Realm Consolidation - Lava Lash

Good job on killing the server. idk anyone that WANTS to transfer to crusader strike and wild growth is more dead than lava lash.


not only that, a PvE server dosent have the naming ToS…


Wait, you’ve done this after leaving a stack of people in the lurch with your unannounced and entirely short transfer “window” to other servers, split friend groups in half, and now you’re shutting down a server nobody asked you to do.
How to say “We’re done with SoD” without having the balls to come out and say it.
I’ve been playing WoW since Vanilla, but I’m finally done. Exploring SoD was the only reason I was still sticking around, and you’ve managed to take a dump on that experience as well.


You could, for the last 2 weeks.

Doubt the true roleplayers will move, as they generally dont care about pop, in a sense a emptier server only benefits them, as they create their own events… that said, im not going to leave, im running Lava lash to the end… or there is a new RP server… if neither of those options exist, then its the end of the lone for me… or going back to BB and classic classic


Hi - Let me tell you something…

It is not any easier to recruit on a high pop server. You won’t expand.

This game is not gaining players, it is shrinking. People are already locked into their guilds, and if not, are drifters who will come and go. At best, you will get people’s alts who will disappear at the start of the phase as they go back to play with their real guild.

We went to CS from CB. It was easier to recruit and retain on CB than CS. The only thing you will find more of is people who pug.

Be careful what you wish for, but I do wish you the best. I hope that your experience has been better than mine.


No - at least Horde can’t. Transfers opened for like a few hours, been locked every since.

CS is cancer.


What she said, and once you leave its no going back… Crusader Strike, is beyond ruined server, sadly… Id rather start over on a new server then entire of the options given… a PvE server isnt a option due to the ToS, and as many of us can say, CS is just beyond broken, thanks to more or less one streamer


Thank you for being another voice of reason. Although I don’t think that poster will listen.

If the guild does survive that’s great, and really the transfer was forced, so I guess it’s good they are one of those who are happy about it. The negative comments from them about those who aren’t happy are offputting though.

I was just talking to someone from Windseeker wrath/cata whose guild was forced to move and they died over it. They were sad about it and I felt for them. They tried very hard to recruit after moving too. :frowning: They quit the game over it.

So seeing callous people disregard this reality and blame guild leaders like that shammy, people who probably have never in their lives led anything as they are taker types and not giver types, is rather annoying too.

There’s this whole grass is greener thing but it isn’t always.


Agree, but regardless, there is a more serious issue here, iwe played wow along time, i started on argent dawn RP server, wich was one of the first wow servers… and RPers allways been fighting a uphill battle, and as the OG dev posters, they been leaving rp servers alone, and for a good reason… many of these players, play on RP servers due to they generally have a difrent feel to them… and while RPers might not be many, their extremly loyal to the server they play on… this doesnt really leave many RPers a choise if their later forced to move… as this is about their play style, a PvE server isnt a option, and for many isnt a pvp server either, then we have the other issue with CS being, ruined… hope fully, blizz will leave the server alone, or atleast let it run its course


Yeah, not a fan of this decision at all. I started playing WoW in a serious manner (after dipping my toes during BFA I think it was) in SOD, on Lava Lash.

The people there (especially my guild, ASTRAL) really helped me learn the ins and outs of the game that I don’t think I ever would’ve understood naturally on my own or even by looking at WoWhead guides (seriously there is just something about many Wowhead guides that made them hard for me to parse when I first started). They helped me get immersed in just the game as a whole, to experience all the quests and dungeons this game has to offer, and how to turn off my Pet’s taunt so it doesn’t constantly steal aggro from the tank. I even learned, eventually, that not every weapon is a hunter weapon.

Yes, especially that fire spell damage dagger I rolled need on and stole from that gnome mage in my party in Darkshore; who I don’t entirely blame for leaving me to die when I mistakenly went after the elite Naga in that cave. I was too focused on number go up back then.

I feel that community will be entirely lost with this change. Like, there are so many people in this thread alone I lowkey kinda recognize. Especially people like Juhsttyss (hi you murdered me so much in STV I’m pretty sure lol)


Well for being an active co lead… You all weren’t in the LLC which would have made it far easier to find people than spamming.

