Realm and Login Issues [9/8]

I made the post because I was having trouble fitting it into the box where you type in why you are cancelling. I wasnt asking for help in the post. Hope you have a better understanding now :slight_smile:

It was not a threat. I really did cancel my subscription.

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Love the idiots who say “oh, just play some other day”… sorry, but some of us have work and lives, and only have the opportunity to play during certain periods. It gets frustrating as hell when you set aside 2 hours to play, and for more then half that time you can’t do anything.


I am an adult.

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Unfortunately, it is not. Especially since you’re canceling over something you get for free. The Classic general forum would have been best.

I’m monitoring it too. Doesn’t seem to do much…


I don’t blame Blizzard for DDoS attacks. I know they’re virtually impossible to prevent. Its their lack of communication. There is a tiny little banner at the very bottom of the launcher explaining the problem. It then says to follow Blizzard on Twitter for updates? Why the hell do you have a customer service forum for? Update us on your own f’ing forum. I don’t use Twitter or any other social media. Im not starting now either. Ridiculous BS.


Care to share where this customer service forum is? I’ve never seen it. I’m genuinely intrigued.

We dont experience any latency issues we just get DCed and stuck into a stupid Q when we log back on .

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Welp they won’t have this fixed until the evening so I better start making backup plans.

Hey folks, I know this is super frustrating and I promise you we want you all playing as much as you do. We’ve got folks working on it and I’ll try to keep this thread updated if I get information I can share.

I would ask that we try to keep the discussion here constructive and not let the frustration get the best of us. Thanks everyone!


I am using cellular data. I am watching a football game live on my computer with no interuptions.

I am not sure, but I dont think what you are saying is my problem.

I dont think it works like that.


Hey blues / mods, when you say it’s a DDoS against ISPs, what do you mean exactly? Are they attacking your ISPs, or consumer ISPs? I don’t understand how you could DDoS an American internet service provider…just tell them to drop all traffic from outside North America or physically unplug the link. We don’t need any traffic from Europe or Asia.


Dang man, Sorry to hear you where in the path of the hurricane.

As much as I wish everyone could play WoW today, I’m just glad that we still have people in the SE US who are alive. Hope it comes up soon for ya.


My internet is working perfect, I am watching a live NFL game with no interuptions over a cellular hotspot.

I made a post and you merged it with this one and said my isp was being attacked.

Starting to think you guys have no clue what you are talking about, cause i dont think it works like that.


There’s confirmation from Bliz on Twitter, in the Tech Support forum, and in this thread.

In short, not everything you connect to on the internet takes the same path. Only paths that are affected will show issues.

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Thanks for working on this Blizzard. I do hope some form of reimbursement is made available to players who want to keep playing the game. As others have mentioned, lots of players have to set aside time for gameplay because of busy lives,etc. If we can’t play due to server end issues, I feel it is only fair that we are reimbursed for that time. Also, to other players, if the servers are being brought own due to some hacker, you are letting them win by not playing the game and cancelling your subs. I would weather the storm so they will see that you will still play regardless of the damage they are causing. Eventually, they will be caught and brought to Justice or Blizz will find a way to ban them.

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They’re directing the traffic at the ISPs that provide the structure for the route your connection takes to get to Blizzard’s services, essentially. Attacking the road you take, in laymen’s terms.

But they don’t get to dictate what other companies do with their property, alas. The world would be much simpler in this regard, if they did.

Because Blizzard doesn’t have customers who play from other continents? Because the internet in general has no traffic between continents? In any case, if it is a DDoS, many of the compromised computers involved are probably in the US. This isn’t a useful approach.

So you are saying that the ddosers are attacking AT&T? The route that they are taking to wow servers?

Uh… what?

That doesn’t at all say anyone’s personal ISP.

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