Realm Consolidation - Lava Lash

It’s really Tom Eilis calling these shots not Aggrend tbf


I actually did say something on Twitter to Tom Ellis, asking why the people who just want instant gratification get everything they want and why RPers and community-focused players do not. No reply of course but a few days after that the weird unlocking thing happened.

Although who knows, things seem to be messed up all the time. They almost closed Earthfury at the end of TBCC without telling anyone too.


I don’t know why aggrend going on vacation means everyone else at Blizzard forgets how to log on too

At least aggrend said to message him there.

Pretty sure tom just ignores everyone everywhere.

Taking the free transfer to Noita, Baldur’s Gate III, Hades II, Rift Wizard II and ANIMAL WELL has been awesome actually.
Thanks Blizzard!


This got me to look up who Tom is, and while the LL CB decision is idiotic, as someone who still has Horde characters abandoned on Benediction, I’d applaud them for having the balls to turn Faerlina and Benediction back into PvP servers by merging them.

The players who turned those servers into pve by paying to further imbalance it (Blizzard’s fault for allowing it, tbf) destroyed my guild and I didn’t play for near the entirety of TBCC as a result. It’d be the ultimate schadenfreude to see them end up on an actual PvP server again.


That discussion and idea was interesting. Agreed. Them saying in there that Faerlina and Benediction are “fake PVP servers” was also interesting.

I only go onto Twitter/X to see Blizzard stuff.

Yeah… I was posting about all this server stuff for a year. I HATED what happened to those servers and I HATED watching the train wreck play out. Both the imbalance and just seeing the communities die.

On top of that, so many like minded people quit the game. Even in my guild a lot of the people who I got along with the best disliked both not having another faction to fight and the environment of Faerlina to where they quit the game. Most of the people who were left were the ones whose main reason to play is for WCL.

Had those servers been merged it sure would have led to an interesting result.

I don’t dislike the devs as people and they seem to have passion, and a lot of what they do comes from above them, but on the other hand, I just can’t agree with most of the decisions they make. I also think their main goal these days is to please the current majority and the people who are already happy with the game as it is now. :person_shrugging:


Should I make chocolate chip cookies with half and half white/dark chips, or full dark chips? Please advise.

Bg3 is hella good and Larian is a great company.

Blizzard take notes.


Full dark, are you crazy?

This is a madman for sure

Oh, I’m not moving either. I’ll keep meandering around the world and rescuing people in trouble where I can, and trying to give away anything I find that I can’t sell in the AH.

We’re spread kinda thin after all. May as well make sure everybody’s dressed comfortably.

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I’ve been checking this thread near daily hoping for a blue post to the effect of “We apologize for this mistake and will be enabling reverse transfers back to Lava Lash in the near future.”


I will continue to play on Lava Lash until it is shut down, if that comes to pass. If it is shut down, I will delete my characters on the last day of the server and leave SoD and Classic for good. The only kind of server I want to play on is an RP server and I like them better small, so I guess that’s just not in the Classic cards.


Wait a second… what’s wrong with white choco chips?!

Not sure I’ll be interested in anything happening in WoW Classic from here on out. It’ll have to be in Retail or reallllly special for me to chance rolling something in Classic again.


The taste, mostly. Too sweet for me in a cookie.

This is pretty much where I’m at as well.

Vanilla WoW is my favorite era of the game, but I—like many others who have posted here—prefer smaller servers with kinder communities. Roleplay servers have always fostered that. Seeing how Blizzard has handled Chaos Bolt and Lava Lash during SoD has seriously damaged my faith in their ability to deliver a cozy vanilla/Classic experience. It seems like all we can expect going forward is the boom and bust of seasonal megaservers and the increasingly cash shop-forward Classic progression realms.

I’d love for Blizzard to prove me wrong on this, but given how little communication we’ve seen from them regarding these sudden server closures, I’m not holding my breath.


this sucks


When does someone with permission to communicate get back from vacation?


I wonder what aggrend meant when he said “I’ll be back mid next week.”