Realm Consolidation - Lava Lash

Living Flame - US is where im playing now. Its in a terrible place population wise. There are 5-10 times more LFG bulletin board posts on wild growth at all times. There are literally only 2 guilds that raid around the time I get on (10pm server) I need a transfer off this barren, dead, server.




My guild has been here just over a month from CB, and now we have to deal with this all over again?

Why didn’t you guys just open transfers to whatever severs people wanted at the time?

Jesus Christ


So there is no other RP non pvp server why are we being forced to a pvp RP server?


Blizzard, please hear us here. I BEG you. People who have been here on Lava Lash from the beginning are here for one, or several, very specific reason(s).

  1. We do not want to play on a megaserver.
  2. We do not want to play with toxic a$$holes.
  3. We do not want to play with griefers/griefing going on.
  4. We do not want to play on a server with an overinflated economy due to general degenerate behavior.
  5. We want to play on a server where we recognize people running around in the world, on a humble server that is small, with intent.

You may not like the fact that it has a small population, but it is VERY important to those who are here. I, for one, have loved playing on this server since day one, and I am sure many others feel the very same way.

If you must know the reason behind a decline in raid participation (if you somehow don’t already know…), the reason is/was the change from 10man to 20man size. This has killed a great many guilds on the server, fractured those that didn’t fully die, and splintered communities. We, citizens of Lava Lash, have gotten creative and created a coalition Discord server for our people called Lava Lash Coalition, where guilds have their own channels within, and work together with each other to fill raid groups and press on with raiding the 20-man size successfully. We love this server, and have the will to survive.

If you want to fix raid participation, create two raid configurations for each raid from here onward: One for 20-man difficulty/size, and another for 10-man, and allow the raid leader to toggle between them before entering the raid. If you must, lock us out of both difficulties upon killing a boss in either to avoid overfarming or any other degenerate abuses.

Please do not kill us the way you killed Chaos Bolt. I really, sincerely hope the devs see this. SoD has been great so far, don’t kill your own game.



Very very disappointed to see this, I’ve really enjoyed LL since the start of P1 and thought the community size was just fine, never had problems filling or finding groups for anything. Would love to see this reconsidered to keep an RP realm open.


Just commenting in this thread to show my full support to the Lava Lash community.



Well said! I sincerely second this statement.


People on Lava Lash have been playing there because it’s a tight knit community and literally the only RP realm left. Crusader Strike is NOT an RP realm, at best it’s a streamer-chosen realm, at worst it’s a cesspool of griefers. And you’re choosing to do this now, at the time of cata pre-patch and during the phase with the most lackluster gear pool in a raid so far? Lava lash may not be heavily active, but the people here like the community they have, and after a few weeks we’ve actually managed to figure out the raiding situation on the server with a whole community coalition of raids, and NOW you do this? And now there won’t be ANY true RP servers in SoD. Great job guys, can’t wait to see what the next screw up is.


Our server was fine and those of us playing here regularly were happy here. I’m very upset with this decision.


And at least give us information! How long are the Realm Transfers up? Is there a way to make a petition to keep Lava Lash open? Any sort of information would be good.


Our realm has more than enough people. There are no population problems, please don’t do this.


Simon, couldn’t agree more. This is how many of us from Chaos Bolt felt. Lava Lash has a similar tight knit community, sorry it’s happening here, too.


Stop touching my stuff


Your presence is requested in the PvP → PvE free character move thread that has been ignored since last week


I feel bad for anyone who is forced to come to CS with the intention of role playing lol. This server is just another PVP realm.


Who is this supposed to help? Where exactly do you “want it to be”?


Crusader Strike is RP only in designation, it does not behave like an RP server in any way. Just be aware in case you’re eyeing it.


Can you at least remove the names from inactive accounts so we can keep our names? Or at least get the names back we lost leaving chaos bolt?

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I don’t bear any ill will towards you personally, as you’re just the messenger, but you can tell your superiors that they’re going to generate a lot of vitriol for this decision. I hadn’t played WoW since the original end of Classic approximately 4 years ago. I decided to give SoD a try and found a wonderful community in Lava Lash.

Lava Lash is an overall friendly community with lovely individuals. The culture is laid back, jokes are plentiful in the world chats, and we recognize each other’s names. It is the peak Classic experience, in my eyes. I have never had so much fun with WoW as I have with this community.

What you’re doing as a company is killing off yet another server to consolidate players onto mega servers with transactional cultures, issues with widespread botting, and more toxicity. You’re taking a much loved community and bashing it to pieces to save pennies on the dollar. It’s a blatantly cheap move and it deserves the condemnation it receives. People have already complained about how limited the resources are for the Classic team, and then you make it even more apparent that management is filled with misers who will pinch every penny no matter how much it angers the customers. You’re gambling that people will tolerate this behavior and not just cancel their subscription once you butcher everything they love about the game. The word of mouth you generate from this decision is “don’t touch this game” from anyone whose friends are at all curious about WoW.


This is such a bad idea, please do not do this. Leave Lava Lash alone…