Realm Consolidation - Lava Lash

Here’s an example, I’ve been trying to do a few group quests on my shaman for weeks. Have been posting in LFG multiple times a day every day. Asking in trade chat. Radio silence. Within 30 minutes of asking on WG I am getting whispers. Feels pretty nice to be able to do actual group content.

I’m not disregarding anything. People are disregarding the actions that they CAN take themselves.
I see the concerns, but I don’t think they are valid when the answer is in front of them.
Nothing is stopping anyone from taking their communities with and forming new ones.

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I love that your first response isn’t to the servers you screwed over but to a small RP server, which isn’t having the problem that you claimed you did this for in the first place!



You’re completely missing the point.

It already feels like a high-pop server from Vanilla. It’s not some desert with 2 people on at peak hours.

We already have issues with too few nodes for too many people, ESPECIALLY compared to Vanilla server sizes vs node spawns.

Then you want to take the single refuge server us RP-ers have and say “Go and do it in a crowd of people on a normal PVE server”?

Have you ever even RPed at all???


RP servers exist to foster a sense of camaraderie and familiarity among players, which contributes to the laid-back, casual, and sometimes competitive atmosphere they enjoy. This feels like an attempt to exsanguinate the Lava Lash player population via free transfers. While there will be plenty who will rally to stay (cheering for you) there will be a portion of players who will take this free transfer to avoid the “Dead Server” risk.

By doing this, you are also putting an unnecessary amount of pressure of guild leaders and raid leaders; some now scrambling to figure out what to do. What good comes from fragmenting raids and forcing people to adjust to an entirely different raiding environment?

-Farming mats becomes ten times more challenging on a popular server.
-The game economy is vastly different between both servers.
-Consumables arguably more expensive.
-Pugging will be wildly different.

Have you consider proper faction balancing with these transfers?

This is the wrong decision to make on so many levels, and so many of your players here have taken time out of their day to explicitly outline why they feel this way. It’s a disservice to your dedicated player base to not consider their opinions.

And to encourage players to opt into the free transfer, after so many had a terrible experience when Chaos Bolt blew up… are you serious?

That’s your resolution?


Yep. I RPed on a PVP server on retail. No-one ever bothered me or my friends. Best of luck!

Yes because RPing with no one is most certainly amazing! I’ll RP with myself! Pay for a transfer if you hated the server, they existed.


This tbh.

Crusader Strike is rp-pvp by name alone. 0 rp as it got flooded by non rpers and shooed a lot away. Add in the fiasco with chaos bolt transfers and now Lava Lash…

I think I’m done with SoD as well.


This is a bold-faced lie, I’ve phased into major realms and been harassed just because they seen the realm ‘Moon Guard’ next to my name.


LOL it definitely is a desert on horde side. I guess they could have just let horde all transfer off and let alliance have that server by themselves though.

Yep. Nothing seems to change does it? Right back where we were before classic… and what lead to that was Blizz’s refusal to listen. Here we are again and people are leaving.


Maybe I’m just lucky, but unless you’re me you have no right to say it’s a lie.
I’ll point out that you’re being judged by your realm name, and I did not have a realm name issue.

Paid transfers do not exist in SoD, where have you been? The only way to transfer is when they open up FCM.

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I can most certainly call your bluff. I’ve been kicked out of raids for it too, when I’m literally parsing better then most of them in it. People are very, very, very judgemental toward RP’ers. And finding other RP’ers on PVE/PVP servers will be next to impossible so good luck even generating RP that aren’t pre-based friendships.


Okay. Still not a bluff or a lie.

They exist literally right next to the free character transfer option? Huh?

The option is there for other non SoD realms.

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I realize they exist on the screen but go ahead and pay for one and see what happens. You’ll be writing blizz asking for a refund.

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Then open up transfers for the day for free for anyone that wants off, don’t lock the server and then let us continue on our way? Or open up character transfers, if the tech literally exists. I don’t see why we have to kill our server regardless? lmao