Realm Consolidation Update - Oceanic Realms

OCE players chose SS as a low ping PvP server. That is now dying. The transfer to CS is 200ms slower which makes some difference to PvE and a huge difference to world PvP. Those are big penalties combined. Due to the small population, the effect of opening SS->WG would be small, except for the players themselves that would not have the PvP penalty (unless they choose to) and a smaller PvE penalty. Players who chose a NA PvP realm are not having similar penalities, so it’s not the same situation


(post deleted by author)

doesnt matter, all or none. yall wanted to be on NA servers, take it or leave it.

Thankyou GarnetHound. You and your team have done the best you can to support the OCE population with this change


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Feel free to stay on SS.

All paying customers deserve to make their own choice.

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Thank you Legends!!!

Given the higher ping for most oceanic players transferring to Crusader Strike - please enable the option for Shadowstrike to transfer to Wildgrowth as the majority would rather the lower ping on a PVE realm as opposed to being handicapped with a higher ping on a PVP realm.


Thank you!

As a Penance player this is much appreciated that it wasn’t delayed any longer :slight_smile:

where is elron?



Thank you blizz :slight_smile:

yeah a lot of us would, too bad

Couldn’t even give us a US West option. You’ve sent us back further than Warcraft III, nice one.


Thank you very much for sticking to the plan (this time). Did the name reclamation process actually happen?

Finally we’re free from the Curse of Elron


No comment on SS → WG transfers tho? Why can’t we play on a US West realm?


Can OCE transfers just choose where they wanna go? Wild Growth is the better option for us because its west coast (about 60 less ping on average) and not having to deal with world PvP on a ping disadvantage would be ideal.

Please allow shadowstrike → Wild Growth xfers


transfer started at 6 hours, took an hour to get down to “5 minutes”, stuck there for 30mins and now is upto 11 hours, what the hell is going on

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Wildgrowth has to be an option for Shadowstrike players, we have people who play from Perth and Darwin who can’t make CS ping work. I don’t think people understand how large Australia actually is.


because it would be a PVP → PVE transfer which they clearly arent allowing because of “faction balance”

but its not, can stay on SS if you wish