Realm Connections -- August 27


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RP server connections need to be done very carefully, as they are going to be more sensitive to community changes. I think Blizzard sees this, as so far the only RP connection they’ve done connected two sets of old RP-PvP realms. (Which are the most likely to be a culture match.)

Of course, the fact that you keep advocating that RP servers get connected to non-RP ones indicates you don’t actually care about RP servers, and should maybe farm up some gold (or real life money) to do some server transfers off of the RP servers you still have characters on, as RP servers don’t appear to be your cup of tea.

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If they give me a mass transfer for up to 10 players for 100 bucks I would be gone in 2 seconds. But considering I have amassed so many players and so much assets (millions of gold, maxed profs on multiple characters), I am stuck.

I followed someone to Maelstrom years ago before I realized how dismal and disconnected it was from the rest of WoW and so now i can advocate for these realms to be brought back into relevance by merging with a non RP server.

Can I tell you how many times in 7 years I’ve seen people actually RPing? Two. TWO TIMES.

There is nothing accurate about it at all, and on top of it, it seems like different regions have completely different algorithms for displaying whatever population they do display.

its not just Warsong, Fizzcrank def isn’t a full server, Frostmourne is listed as high while the smaller Barthilias server is listed as full… I could go on all day pointing out indescreptencies between what the realm list says and what a servers actual population is.

So push for that instead of trying to ruin servers that people are happy with.

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I would be happy with either. I would be happy even if it was like a one time per account lifetime sort of thing. But until then I will push for what I see fit, and you can keep defending Blizzard like you work for them.

I defend Blizzard when they do the right thing, and criticize them when they do something stupid.

That said, I think a discounted price for moving multiple characters would make sense, and I’ve said that before too.


Blizzard has stated that their population level terms are relative to the average for the region, so region to region variation should be expected.

Sure but on average the population of the most populated realm to the least isn’t that far off between regions. and even so it doesn’t explain why its so far off in the US servers particularly (though I don’t find it to to be the best sign of a servers health in any region).

I’ll make sure to wave at you /hug

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I’ve never heard of or played Rift so that kind of tells me all that I need to know.

Still don’t understand why they don’t do this sort of maintenance on Tuesdays when the servers are already down for a few hours. Just take the additional realms offline for the rest of the day instead of picking an entirely new day to disconnect about 1/4 of their realms for 8hrs ffs…

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YeAh BuT tHeY’rE a BuSiNeSs NoT a ChArItY!!!


Because possibly doing something kind for the player base is such a crazy idea, right? Discounted character transfers would be fine, and yeah ANYTHING “for free” is always a long shot. When there’s countless amounts of players who feel stuck, something really has to change. Blizzard has given free game-time during in the past when disruptions has occurred. Discounting multi-character moves isn’t that crazy of an idea. Then again, that was back before Activision owned Blizzard…

Still don’t understand why they don’t do this sort of maintenance on Tuesdays when the servers are already down for a few hours. Just take the additional realms offline for the rest of the day instead of picking an entirely new day to disconnect about 1/4 of their realms for 8hrs ffs…


When is the last time realms were down for any significant length of time on a Tuesday besides a patch release?

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What exactly is the problem with people being curious about realm population and going to check the US realms too?

Connections are too slow to get enough worthwhile info, hence I have to check every single region, including russians that I also don’t play, to get a decent number of connections to follow.

Furthermore, I’m not the only one who uses forums on both regions, blizzard doesn’t seem to be against that at least.

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Yes, I guess the US indicator is a bit less accurate, I obviously haven’t done a lot of who in that region.

In EU I’ve been doubting the fact thrall was usually high and uldum usually full, thinking thrall had more people, but when I actually checked they respected the values they said.

I’m guessing Character services will be restored for these realms after Tuesday maintenance?

Ok, so almost all connections SHOULD have gone through, I found every single of the realms announced here now has the BMAH linked to their partner realms, the only exception being eonar (maybe it’s not finished yet) and the connection blizzard cancelled, as in azjol.

Obviously, this check isn’t totally fool proof, better check on who to be sure.

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I know there are people from EU who posts here, no one’s against that.

You just stick out because your obsession is next level & because of your English.

I’m very interested in the population matters, no doubt, I’m curious what’s wrong with my english though, as far as I know american is pretty similar to english with a few exceptions (honor vs honour etc.).