Realm Consolidation - Lava Lash

Considering Deathwing flies in different zones to where his fire turns up I suppose they probably are.

Did they seriously just un-pin this hoping it would go away?

Aww, phooey. :pouting_cat:

You underestimate how much they haaaaaaate RP servers. If they can put a nail in this one, they’ll absolutely do it.

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They set a timer for the pin and when it expires it converts into a regular thread.

Can’t blame people for drawing conclusions when they’re left out in the dark like this

Can’t let the thread die

Greetings posters!

We know you’ve been having a BLAST with this thread, and that this thread has EXCEEDED ALL EXPECTATIONS for both the dev team and players.

However, we’ve noticed a slowdown in population in this thread, and to maintain balance and assure a GREAT EXPERIENCE for all thread posters, we’ve decided to unpin this thread, lock it, and open up FREE TRANSFERS to other threads.

Thanks for enjoying this Season of Discovery! See you in the game!



Fwoibles lied, guilds died.

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Wild Growth STINKS. The LFG is a spamfest, and cycling layers over and over is a drag. I hate it here bros…


I’d like Wild Growth a lot more if they’d open transfers and let me play with my friends again.

I won’t let them.
Doing my part to help keep it going.

Waving at lonely priests in Desolace is just part of the fun because I’ve interacted with the Vendor-bot in character too.

Could you please consider this move was not a good one and allow people to transfer to Lava Lash? I hear there are regrets from players out there who felt compelled to take the shuttle and they now want to return home.

Also I’d like there to be some elaboration why we could not have one rppvp and one rppve server. It would be nice to get some communication about that here rather than X but do you.


still waiting here too

WTF it’s locked again… for a few days I thought things might end up being okay.

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Such mishandling of it all. :frowning:

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so they noticed their mistake and locked it again but still haven’t bothered to update us on anything, very cool to pay these guys money and get treated like this


season of discovering reasons to play another game


Consolidating my playtime elsewhere.


Stop whining here, whine on aggrends twitter

This isn’t for Aggrend. This is to continue demoralizing the 50 people that still play so they unsub.

Once SoD is fully subless, Aggrend will get fired.

Blizzard will give him no communication or reasoning, just the pink slip.

Then he will know our pain.

Whining is not sufficient.

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