Realm Connections -- September 10-11

Nice, that makes much more sense :smiley:

Thank you Blizzard my faith has been restored!! Woooo! More horde to korgath!

Burning blade is good thanks

Really wondering when we’ll hear about Uldaman / Ravencrest.

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Interesting. So from the sound of it we ( Frostmane, Ner’zhul, Tortheldrin, Cairne, Cenarius, Korgath, and Perenolde ) have all been added to Blackmoore ID 1168 to make it work ? Thank you for the information.

Yep it even hosts the cluster, if you scan any player from that cluster it will return a server ID of 1168 which would be that server… You don’t notice it because its hidden from the realm list as as such there wouldn’t be any players playing on it.

Than you! I was hoping to get connected to a realm I have other toons on, but this is still good news. Now we will have two dragons and two blades!

Have you seen Rexxar?! There’s like 2 guilds and you see maybe 5 people from your own realm on a good day.

I am surprised they haven’t made any connections for Rexxar/Misha yet.

That’s great and all but what about Saurfang? When a few of the top guilds left for Barthilas during Legion, we never really recovered…

YES I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS. Frostmane has been dead for too long. thank you blizz. can’t wait to get more people for my guild :smiley:

How have you guys still not touched several of the lowest population servers? Stop letting those poor bastards twist in the wind and do something and stop over looking them again.

Is this gonna result in more queues to login when SL drops?

Does “realm connections” mean merging realms?
Is this why Gundrak has been lagging for its American visitors? (its not our internet - we checked).

They could always cancel or delay prepatch to make up for it.

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Maybe if people were as vocal about their realm as I was about Garona they would have gotten connected faster.

This is the most silly connections I’ve ever seen, it doesn’t make any sense.
This does nothing for for the horde on Gundrak,Jubei,Dreadmaul and Thaurissan. Frostmourne has over 300 Alliance raiding guilds. Blizzard you have connected these horde realms with one of the most popular Alliance realm around with doesn’t need connecting with ANY OTHER OCE realm.

Guess my friends and I will not be playing or buying SL now. I guess the mess of CRZ / sharding is here to stay as well, yer no thanks Blizzard it’s classic only for me. Never touching retail again.

How in the hell does this make any sense? It does nothing for the 4 realms connected to Frostmourne.

all 4 of those realms get access to the auction house of Frostmourne, and it will give the horde on Thaurissian/Dreadmaul some company. :slight_smile:

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That is the ONLY benefit, what a mess these connections are. These realms should’ve been connected to Bath, at least you get the horde population and AH which benefits all connections. Frostmourne doesn’t need ANY connection with how many active Alliance players it has. That is such a mistake connecting any realms with Frostmourne. Sheer incompetence from Blizzard, sorry to say.

But the expanded economy is the whole point of the realm connections…

Pure speculation but they could add either AmanThul or Saurfang to Barthilias and then the remaining 3 clusters together and you have 3 servers with relatively healthy populations.

The goal isnt to make huge single faction mega servers.

That what Frrostmourne is tho, way make horde centric realms suffer this, it adds around 40 or so poor horde guilds to a pool of over 300 alliance guilds and It makes no sense. So what if you get things off the AH a bit cheaper, it’s better to have more of the same faction around at least it helps guilds and the player base for end game content.

Look at the sheer amount of Mythic clearing guilds with 99% of them are alliance on Frostmourne, then look at the other 4 realms and you see why it makes no sense to connect these 4 realms to FM.

It’s fine, like i said i will not buy or play SL, I’m over the CRZ / sharding this game forces on you anyway and this puts the nail in the coffin for my self and a few people i know as well.