

If you really want the 12 people still playing on Penance, open transfers to Shadowstrike too. Best case scenario for Penance players is that they get to choose to either join Shadowstrike or Wild Growth, and let each person make up their own mind.


I think that’s fair but would encourage oceanic players to come to shadowstrike we aren’t a dead server there’s over 73 active raiding guilds its never going to be as populated as NA naturally but you still originally chose oceanic for a reason.

We have the population to sustain 1 single oceanic server easily if all the oceanic players actually rolled on the same server initially would of been fine.

Penance at its peak had 1700ish players
Shadowstrike at its peak had 17,700ish players

This easily shows we can support a single oceanic server but multiple poor decisions by blizzard’s sod team including the gdkp ban and content delays significantly destroyed that.

When i say the oceanic players are in agreement i am talking about shadowstrike because we are the oceanic community penance has like 300 people left the rest of you went to NA i don’t understand how you still think/consider yourself part of the oceanic community when you’ve gone to NA ?

Historically Oceanic pve servers have always failed / been small / died off the pvp servers historically have always been the largest and most successful why do you keep rolling onto pve oceanic if ping to you is no issue why not just roll NA from the get go ?

I feel you are incorrect. Shadowstrike is fine - leave it be and don’t force us onto 200-300ms(depending on where you are in oceania). Pretty much everyone I know are going to just quit SoD rather than put up with high pings.

The Oceanic PVE realm is dead, but that is a different issue. Let them transfer to either Shadowstrike or the US PVE realm.

Also, thanks for keeping the GDKP ban in. Please don’t fold to the sockpuppets - it’s one of the purely correct decisions made in SoD so far.


wow. After decades of WoW forums and the internet chat in general, it’s nice to know the dooshnozzles are still around looking for recognition

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I sincerely hope Blizzard weighs in on this before transfers go live and guilds start transferring. They really need to do the right thing for their players and allow PvP to PvE and PvE to PvP transfers. Those that want to stay on a pvp realm can do so, and thus the pvp community there will be more focused on what PvP players want without being diluted by people who are only trapped there by circumstance.


Which you should, since they’re entirely pointless nowadays.



Since he took to “representing” the OCE community, I made my own post stating - truthfully - that some OCE players are okay with the merge, because the affects of NA latency are overrated and we are okay with the inconvenience in exchange for a more active server.

In response, Elron has:

  1. Coordinated with his guild members to falsely report my posts on the forum
  2. Tried to stalk me, find out where I live, asking guild members about me, etc.
  3. Called me a string of homophobic, ableist and racist slurs.

The man is positively deranged. He doesn’t speak for anybody but himself.

Having said that, +1 to merge w/ seeded instances.


With a few days left before transfer, could really use a posted FAQ on character transfers. First one for me, and pretty sure I’m not alone. levels required, number of characters allowed, gold allowed, nothing in mailbox, and any other restrictions. Gonna be a blood bath in elwyn getting bank alts up to 10

As a Penance player I would rather join a US PvE server over an OCE PvP. Not terribly fussed about ping for PvE.

If merging us into a mega oceanic it’ll require us to be able to turn off PvP, nothing less. I’d sooner cancel my sub than play PvP.

Or consider allowing a choice of either WG or SS, perhaps. I’ll be choosing the former.


Horde side of Penance is essentially dead besides a few hours a day there is peak 100 people online total. An OCE mega server with war mode sounds ideal but doubt that is an option. Ping to WG is not even noticeable for PvE purposes IMO.
Off to WG it is.


OCE Shadowstrike is fighting for our right to party - please leave us alone.


I mean that’s literally what you’ll be able to do. You’d be merging into WG.

Don’t let people transfer PVP → PVE

It’ll ruin pve servers even more adding more indirect griefing

it’ll ruin pvp balance splitting people up even more than the server merge already will.

Only if PvP players transfer to PvE to grief… instead of staying on a PvP mega where they could grief more efficiently? Why would they move to a PvE realm where they can’t do what they want to as often?

And to hell with PvP balance - faction balance wasn’t enforced on PvP realms in the past, and it’s no excuse to hold people hostage now.


seconded. let us be free please. PVP ↔ PVE


I hope the feeling you have somehow fixes time zone differences as well! Because that will a major issue in any interaction between OCE & US.
At the moment on shadowstrike, I’m having no issues finding groups for relevant content. Is it overflowing as it was in phase 1 or 2? Of course not, a lot of the players dropped off due to phase 3 being dragged on for such a long period of time.

If you’d like to have an all-inclusive ‘do everything content even if its 4months old’, make a cross-realm LFG tool for it. It’s done on retail with no issues. Only a few things in the world require ‘groups’, and can all be done by finding a guild, the 97% of all group content is inside instances (raids/dungeons) or battlegrounds.

Just make sharding/zoning for old group content in the world that can be found if it’s so desperately needed.