Really who even needs flying anymore?

yes we need flying , dragon dragon absolutely does not replace flying

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Anyone who gathers needs the better original flying.

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Heres a shocker for you, maybe i didnt see any of the other discussions i dont spend my life on the forums. You forum bullies and gatekeepers are out of control, flag me but you come on to name call me and tell me i need flagged. For what? Talking about the game? Maybe you should do more of that instead of this toxic bs you are tossing my way. I say dont flag you just perma ban your entire account the toxicity and bullying by you folk needs to end.

What side of the bed did you wake up on this morning :joy:

I don’t think they should get rid of normal flying, I like my air AFKing sometimes yknow

There needs to be a middle ground that combines the two somehow. I don’t think they can do away with classic flight.

It isn’t
 It is often too fast and there is no braking. I really hate it when the screen goes entirely blue and I can’t see where I am going. Then I have to try and rely on the minimap. I will overshoot my destination every single time. Let alone trying to actually do any gathering activity with it.

Maybe it is “all that and a bag of chips” for younger folks but without a way to sustain slow dragon flight, we need the alternative. A small hop instead of just surging into the air all the time wouldn’t hurt either.

Don’t get me wrong, I love going fast when I need to be on the opposite side of the zone. But not when I am going 100 yards away. At least you don’t take damage when you point 90 degrees at the ground in dragon riding. If that happened, I’d spend more time dead than actually riding. It is the only way to try and hit a target.


Two tweaks to dragonflight riding

  1. Allow a brake by having the wings face forward to slowdown when the brake key is pressed.

  2. Get rid of all the wind streaks on the screen that block the view.

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Nah. I want to hover and go afk, so I can step aside for a few minutes and do irl things.


I just land on a cliff side real quick usually an option anywhere you are at, but i do get that point and the few that want a brake/ slightly tweaked movement.

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I hafta agree with you
this person is

I say
if they have such a problem with OTHERS doing the ‘botting’ thing

they are most likely a ‘botter’

LOL, you don’t know me, or anyone on these forums
so you really really dont have a stinkin clue about ANYone

“me thinks one doth protest too much”

Not everyone thinks this DR thing the greatest thing to hit wow

I bet, you are spending so much time playing with that, you have not even noticed all the little bits and pieces they directly too from past ‘faved’ xpacs, and added them to this one
which is really kinda cool.

Bet you haven’t noticed that
(after reading these forums for the last several years}, I am noticing they put a LOT of what people asked for, in those little bits, in to this xpac.

You 'market? is in a GAME - its not real
you are not really making any money
it’s a GAME

now go ride yer dragon like a good lil lad

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I literally land on mining nodes that are floating in mid air (good job btw blizzard) its not hard at all to land you can get yourself into a slow glide very easily and then you’re gtg.

I hear the anti-dragon riding sentiments and i shall back track on my position slightly and say give them the rest of the xpac to fine tune riding and then ditch old flying.

Good for you. I can’t seem to do that. I am at 9 out of 10 for that High Points Flags achievement because I can’t land on any of them. Even when I think I am going to do so, I just seem to go through the mountain and appear on the other side.

It is all blue or I am landing in some random location because I don’t have vigor. I even have the motion sickness settings turned on and I don’t get motion sickness.

Sheesh i was just trying to help no need for the snarkiness, if you aim up in the air you lose your speed then just level back out and glide should be much easier to control your landing that way. Hope your day gets better and you dont always sound so angry!

With as flat as most of the old stuff is, I’d be okay with it, as long as we can use our old mounts for it.

this is not helpful
 You assume that people know how to do a slow glide. There is no button to slow down.

A little more helpful. I can try it but not giving much hope for any finesse in this feature. It is overwhelmingly frustrating. I’ve pretty much given up on it at this point and just use travel form on the ground unless I need to go up or travel a large distance.


“Regular” flying is active in the next patch.

Sorry i realize if you didnt pick up the aiming up giving you a slow down glide me just saying to glide wasnt helpful. Hopefully you can figure it out, those flags were how i learned how to land much better and easier. Sucks you dont enjoy it though.

Farming bots want normal flying.

I do not understand why the people who are enjoying dragon flying so much are trying to force it to be the only option available in game. My enjoying regular flight more has no impact on them yet they still persist.



This post is a great demonstration of why these forums need a “laugh” reaction