Realm Consolidation - Lava Lash

I can see offering transfers out for those who aren’t having fun, but forcing ALL of us out? Locking the realm ensures that it will factually die now, when ppl want to make new chars here and can’t. This is the only PvE RP server. Not all RPers want to be ganked by max lvl raiders and then have their corpse camped for an hour while they try to RP, and it is very difficult to find RP communities on mega servers. Even going cross realm would make more sense than this. I’m not really a fan of that either, but it’s better than THIS.


I hate to tell you, but in regards to the history of WoW and it’s realms, Wild Growth is not a megaserver.
Your communities won’t die if you take them with you. What will kill your communities is refusing to play.

I’ve always thought they should just use cross-realm tech, but that won’t stop people from complaining about it unfortunately.

It cannot cost more than $1,500 per month for the server infrastructure maintenance, and that cost is easily absorbed by five twenty-man-raiding guild. I’m pretty sure there’s more than five guilds actively raiding ST Lava Lash.

This migration is going to cost you paying customers, and for what? So you can save $1500 a month? You break up every single raiding guild on Lava Lash with that move. And every one that doesn’t reform is $300 in monthly revenue that you lose. I’m willing to bet you’ll lose at LEAST five guilds.

You need to call a meeting and do a cost-benefit analysis immediately. This is a stupid play. The people who are in SoD are already in here. You’re not going to suddenly have a surge of new people who boost interest or subscribership here by 100%. THIS is the SoD community - they’re actively paying for it. And this server migration foolery is going to cost you chunks of that community and all of its potential revenue.


People have every right to be upset- your take on this is absolutely delusional. PVE realms don’t really have a history of respecting roleplayers and CS is a disaster hellscape. People want a smaller vibe and aren’t happy with this decision. They’re losing their character names, they’re losing connections and familiar faces. It’s not really funny seeing people upset, you’re just not nice.


Here. We go. Again. It’s literally Chaos Bolt all over again.


Take your communities with you if you don’t want to lose connections. I argue there’s nothing to be upset about and that’s why it’s funny.

I’m gonna guess the people upset are all alliance. Alliance on LL more or less felt okay but horde side felt like a ghost town. I am shocked at how many people were in Orgrimmar. More people in Org at 2pm than I see at 7pm on a Friday night on LL. WAY more. And LFG Bulletin board actually has something in it.

Thats your opinion. To me it is. I have played on small RP servers since vanilla. I hate mega servers.


Except for Roleplayers who can’t roleplay in the open on those two other servers without likely being ridiculed and trolled.


Only about 20% of guilds survive server transfers.

If there were already guild population struggles that number goes down.

This isn’t more known just because when servers are so big that there is next to no guild name recognition, it goes unnoticed.

You might think this transfer is a magic bullet to save the guild, even though it’s not. People on the biggest SoD servers have recent threads complaining about their guilds not making it regardless of the 13k+ server population.

It would be nice to see an update on your guild, but if the guild doesn’t survive there’s about a 0.0001% chance of that happening. People don’t like to admit when they are wrong.


We don’t really care if we’re recognized on the realm. We are a small group of players focused on progressing within a small community. We pretty much only play with each other.

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Hmm. And yet my guild on CB was dying and after we transferred to CS we recruited and our #'s were as high as they ever were on CB.

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Try roleplaying in stormwind on some non-RP, mega-kek-streamer server.

The only interactions you’ll get is ridicule.

Leave us ONE server!
RP-Servers have nicer and tight-knit communities. You’ll dilute if not destroy the entire community by dumping us on some non-RP mega server.


That’s the issue, she doesn’t care about the roleplayers on the roleplay realm at all. She only see’s her own issues and tries to validate them while ignoring all concerns from everyone else.


Totally not wizard.

You can RP on a dying server just fine. Try finding a group for anything horde side. Damn near impossible.

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Ya I’m not sure why someone would post what you reponded to on an alliance toon. The LLC Lava Lash Coalition has solved most problems by simply allowing people to post what they need on a discord with a bunch of other guilds. You don’t need your guild to get “bigger” when you have a pool to recruit from for your raids.

This move by Blizzard isn’t going to enhance anything for alliance side.

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Take your roleplay communities with you and /ignore everyone that doesn’t play nice.
It’s still not a mega server, just because it has a normal healthy population.

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I don’t think you understand the pain that players/guilds/communities have dealt with already with the closure of CB, and how many people have tried out mega-servers like CS and came running back to the smaller servers.

More people does not directly equal better experience. Our guild came from CB when that nuke was dropped with roughly 40-50 players. In our time here on LL, we have expanded to be able to run 3 full raid teams, and that is just our guild. Never once have I felt a huge imbalance in trying to find groups on this server, with guild members or pugs. I am sorry to hear you have not had the same experience, but for the CB refugees, LL has been fantastic and has felt healthy the entire time we’ve been here. <3