Also you apparently only logged one of your ST runs and a lot of people will look at logs to see if joining your raid will be fruitful. It’s not about your parse or even being 8/8 just more potential progression than someone else they could join. Maybe you all had someone else spamming channels that has more logs available (I dunno).

Just food for thought it you are moving to the new server where there is going to be something like a factor of 10 more competition for people in needed roles.

edit to add Our raid lead posts sign up internally on our Disc after our ST is done for the week. Everyone in guild and regulars outside of guild know this and that they should sign up if interested. Why? Because a few days prior to raid the signup goes to the LLC with what roles we need. This is pretty much what every active guild in the LLC does and you can eliminate spamming channels “in game” entirely. So I was kind of surprised you all were not in the LLC. It was also posted in the LLC that most (not all) of the guilds have voted to move and to where. Along with the fact that the LLC will be moving there to keep it easier to organize raids. While still allowing the guilds that remain on LL to post their raids in the disc.


Just shut up lmao

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Reading all this makes me want to transfer TO Lava Lash. I love small servers where you get to know the people. I’m on Wild Growth and it’s really too crowded for my taste…


Aww :slight_smile:
Would love to welcome you to Lava Lash…
I sure wish you could create a new character there >.>


They’re probably doing it so people don’t use free transfers to bypass the faction locks, since they’re allowing transfers off to a PvP server. And so people don’t create characters on both factions on Crusader Strike.

The devs don’t like it because they have more issues, and tend to shrink faster than other realms.

Hey everyone, there will not be any additional transfers opening up this weekend. We’re giving these moves time to bake and seeing how populations settle before making more decisions on Monday.

Need an answer on this buddy lot of being stuck, lot of people unsubbing, lot of guilds destroyed. Fix this! Reply! be a man

It’s not. It’s a cold hard death. The GODS have interfered with the mortal world, prohibiting its expansion and dooming it to the saddest death.


Going to add my voice in support of keeping Lava Lash open!

Realm consolidations fracture communities and create a death spiral for games that do it. This is not a great look Blizzard and many people in the Lava Lash community are rightly upset. I’m one of them. I’m old enough to have played MMOs that are now dead because the creators of those games did EXACTLY what you’re doing now.

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning did this, they started nuking servers because the population of servers wasn’t where they wanted them to be, even though the people who played on the servers were perfectly fine. They also completely nuked RP servers entirely, which really annoyed the RP crowd. The death spiral that resulted from that as people abandoned Warhammer Online is what ultimately led to the game going F2P and then shutting down when even that didn’t stop the game from collapsing in on itself.

Now admittedly, World of Warcraft will not die from this, because you’ve still got retail, classic era, classic hardcore etc propping up the game and keeping the blood pumping. But people are going to lose faith in Season of Discovery quickly if you keep doing this nonsense. Why bother trying to make communities when the Blizzard overlords can sweep it away at a moments notice? Completely destroying all the hard work that went into building those communities.

And to make matters worse, Lava Lash is THE ONLY normal RP server! That’s all the RP Community has unless they want to jump on the RP-PVP Bandwagon and I CAN ASSURE YOU MOST RPers DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT!! So you’re effectively telling RPers that they don’t matter, go play on a regular PvE server or be forced into a PvP ruleset because we can’t be bothered supporting you anymore.

This is 100% a bad move and you should change course on it immediately, although, honestly? Something tells me it’s too late, you’ve already done the damage because people are going to start bailing on Lava Lash and hastening its death thanks to what can only be described as a blind, bullheaded move that will damage your credibility.


This is the first time ever or in a long time that I’ve seen or heard of Blizzard pretty much shutting down a realm for low pop and that’s concerning. For a company that has gone through many hurdles to avoid the impression of shuttering servers(linked realms, cross trading, etc), my fear is that this may be a new trend for other servers with smaller, more close knit communities.

I’m disappointed to see you all go this route and hope it isn’t a preview of more unempathetic decisions to come with more disregard to the people who make these worlds what they are.