Realm Consolidation - Lava Lash

Had a great time waiting in a log in queue today before my raid! Was definitely a great use of my time!

at least I can play pandaria with my friends (that I’ve been cut off from on SoD then been ignored by the devs for nearly a full subscription cycle)

Yep, we went fresh for Cata until Dawntrail or our subs end.

Still waiting on the devs to notice this situation they put us in

After looking at the Ironforge server numbers, of the players that left Lava Lash, and seeing that overall players are down on the receiving servers, it’s fair to conclude that some players did, in fact, quit over this decision. Conservatively looking at the numbers (it could’ve been over double), I concluded that approximately 1400 players are no longer present across all servers. Supposing only 12.5% of the missing players actually quit their subscriptions, and those players paid around $12/month, it can be estimated that this single decision cost Blizzards $25,000 dollars in annual income.

Literally doing nothing about the ‘lean’ numbers on Lava Lash would’ve been better for you and your customers, Blizz.

I mean, it’s a pretty small amount in the grand scheme of things, but that’s the amount of damage one post can do. It’s the equivalent of one employee ordering around 50 PS5s and then just dumping them out of the 3rd story window. At least THAT would’ve been entertaining to watch.


My guild had a rough time missing half the raid for 3 weeks thanks to these mishandled transfers, but we stuck it out this long hoping there would be some light at the end of the tunnel.

After the delay announcement today it came to a head and they decided to disband. Now I don’t have a reason to come back after pandaria remix, even if they opened transfers back up right now.

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Same with our guild. We’re waiting for Dawntrail now via Cata and just not coming back after this.


I have zero interest in playing Cataclysm. It was a clear end to the ‘old world’ and the narratives that came with it from WC3, and it started the decline that necessitated Classic in the first place.

The Classic devs lack self awareness and clearly didn’t learn any lessons from the vanilla WoW cycle. They’ll cash in and sell Warlords of Draenor bonuses while they ride the proverbial bomb to the very end.


It’s not just the money. It’s also something that looks bad on Blizz’ reputation. It lowers company goodwill as decisions like this make them look unreliable to their audience.


I’m not the one that planned to release 3 versions of WoW in the same month only to prioritize the cash cow over the passion project. Getting cut off from my friends and getting no response for a whole month is the worst experience I’ve had playing this game for 20 years.
These devs are asses.
I’ve been jerked around by loot councils, bad eggs, griefers, malicious officers, loot ninjas, drama mongers, countless raid groups and guilds falling apart for every reason under the sun. This takes the cake. Hands down the worst experience, and for what?
Who am I kidding, what’s even the point in asking. There will be no response. They do not care.


Everyone already done with pandaria remix because it was rushed and it’s the least consequential version of WoW ever pushed out.
Still no word on this from the devs. No mention of the server opening and closing again. No word about transfers off of crusader strike as promised weeks ago.

Really frustrated to hear this was locked again. I was disappointed with how this was handled but appreciated that it was salvageable for those who wanted a small experience or to recruit friends for private/special recruitment RP.

Someone somewhere now has “can use rumor and innuendo to drive customer behavior as needed” as a bullet point in their yearly review.

I’m not happy with the closure of Lava Lash, but I would still like to know what we should expect to happen to the server and when.


Still no word lmao these devs truly are cruel

Dont think anthing more will happen till P4, and even after that i doubt Blizz “can” close LL, since a RP server has its own ToS, blizz have legally sold us players a diffrent product then any other server… So for example me that is Euro, and protected by Euro consumer rights laws ,im fairly sure a company cant sell me product A, and then compensate me with a diffrent product B… so either give me the same product or, reinburse me for the time invested


The problem is their solution to this is that they are saying “Hey, go play on Crusader Strike, an RP-PVP Realm, or go play on the Normal Server Wild Growth”. So they are technically giving you product A, its just not the correct way.

You could be right, but i dont think so… and im “fairly” sure a court in Europe would back up the consumer in this case… To give you a example, if you buy a ticket to watch Taylor, and then when you are to enter the concert, they say sorry, you have to watch this speech with Bobby in how to ruin stuff… now, would you ask for your money back ?.. Either way im no lawyer and we can speculate, ultimatly its up to a court to decide :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’d be closer to getting a ticket to Taylor Swift, and getting inside and seeing Taylor Dayne perform instead. But I like your moxie.


never even played on rp realms, but you’re absolutely delusional if you think it’s that easy to " take your communities with" and not lose connections with all those little daily interactions with other random rp’ers in the world. They clearly had enough of a community on the realm for it to matter to them as a community, so why would your immediate take be to rag on them and tellem what’s good for them?

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