Realm Consolidation - Lava Lash

It’s possible they moved to Wild Growth and had to do some forced name changes.

Yeah. This whole thing has been a an excercise in “don’t invest in anything Aggrend is in charge of in the future because he’s gonna nerf your class, close your server and fail to deliver.”

Feel your pain. Sorry you came back to a dusty ruin. Hope you reconnect with your friends.


I like your name.

Also, I agree. I hadn’t played WoW since OG TBC and came back for this. I feel catfished. Extremely high chance I will never touch WoW again, and guaranteed chance I will not if I see any of the SoD devs have their hands in it.

Dropped the ball too many times on too many things that were important to me. The whole Lava Lash fiasco being just one of them.

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There is a petition started to re-open the server, people are still here, still playing, still working together.

Can’t post the link from Change dot org but if you look under Lava Lash you will find it.