Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Looking through some common questions, FCMs ignore some common Paid transfer restrictions such as level restrictions, gold restrictions. But you will have to no longer be a Guild Master.

Also, yes, these transfers ignore Faction restrictions, you will still be able to get all your characters on one realm. This has always been a ‘dirty secret’ of these free character moves when offered from PvP to PvP. We’re discussing if we want to remove this PvP faction restriction entirely on these realms post-merge. Regardless, intentionally disruptive gameplay such as cross-faction griefing will still be against the Terms of Service.

Oceanic servers are currently planned to be included in this FCM offering, but we are open to feedback on this. The Oceanic PvE realm no longer sustains actual group play, and the PvP realm is looking worse for ware, we feel that a higher ping but actual ability to find groups for content supersedes lower ping times but we are open to feedback and opinions on this.

As always thank you for your feedback!