Realm Consolidation - Lava Lash

Even better, the backhanded tone-deafness that translates to “take your stupid RP communities to a PVP realm. That can’t possibly end in disaster.”

Roleplay servers were generally havens from the toxicity that infested larger normal and pvp servers. They aren’t without their own toxicity, but in general were more pleasant communities of people. Sadly Chaos Bolt and Lava Lash were murdered for no reason, because it was decided that they got too small for Blizzard’s new megaserver ideology. Would they have died anyway? Maybe, but we don’t know that for sure, Blizzard has killed any chance of it


If they make it to WoD it’ll just be 1 mega server anyway

I was on the forums decrying GDKP before the ban along with everyone else, but I was fortunate that I never saw one posted on my server in SoD.

Made me love the server not having to actually experience the things I saw people complain about here, and when I saw that stuff en masse when I rolled on a different server with a friend, I loved it even more.

We are chugging along in LL… not alot of us, and very little raids, but we do help out and run dungeons, AH is empty… but alot of trade is done face to face through LFG, and people run to help… no layers, no lag, and a wast wilderness… im having fun and thats what matters !


Admittedly, this was also the coolest era of end of BC Classic Deviate Delight. Hordeside there was literally about 8 of us left actively playing, and it was really fun to basically play at being pioneer town making it all work for one another.

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If only we could have confirmation from Blizzard that the small-town-vibes fun on Lava Lash won’t be prematurely ended by a server shutdown like the small-town-vibes fun on Deviate Delight was.


Blizzard has heard your pleas!

They just don’t care at all. This is not on their radar. They would rather lose subs than respond do this in any way.

SoD is a dead/dying game :expressionless: server consolidations are expected

Aparantly LL is unlocked again ?.. And in large the State of SoD no matter the server is lacking, due to Cata and MoP, but we will see spike in people playing when P4 drops, and frankly its allways been like this, there is a big player pool that hops to the latest, and rince repeat…

To give alittle advertisment for LL, if you want to HC, and want a calm enviroment, LL is perfect for you, as it is now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Saying goodbye to all the great folks of Lava Lash. My account ends in two days but I’m planning on being back for P4. Here’s hoping that LL will still be there when I get back!


Well, I’m happy to report GOOD NEWS, folks.

Blizzard has mismanaged SOD to the point where we’re down to a Single Layer on Wild Growth, and it feels like the old Lava Lash! Way to go!!

And none of that pesky “role playing” and “community feel” either. Just thousands of guilds down to a few players, and a bunch of random people clinging onto the corpse of a game.

Heck of a job!


Now the megaserver feels like old lava lash. Good job blizzard

Seems like it’d be a sweet job communicating with the subscribers that pay your bills as a Blizzard employee

you just don’t have to do anything at all and checksinthemail


Good move. Now, when are you guys going to consolidate Classic Era? The whole damned thing is dead.

Pops are low enough now that they could just consolidate into two servers. One for PvP and one for PvE.

If we wait another month or two we can just do one single server with war mode.

plz blizzard just conslidate the seasonal. even if a large portion come back for p4 it will still not be the hype that it was at p1 launch when it was brand spanking new

Should allways be a pve, pvp and rp server… those are the core ways, and been since the birth of wow


free seasonal transfers when?

I’ve been away from SoD a few months. When I saw that Phase 4 was live, I came back to the game with excitement. I belonged to an EXCELLENT RP guild called “Quality Fish Vendor,” and was looking forward to reconnecting with my guildies. The guild was filled with wonderful, generous people, and we had fun RP events.

However, I logged in recently and discovered that I was no longer in a guild, and that the guild no longer exists. The guild leader has apparently deleted his toon, as well. Their Discord page is gone. I can only guess that they were fed up over this lack of respect for players and stopped playing altogether.

Lava Lash was a special place. I’m deeply disappointed in Blizzard and I am indeed pissed off at this bone-headed decision. I echo the thoughts that have already been expressed in this thread by others.

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