Realm Consolidation - Lava Lash

Bliz on Friday: We will update you Monday on PvP->PvE transfer situation.

Monday: No communication

Tuesday: No communication

Wednesday: No communication

Thursday: No communication

Friday: Hey guys so we’re basically deleting the RP realm.

Still no communication about the original discussion. It’s really hard to believe they care even a tiny bit. How hard would it be to just write a paragraph on Monday and say they’re still working on it? So ridiculous.


What an insanely tone deaf approach to take to this. The reason RP players go to these servers in the first place is because PvE/PvP simply doesn’t offer what they’re looking for. Non-RP players go here because the community is nicer and more lowkey overall. To block out Lava Lash entirely and make the next best option RP-PvP ruins the point, because PvP players operate completely differently. As do strictly PvE players. Not to mention, Lava Lash is still a medium population server, and yet you act like it’s a dying wasteland. Letting players transfer for free/discount is fine if they aren’t enjoying the smaller population, but there’s no need to freeze character creation and close the curtain on it entirely.

This ultimately boils down to: “We claim to care about the RP players and don’t want to ruin the connections they have with each other, so we leave them alone. But Lava Lash’s population is slightly lower than normal, so we’re going to immediately intervene and freeze character creation, making the realm’s population worse in the long run and potentially ruin guilds. Hope that helps.”

Just because you guys don’t get the appeal of smaller servers and RP style doesn’t mean it’s lesser. This entire decision screams corporate blindness, only caring about numbers and money and subscriptions, not a single thought to whether or not your players are actually happy. I have friends who are now torn because they want to stay with their guilds, but their guild is going to the PvP realm, which they hate. This can literally be solved by, again, only allowing transfers for the people who aren’t enjoying the smaller population and NOTHING MORE. If you can’t help but go to more extreme measures, then just leave these realms alone.


Lava Lash or Bust.


R.I.P. Shirt


This is stupid. I like smaller servers. Stop forcing mega servers. Mega servers ruin the community aspect of this game.



A good portion of what made people enjoy Vanilla were the smaller more community-driven servers.

In fact, I was just thinking the other day how I thought it was actually TOO BIG for my liking.

Just let our server be the way it is!


Finally. Raiding has been virutally impossible on Lava Lash. Been waiting on the free transfers.

Some people had no choice but to come here when SoD came out. Thank you for letting us leave for a bigger / better server.

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I’ve been on this server since launch. SoD has been so interesting to me, it even finally convinced me to give RP’ing a shot. I’ve met great people on this server. I’m honestly a little scared to see who will get lost in the move…


All other servers were locked when I started and I don’t have the time to level up and gear all over again. This is much needed.

maybe you should have joined a guild. there are so many pug runs going on. sounds like you didnt put any effort into your raiding experiance. so thats on you bud


I am co-raid leading.
Since phase 2 ended we have not had the capability to expand.
We do not have time to post for our raid 2-4 hours ahead of time.
Don’t make assumptions that you don’t know.

Dammit ALL my toon names are taken on WG, that’s the most upsetting thing to me…at least make it a merger not just free transfers. Plus I agree that lava lash is completely fine the way it is but hey probably costs blizz more to keep the server up with lower subs so our opinion will not matter as usual

RIP lava lash :saluting_face:


Cross realm would arguably be better than forced transfers, but people would complain about that as well.

Please don’t close Lavalash - I’ll be done with WOW 100%


This sucks and I’m in the same boat as some others here. If you go through with this I’m done with SoD. Server is dying? Yeah, lets KILL IT HARDER. Stupid.


I’m going to twitter and tweeting at aggrend. This is unacceptable.


Honestly it’s funny how many people are complaining.
Arguably your gameplay will be enhanced by being around more players.
I like small tight-knit communities as well, but you cannot form those communities if there’s no-one to form them with.
Meet new people, your game will get a lot better.

@Fwoibles please don’t shut down this server or consolidate it. The community and flavor here is unique and generally healthy. It is what many of us want. And the vocal minority is just that.


We don’t want to be on a mega server. We like our smaller server. I’ll just unsub. I refuse to play on a mega server.