Realm Consolidation - Lava Lash


And for the love of god, no 500G gold cap. You’re not ‘forcing’ transfers directly, but we all know how CB ended up after just 3-4 weeks, if you don’t transfer you’re alone with 50 items on the auction house.


The dust has not settled, you said you would open transfers monday then didn’t and this is the first you or anyone else has mentioned it. People got stranded on servers when their groups left and the short transfer windows closed. Fix it immediately or lose more subs.


Lava Lash is fine. Leave us alone.


I see that zero lessons were learned from what you guys did to Chaos Bolt.

The Classic Dev Team is an actual clown show.


Lava Lash was surviving. We had coalition discord servers. Now the server is definitely going to die, by Blizzard’s own hand. How can you leave us with no RP realm at all??


This is an incredibly short-sighted and out-of-touch decision and absolutely disregards the realities of the community and server designations. As people have already mentioned, CS is a PvP server with a fancy title: I was griefed attempting to RP there a lot, despite it presumably being a server where RP was acceptable. That same griefing will occur on Wild Growth, and neither server would be able to support the kind of community that has built up on Lava Lash. This server is a home for a lot of people despite what your analytics may say, and there is absolutely no reason to close the only remaining RP server in SoD.


Thank you a lot!!

Lava Lash Players: "We love it here on this server!

Blizzard: “You think you do, but you don’t…


Chaos Bolt US
Lava Lash US



Ya a choice between a RP-PVP or a PVE server… this is right up there with most of the choices made for SoD. Perhaps if the Dev Lead had been held accountable early on the population of this version of the game would still be up there or even growing.


“…not where we want it to be.” is corporate speak for “we’re under the minimum subscriber threshold to justify the expense of this realm”.

Today, it’s free transfers. Next, it’s sunsetting the realm entirely.

I knew I should have stayed the hell away from SoD. Blizzard just cannot help themselves. They create something good, and then destroy it as quickly as they can.

This ends my SoD experience. I’m so done with Blizzard.


Whoever is suggesting this at Blizzard needs to be fired. This is a stupid, consumer-unfriendly decision, being made by someone who is incapable of grasping the larger picture of World of Warcraft gaming.

This is an active server, where people have been enjoying ongoing content from the Season of Discovery, and maintaining this service is something everyone here actively pays for. Sure, shutting down this server might save a few dollars, but it will cost you customers as well. The net benefit to your bottom line is zero.

Furthermore, Classic Era (non-SoD) servers that are nearly empty are still running. As someone who RPed on Bloodsail Buccaneers (Classic Era, non-SoD server), I can tell you it was EMPTY before the Hardcore players got involved. And as of today it’s still pretty empty. I don’t see you trying to migrate that server, and there far-far less of a community there than on Lava Lash.

You guys need to call an internal meeting, right now, get the guys in front of you who are making this decision, and ask them “What’s best for the company? Pinch a few pennies on server costs? Or retain your customers whom are already giving you money?”

Schedule the meeting. Because this is stupid and whomever thought of it should be fired.


Don’t waste your breath. Blizzard’s logic is just because one or two people complain on the forums that a server is dead condemns the whole server. Nevermind these servers are far larger than 2004 or even 2019 standards.


you so destroyed our guild on Chaos bolt. only at first allowing us to go to a mega server. realized you guys %^$#ed up hard !!! then lets us go to lava lash to save what little sanity and desire we had left to play. now your doing this to all of us agian?! why??? because your opinion is worth more then all the players that are currently loveing an enjoying Lava lash. because you have zero understanding of what actual RP is??? your more or else forcing people to pick CATA or retail, so what was the point in SoD then. please reply back to me blizzard??? STOP MESSING WITH OUR RELAMS and focus on your ^%&$ing jobs not how happy we are as a server. thats not ur concern. WHAT IS YOUR CONCER is fixxing all the class’s and balancing them. and maybe even all the buggs and glitches your having with the cata release??? huh??? maybe thats more important!!! since half the quests in cata are bugged or just not there. or the fact that we didnt have GUILD CHAT for 3 days!!! like pick your battles u can win. stop trying to fight the community


It’s fine alliance side but is damn near dead horde side. Impossible to do anything as horde.


I specifically wanted to come to this server BECAUSE it’s smaller. I’ve played in high population realms and they sucked. Could never get quests done because there were always 50 other ppl swarming the area. Couldn’t afford anything in the auction house. Couldn’t find a laid back guild that did anything other than raid (believe it or not, some of us like wow for other things besides raiding). Significantly more harrassing whispers from gold sellers. Never was able to get those limited crafting patterns from vendors because there were always 6 ppl botting near them at all times, even at 3am. It was just awful. I went to Lava Lash BECAUSE it’s Medium. It’s the perfect amount of players to be able to do everything and have fun, without constant over population issues. I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do about this.


Well class, today we learned not to go near any future projects this team might be trusted with.


The only reason I reactivated was SoD

I will not play on a toxic server

Guess you lose my money :man_shrugging:t2:


Leave us alone we are happy with our community


Drake and Josh’s amazing entreprenurial vision of what a classic server should be strikes again. Was killing Shirt not enough? Acquired a taste for blood?