Realm Consolidation - Lava Lash

I don’t post to the forums. But I will for this. This is STUPID.

I am an old school WoW player, since 2004. Lava Lash was a call-back to the old days of Silver Hand, one of the original RP servers (remember Oxhorn? He was on Silver Hand.) I’ve been on RP-PvP servers. Some were ok. Some weren’t. Still play WoW on retail but… it’s not the same.

DON’T F-- WITH A GOOD THING. You have a good thing, Blizz. Don’t f-- with it.

Leave Lava Lash open. The people who come here WANT to be here.

If you build it, they will come.

PS I’m not f–ing leaving Lava Lash.


So basically “if you don’t have a queue timer to log in, there’s a problem” lmao.

To be fair, if you’re roleplaying a “casual conversation” out in the open on contested grounds filled with potential hostiles in a game setting about a war between two enemy factions, you’re either:

a) doing a very bad job at roleplaying or
b) a very good job at roleplaying a foolish character with a death wish.


It’s also really strange to close the only PvE RP server. I mean Bloodsail was beyond dead when I last played classic and that’s still open far as I know. This is also a seasonal version of the game so this isn’t a “well we’ll have to run low pop server for years” kind of thing. There is a definite ending for the season.

Just make it so accounts “new” to the server can’t use the free transfer as I would assume that’s why you are locking it. Then unlock the server… let players choose to leave or stay and have the potential for new players to come to the the sever.


Between the Cata server merges and now this, it hasn’t felt good to play Classic. My server can wind up dead and the only solution seems to be to move to another server I don’t know, with a community I may not like, and I’ll likely lose my character names in the process.


So what about the rest? Since we’re still locked off from our guilds?

Yes, yes please! This exactly


You know there is virtually zero chance of this happening. Stop lying.


Ok, so the server is no longer accepting new accounts. But isnt being shut down. Am i understanding that correctly?

Then you’re allowing free transfers out for all the folks that joined from the Streamer debacle among other blunders?

This sounds like a win. I think Tonn Dorcha will stay.

sigh been on lava lash since the beginning of phase 1. i joined this RP realm because i have no interest in the mega server hardcore progression that comes with normal, or PVE servers. i avoid the generally toxic PVP servers like they’re the scourge plague. tacking an RP- before PVP changes nothing. from what i have observed you have been systematically dismantling the SoD RP community. in that article you stated that “the Lava Lash roleplay ruleset realm isn’t where we want it to be.” we don’t care what you think. we think the server is perfect just the way it is. small and tight knit, hanging out and raiding with the same people day in and day out. its that sense of normalcy and comradery that we tend to crave when we play on RP servers. you sucker-punched us in our collective faces and sold it as helping us in that article. i read the other replies here before replying myself and know I’m not alone. you’re catering to a single toxic group gamers, while snubbing the rest of us and destroying our communities. you started this trend right as cataclysm was released in retail, and its been almost nothing but a down hill train wreck since then. classic was your one chance to redeem yourselves with the players you outed. you failed. keep disregarding the players’ opinions and desires and you’ll go right back to where you were before classic started. hemorrhaging subs without any real hope of recovery.

it’s simple. when you ignore us in your over-confidence that you “know” what you’re doing… we stop playing… you effectively kill the game. without us, you don’t have a game. and, you’re loosing us with every monumentally stupid decision you make… this being no acception.


I’m here in solidarity to the LL community. I’m sad to see them screw you guys over like this and looks like the complete opposite devs that we saw in phase 1…


I’m sorry to see this guys. So now they’ve destroyed a couple PVP servers, separated players from their friends and guilds who all moved to Wild Growth in the 1-2 hour windows they had open. And now they’re looking at taking a nice stab at the RP server people seem to be enjoying.

What’s next Blizzard? Should I let you lock me out of my own house so you can keep me from seeing my family and kids? You want the keys? I can mail them to you.

Yeah, Maybe I could just buy another house and make a new family. That’s for sure a solution.


it’s actually crazy how you guys continue to repeatedly do all of the wrong things whether it’s killing off communities like this [a community which would have been a large realm pop in classic, mind you] where people know eachother, there’s no lfg spam, there’s a healthy economy, etc, or with things like incursions and killing absolutely all reason to be in the game world.


Oh, Blizzard. Can you support RP community for once? It’s one of your most loyal player bases.


This right here, is an absolutely awful answer to a nonissue.
Please, please rethink this.
The server is fine. It does not need your help. Actively going out of your way to eviscerate it just because it does not measure up to some internal metric is ridiculous beyond measure.

You know, its funny, when you announced that you were putting an end to GDKP raids in SoD, Initially I was confused, and why? I had no idea it was so widespread on other servers, because OUR COMMUNITY here on Lava Lash didn’t have anything like that in the first place. I was so proud of our community when I realized that. After reading the horror stories that people had, people having the game reduced and distilled down to nothing more than just another job for people.

I try to keep up with the news, whats going on in the wider community. I see posts on reddit, and again, I am confused. There are screenshots of hundreds of bots lined up to farm gold in stockades. Not here on Lava Lash. Sure we may have a couple suspicious characters farming herbs or maybe fishing here or there, but nothing like I have seen in these videos. Our economy is thriving.

So what, that is it? It has been determined that our community isn’t worth saving? You are going to just lump us together with the masses? People with different values? Ask anyone on Lava Lash if this is a good idea. Wake up and look at the responses here. Hopefully you realize that what we have built here is something special, and what you are doing is a mistake.

I will not be transferring. My characters will die for this server.


LL and CB were fine, some people do not want to be on mega servers.


Is Merging with the other Locked RP SOD realm just not an option and conjoin the 2 servers like how in Dragonflight, servers such as Maelstrom and LightningHoof share a “Phase” or what ever the correct terminology used by the Developers is?


Well Said, I’m keeping an Alt there so I don’t contribute to the Server Death

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Maybe all of the DEVs should consolidate their horrible ideas and try to come up with a good one for once.


I cliked the wrong server by accident and was wondering if I should submit a ticket or will they offer transfer off CS too because I don’t wanna be on a PVP server !!


Honestly this to a T, this character is dead in the water on a pvp realm I can’t get it off of and I’ve enjoyed the community on Lava Lash and actually seeing a few people put their foot forward in RPing.
I do enjoy the irony of going radio silent for the precious state of balance on your grief servers so sadists can have their chance to corpse camp people in raids, but a wholesome community that’s nothing but friendly needs to be merged into one of two megaservers. Genius job there blizz!