Realm Connections -- August 13

for all in game events (including day/night cycles):

  • US Servers use Pacific time (GMT-7/8) , Daily reset happens at 7am(winter)/8am(summer) and weekly reset happens on Tuesdays.
  • EU Servers use Central European time (GMT+1/2) Daily reset happens at 8am (winter) /9am (Summer) weekly reset happens on Wednesdays.
  • TW Servers use china time (GMT +8), Daily Reset @ 7am, Weekly reset on Thursday.
  • KR servers have Korea time as realm time (GMT +9) but as far as I know all asian servers are synced so server events would run off china time as well, Therefore Daily reset is at 8am server, weekly on Thursday.

That means the reset times are evenly spaced 8 hours apart between US/EU/asia and that weekly resets are spaced 16 hours apart first happening in US, then EU and finally Asia.


Once the servers are connected, you should be able to join the connected servers guilds. Time zones only matter what time a guild runs there raid.

Not sure why you assume that everyone is asleep when you get home. Iā€™m eastern time and Iā€™m constantly raiding and running dungeons till 4 in the morning. My friend whoā€™s in your time zone goes to bed hours before me.

Blackrock, an infamous original PvP server joining with a couple of PvE servers? How the mighty has fallen. I feel dirty all of a sudden.


Iā€™m not sure I understand what it means to be ā€œconnectedā€.

I play on Bonechewer and it says Garrosh, Aegwynn, Bonechewer, Daggerspine, and Hakkar will be connected.

However, when I sign up for mythics, I see people from plenty of other servers making groups.

What does being connected actually do?

Blizzard should have to waste thousands of dollars in server costs because you like being alone.

Yes, indeed, Iā€™m obviously not expert about US, I just gave a look at raider io population section and aegwynn + connection seems pretty big, as for eu I gave a look and they all seem to be doing well, they would all be high population currently, doomhammer as english, dun morogh as german, khaz modan as french, exodar as spanish and pozzo as italian, and ofc a realm I canā€™t spell as russian.

@Alpacatron: the people you mentioned in the group finder can be from any realm, connecting a realm means effectively making the 2 the same realm, the only thing different will be the name.

So basically, you would have the same AH, you will be able to see players from the connected realm with a /who, you will be able to trade with them, raid mythic with them, access the same BMAH, maybe thereā€™s more, thatā€™s what I can think of.

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You will be sharing the Auction House, Trade Chat, be able to join Guilds, and trade items / gold with people on Garrosh, Aegwynn, Daggerspine and Hakkar after the connection.

Itā€™ll be just the same with what you already can right now with the people on Bonechewer.

Itā€™s completely different from signing up for mythics / raid etc and grouping with people from other servers because you canā€™t do any of the above transactions with people from other servers that arenā€™t connected with yours except for trading loot.

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The cost was already spent. This is actually more time and cost to combine them, you know this is done with software and not hardware, right? They donā€™t plug in hard drives to combine servers, LOL.

It is just frustrating when they put other servers already in the world areas and our server gets screwed by all the extra people farming and taking rares.

why i donā€™t see skullcrusher here yet?:frowning: we need more alliance on this server please!

I answered that question before but was ofc ignored, makes sense.

Your initial post was a reply to Janekā€™s post.

You edited your post to add the answer to Alpacatron at the same time I was replying to him as I didnā€™t see that part before I started typing mine.

Besides, itā€™s his first post hereā€¦ thereā€™s no need to be snarky about it, jeesh.

Well, all servers arenā€™t PVP any more so thatā€™s not so much an issue. Azjol Nerub and Khaz Modan (my home retail server) have been connected for years. It will be interesting to see the addition of another server. Over all, though, I assume everyone sees that this means that the retail WOW population is shrinking and shrinking.

Donā€™t get too excited. Frostwolf/Vashj is going from a very balanced A/H ratio to being 2/1 in Hordeā€™s favor the connection to the Spirestone cluster. Faction balance does not seem to be the goal with these realm connections. It seems like a missed opportunity to me. I guess the goal is just more players overall, regardless of faction.

faction balance isnā€™t even possible if one faction as a whole has more players when you count region wide statistics.

Yes, sometimes they will achieve faction balance, sometimes they wonā€™t, itā€™s not possible in all circumstances, at least mandatory pvp is gone (pvp realms), so you donā€™t get ganked repeatedly if youā€™re on the minority and you donā€™t have an empty AH cause you can access ā€œenemyā€ AH too.

So be happy if you get a connection that helps your faction a lot, but it wonā€™t always be possible, as an example in an incoming EU connection theyā€™re connecting burning legion (high pop with 140 guilds, horde dominant) to alā€™akir (low pop with 14 guilds, horde dominant), you can see itā€™s good for alā€™akirā€™s hordes, however the alliance is basically non-existant in alā€™akir, thereā€™s a single guild who stopped raiding due to lack of people to recruit, so with burning legion being a much bigger realm, the alliance minority there will be a HUGE increase of players for alā€™akir ones.

This is a good point about population shrinking, I think itā€™s important to point out how from the data I gathered (a player who has chars on almost all EU realms) the smallest realms atm before the new round of connections arenā€™t as small as they used to be before the first round, back in 2013-2014 das konsortium and die todeskrallen had around 100 players online at peak, thereā€™s no realm that I know of in eu that small.

So we can say these connections aim to achieve a higher population per realm than those in 2013-2014, thereā€™s no such thing as an empty realm as it was back then.

However, keeping in mind there were like 250 realms per region, that we went to around 120 in 2014 and that weā€™re heading to around 40-60 now, population is definitely in decline, though not to insane levels.

Thereā€™s no excuse, first post or not, it still means ignoring someoneā€™s answer and just reading someone elseā€™s, itā€™s all good when you arenā€™t the ignored one obviously, if you arenā€™t affected you wonā€™t be annoyed.

lol, you canā€™t be serious.

I see that you only started posting here on the US forums 2 days ago but brace yourself, because thereā€™s a LOT of people on here who posts replies without reading other peopleā€™s previous posts & you canā€™t let such minor stuff like this getting to you every time.

Itā€™s not like he made a post thanking only me or anything. But nope, you were annoyed by a single :blue_heart: he gave to my post and decided to call him out on it. You should have quoted his post if you wanted his attention THAT badly.

So much salt.

Lurk around more before you get so worked up with such minor incidents.

Due to a previously unforseen issue, we have decided to hold off on connecting Garona to Icecrown+Malygos until a later date, to be determined. The other listed realm connections will go ahead as planned tomorrow.

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