Really who even needs flying anymore?

Blizzard has removed enough from this game why keep asking them to remove more?

Why can’t both exist together?

More power to the people that love it hope they add it everywhere for you all. But some don’t like it at all and it makes people want to puke when riding it and gives others killer headaches.

All that needs to happen is both be enabled and everyone would have their choice, you could ride dragons forever and people that hate the dragons can ride flying horses. Win Win for everyone.

Choices are a good thing.


Simple answer is because they are so insecure about themselves they have to make everyone else feel miserable so they can feel better not to mention they know their precious dragon riding can’t stand on its own unlike regular flying which sold many expansions.


I just want dragonriding available everywhere, IDC if people still like their old slow and unrealistic flying.


Same here, I use it a little as possible. I play this game to have fun not be frustrated.


Lmfao yeah flying was totally the reason i bought wow expansions … woooh look at me flying slow as dirt, with zero real interaction and in a manner that makes me care about the land im flying over not at all.

If your a bot that wants reg flying to farm just say so sheesh

None of the folks who want legacy flight added are asking for dragon riding to be removed.

Please stop asking for legacy flight to be removed.



Its an ever evolving gaming world, things get removed and added all the time. After almost two decades they decided to actually update the flying into something enjoyable. Stay stuck in 2005 though whatever.

I said this in april and everyone roasted me.

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No it isn’t… and either your trolling or your teachers failed at their jobs.


Ah yes with the insults, looks like your teachers and parents failed you in the being a decent human being department. Your toxicity is unneeded and uncalled for grow up child

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No one*
And no, you are wrong.

Oh whew thank the lord for bringing that to my attention noone and i mean noone would have known what that meant without that correction. Just kidding noone cares and noone is dumb enough to not get that noone i say!

Also thank you for your well thought out reply noone has giving me such an in depth comment.


And I see no one asking for that to be taken away from anyone, I have even said they need to let it be used every where for those that love it. There is no reason both can’t be in the game. Having other choices is not a bad thing.

And not everyone enjoys it, it is not enjoyable to have a pounding headache every time I use it, or feel like puking when I get to where I want to go


You cant evolve if you cling onto the past, what if everyone was like hey the SNES is such a newfangled and unnecessary thing im just going to develop games for the NES. They should just focus on making dragonriding the new future.

Alas when i made this post i wasnt thinking of the folk that could get sick or not use the flying do to hardships so they would have to fix that first. Thank you though for not calling me a troll and getting unnecessarly angry at me for my opinions.

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I think having both in the game is healthy.

Dragonriding should get you there faster if you’re willing to manage it.

Normal flying if you’re wanting to afk/auto run and do some stuff while waiting.

Personally sometimes normal flying would be better in some cases due to how some nodes appear in the world.

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So many people invest in this as if its their life, they forget its supposed to be a game for FUN.

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