Realm Consolidation - Lava Lash

Yeah, they probably shouldn’t lock the server. They’re not even going to shut it down.

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I think maybe the better way to handle was just let horde all transfer off and alliance have Lava Lash for themselves. The vast majority of us on horde side were begging for FCM. The situation was pretty bleak. We had 1/3 the population.

If you wanted an RP ruleset to do well without the PvP appeal, then you should have removed the disconnect timers that have been posted about and reported numerous times: a bunch of players moving around, talking, and emoting being disconnected every 60 minutes to make sure they’re not trying to avoid queues is kind of … detrimental to RPers wanting to stick around and RP.

RPers have been reporting it since original Classic.


The position all RP communities are now in: Do I go to a community where it’s easier to find other RPers, but I might be constantly ganked and ridiculed by PvPers while I try to RP? There are no paid transfers for SoD, so if I don’t end up liking the PvP experience then I’m trapped. Or do I avoid the forced PvP gamble, but deal with it being a lot more difficult to find RP communitites? This will absolutely break up groups, and is in fact breaking up my friend’s guild right now.

Blizz, if you want to offer a free transfer out, fine. But locking the server is going too far.


It doesn’t matter if you care about the guild name recognition thing. Your concerns in this thread are related to having issues finding other players.

With so many people on WG and other servers already complaining about the same thing, there is no guarantee that this will fix the issue that you were having in the first place. What would have actually helped you is that LL coalition that others have mentioned.

Again if you do continue to have issues finding people, it would be nice to have an update, but it is clear from your attitude on this thread that this will never happen. Your bragging about laughing at others who aren’t happy proves that your ego won’t allow it.

Also, it was never required for you and your small group to roll on LL. The factions on WG were not restricted at the start as it is PVE and the server was never locked.


They should have never done PvP servers to start with. Do Warmode and solve all your damn problems.


how did microsoft come up with the amazing diea of getting rid of the only PVE RP server lol


OK? Grats on being part of the <20%.


5 minutes on Wild Growth and you’ll see more posts for Sunken Temple than 2 hours on Lava Lash.

Guilds die because the GL loses the motivation to recruit. That’s basically it. If you put in the recruiting effort on a large server, it’s not that hard to keep it going.


This is a terrible decision and I will not be transferring


CS won’t be easier to find RP unfortunately. It’s a meme server.


I don’t know a good solution for horde side-RP.

I tried on Bloodsail back in Classic, but RP-PVE has been notoriously low population horde-side all the way back since vanilla.

I attempted to go horde on bloodsail, but ended up having to leave because it was vacant.

However merging it with a normal server ruins the alliance side, which is the problem here.

No. Stop.

For the love of god, I don’t have any interest in going to a RP-PVP realm. ESPECIALLY ONE THAT’S NOTHING BUT FULL OF TOXIC PLAYERS DUE TO IT BEING THE STREAMER SERVER.

It’s okay for there to be small realms! Not every damn realm needs to be gosh dang mega server!

You are actively killing the ONLY PVE-RP server on SOD.

Blizzard STOP. Please for the love of god.


A small indie company like Blizzard needs time to figure out realm management, folks.


:crab::crab: $19 per month :crab::crab:

:crab::crab::crab::crab: blizz still can’t pay their devs good wages or hire more to monitor their servers :crab::crab::crab::crab:

:crab::crab::crab::crab: RPers get shafted once again by 0 moderation at launch and is once again punished to go to faerlina 2.0 (CS) :crab::crab::crab::crab::crab::crab:


please for the love of god reverse this decision, lava lash is fine :frowning: im really sad


Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!

What the heck is wrong with you people!?!


Time to level a bunch of level 10 alts to transfer gold because for some reason there’s a 500g cap until level 51.

What a sh!tshow.

I’m very aware of what recruiting for guilds is like, I’ve run two of them that lasted for over 3 years. How many long-running guilds have you done leadership in?

On top of that, I was a frequent poster and lurker on the guild and raid leadership forum that used to be here about 10 years ago.

I found it easier to recruit on servers with a medium-high population by Classic standard. When there are too many guild choices players tend to not show up or hop around a lot. My last guild survived an Earthfury > Faerlina transfer, but finding a quality fit was 10x harder on the new server. 75% of the guilds that transferred with us died, and a lot of those leaders had hope that the new server would be the fix for recruiting woes, and they did try.

This is off topic for this thread really though, regardless of anything this does harm the RP community and it hurts the people who like smaller servers.