Realm Consolidation Update - Oceanic Realms

Bye elron I am not your prison boy no longer


Please give Oceania players the option to transfer from Shadowstrike to Wild Growth so that we may choose a US server which has a much lower ping than us.

While I prefer PVP servers, I’d prefer a lower ping PVE one.


Someone should check on Elron


You can stay on SS like you wanted. Other people are free to go.

This please

Honestly a good compromise. Two weeks is more than enough time for people from Penance or Shadowstrike to transfer back if the ping really is intolerable, and if their servers then die off even after they transfer back, they can also still free transfer again if they’re willing to adapt.

Good job Blizzard, rare W.

technically your realm is gonna die :joy:

nope unless theyre opening up all PVP to PVE

Not an oceanic player but it’s so rare this team produces a w that I have to give props

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Very happy for my friends over there in OCE servers, hoping the continue work from Blizzard’s end and support is continued for the future :ok_hand:t3:

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It’s a special situation as OCE players are facing an increase of 200ms. Going to WG is 50ms faster. The OCE population is small and many will be sticking to PVP server anyway. The impact will be minimal and it’s only to compensate players for the big ping hit.


stay on OCE realms then, either everybody gets to choose or nobody does.

Thank you for listening to the OCE Community, Blizzard!

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Thank you from my whole guild to you. We really appreciate you taking into consideration the FCM from Penance to Wildgrowth.

Thank you for the swift response and surprising outcome, a two way street is an interesting take. I endorse this action.

Thank you Blizzard for allowing players so much freedom to make their own choice!

What a great win for OCE.

A phenomenal outcome, thank you so much :slight_smile:

And thanks to all the people that don’t usually take to the forums, but did to let the voices of the majority be heard despite the relentless attempts of others trying to squash and smother your opinions.

Fantastic decision. Unfortunate that some tried to prevent this. Thank you for listening to the actual majority of OCE players. It’s still a shame about those worried about latency going from Shadowstrike to Crusader Strike. Would it be possible for them to transfer to Wild Growth if latency is an issue?


No Shadowstrike → Wild Growth option. Tragic. Likely the end of my raid grp & SoD journey. You’ve left WA players in the dust among others. That you’re not offering a US West option when there is one sitting there beggars belief. I have people in my raid group not willing to play on 270 ping and I don’t blame them. I will not rebuild this group after already rebuilding it after phase 3; I will quit. GG.


clearly the only option… glad it took 2 days to realise meanwhile all our character/guild names are gone, cheers