My main is my oldest character. Been playing her since about feb/march 05. She’s had a bunch of different names and except for about three regrettable months in Wrath as a spacegoat, She’s always been a troll.
Brock was made on Day 1 of Vanilla.
The even more charming part is, I was working a VERY VERY intense job at the time, and I never intended to keep this chr. It was only meant as “something to do” until I had more free time.
And what is TYPICALLY the most boring chr in any fantasy-themed game? Warriors. No spells, nothing flashy just… swing a sword. BORING!!!
So I figured, I’ll make a Warrior for now, and make a REAL chr later.
Once I hit “Charge” to my first mob and just fell in love with how fast and how AWESOME it played … it’s been my main ever since. No FOTM, no switching in any of the many, MANY times the Warrior class has sucked. This has always been my main. From Day 1.
I don’t play the hunter much, but he is a vanilla character. I still have Rhok’delar sitting in my bank. But my rogue is my oldest character, created on launch week.
I still have my symbol of life from the paladin resurrection spell quest I did with fair in May 2009. Not that old but cherished by me.
My hunter is from March or so of 2008 and I still have one of its quivers equipped as a bag . I started playing in March 2008
This priest was my original toon from 2004. Hasn’t been my main since vanilla, but I’ve leveled it to max a few times. I still have my Benediction and Drakefire Amulet in the bank. I had a Rogue alt back then too, he still has his Thieves Tools in his bags.
Interesting to think that soon, the year 1984 will be closer (time-wise/calendar-wise) to wow’s launch than the present will be to…Wow’s launch.
My warrior and hunter are from vanilla. Nothing special on my hunter really, but I know no one can get my whirlwind axe.
This is the third character that I ever created. It was created in 2005. The first character was a Human Priest but she is a Blood Elf Priest now. She is level 70 as well. My second character is a Night Elf Hunter. He is still some squished level on a server I don’t play on anymore.
This character is from February 2005. I tried a Paladin for a few minutes, didn’t get it, died, deleted and created her. I have a Shaman from TBC in 2007 (and am tired of playing him.) Mage from Wrath (~2009). A Hunter from Legion (2016) and a Paladin from SL (mid-2001.)
Edit: I have a mining pick in my bank from soon after I created this character. An Ornate Spyglass from Vanilla. And some Halaa Battle Tokens (from TBC) that I forgot about until now.
I have one so old they have a loaned windrider lol
I had a twink hunter that blizz reverted to a lower level and stripped her of her original gear, apparently due to a change to the spec and level squish. So I would have had an old toon to look at and laugh about, but blizz took it away…
Some of you might remember that there were TWO big MMO titles that came out in November 2004… Everquest 2, and a few weeks later, World of Warcraft. I had pre-ordered EQ2 so I played that on day 1, but then WoW launched and it was clear that I would be having a lot more fun in Azeroth than I had (not) been having in Norrath, so I was eager to try it out. I created my first toon - a night elf hunter - in early December 2004, probably within a week or two of launch?
Hunter was fun, but my main eventually became a pink-pigtailed gnome warlock, and I’ve played gnomes ever since. (Back then gnomes couldn’t be hunters nor could they have purple hair. I eventually race changed my original hunter to gnome of course.)
Here are a few things that I found in the bank on my hunter and warlock:
- Mallet of Zul’farrak (remember banging the gong to summon Gahz’rilla?!)
- Soul Pouch (back when warlocks stored soul shards in our own “quiver” like hunters and their arrows)
- Carrot on a Stick trinket
- Goblin Mining Helmet (Gives a +5 to mining skill, lol)
- Stacks of Razor Arrows
- Barov Peasant Caller trinket
- Arcane rune (from scryer enchanting I think, in TBC?)
- Attuned Dampener (used to weaken Araj the Summoner in WPL, circa 2006)
Nostalgic moment: I’m still friends in RL with someone I met in WoW while fishing for Oily Blackmouth in Darkshore as a baby nelf in December 2004. We made other friends and formed a guild. Eventually everyone took a break from WoW, but we all kept in touch and played other games together over the years. Last year we came back to play WoW again together, now with our spouses. It’s kinda nostalgic to be playing again where it all began, and see how our gaming family has grown.
Oooh? I have a level 19 warrior with a whirlwind axe in her bank. It’s even enchanted with weapon damage +1! I didn’t realize that’s a thing you can’t get anymore. She’s an original toon I had made probably in 2005. I just never got into playing warrior, so she hit 19 and I never played her again.
Here she is:
Ah, yes. Loved this. Hated that they had the HP of a wet toilet paper, but damn did they hit like a truck, and great to get out of sticky situations.
Can’t count how many times I unleashed mine on to lone Alliance members leveling in an area I needed to level in too lol. As well, can’t recall having them sic at me from some pesky rogue cause I was in an area they needed the mobs from. Mid level PvP was weird in RPPvP realms lol.
This made me laugh, I actually loved playing for awhile on an RPPvP realm, especially during mid level. So many shenanigans! And yeah, this trinket got me out of many sticky situations when questing.
I still have my first character from December 2004. I don’t really play her, but I can’t delete her. Heck, I didn’t even play her long before moving to another realm with friends. I don’t even think she’s level ten. Like, she’s not an option to switch to on the forums.
But yeah, that’s my oldest character over all. I have a few on the PvP server I moved to, but nothing really special on them. The day my forever sever went live in 05 I made some characters I still have who have stuff like the AQ gate opening tabard, PvP titles, and, from a bit later, I have an alt that’s still wearing her doomsday message board from the pre-cata event. I wonder if she’s the last one.
Now we know who has been recruiting the Primalists…
Whoops. Her*
Also, yeah.
Nanette circa 2004, quit. Got new account and remade in 2009.
My oldest character is a dwarf hunter I rolled day 1 of vanilla release.
I still have my original pride and joy, a tamed King Bangalash (white tiger) from Stranglethorn Vale, which at the time I thought was amazing. It’s never had a graphical update, and looks awful now, and I love it.
edit: I named him Carbunkle