Really, really old characters

My oldest character is my Druid created in vanilla right before TBC was teleased. Still play him to this day not as a main though that is this shaman.

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My oldest toon is my hunter. 15 years old.
781 days played and counting on this toon in 4 years, however XD

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My oldest toon was a dwarf priest I mained named Sindbad in vanilla and bc. When race changes came along I switched him to Tauren priest named Beefedictus, And I still have him :+1:

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Pretty sure this is my oldest toon. Originally a Belf on Farstriders named Kailyndra. Sadly moved her from Farstriders to MG (and race/faction changed) when the RP on the server died, including the guild I was in. Obviously I had to name change as well and was surprised this name wasn’t taken on MG lol. I think I created her in 2009 or 2010.

While I have fond memories of my time on Farstriders as a belf, RPing with the Swordmaidens, I do not regret my choice of moving to MG alliance. Made a ton more memories with people who are now lifelong friends :purple_heart:

My dwarf hunter is from like 6 months into vanilla? This draenei warrior is from the very first evening that TBC opened so he’s as old as a draenei can be.

this is my second oldest toon, i made it after standing in line at best buy for the wrath midnight launch. haven’t really played my rogue since.

My warrior is my oldest, from Mar '05.

Piddy here is second. I imagine I started her in '06 somewhere.

I have some random, untouched alts around, that don’t count.

But my oldest, most developed now untouched character is my Hunter.

I leveled him up, but then used him to farm the rep for the Winterspring Frostsaber.

He spent a lot of time in Winterspring, as you can imagine, though this was during BC and post the first rep nerf, plus he was 70 and a Hunter, making him able to do the elites plus track the different mobs needed – made things much easier.

However, as soon as I dinged that Frostsaber, I parked him in Everlook – and that’s where he’s been since BC. I think I logged into him once since then, but now I feel obligated to just leave him there as a trophy to the adventure.

I have an older Horde Rogue that was my main in BC and Wrath, but he’s been languishing in Jade Forest since MoP.

This is the first character I ever made on this account:

Acendandra - Character (

I have three original characters I made in 2006, a night elf rogue, a dwarf hunter and gnome warlock. the rogue and hunter are still on their original server, Mal’ganis, and warlock was moved to Archimonde.

My very first, launch day character was a rogue. Before he left tedrasil, I’d rerolled to a Druid. When my now-ex wife wanted to play, I started a new account and gave her that one, since she’d been leveling a hunter on it while I was at work. All this happened between Launch day and Christmas in 2004. This Druid was created around Dec 10th IIRC, 5 days after the wedding. That rogue, and my old Druid don’t show up on armory searches. We split in 2010. It’s possible they were deleted out of spite; but more likely they’re just dormant. IDK if the that server even exists anymore.

This is my very first character and still is my main.

My hunter,druid,rogue and priest,all started in BC

My first and oldest toon is my forsaken warlock. Made around 2007 or 2008, not sure exactly when, been so long.

Always kept her leveled, though for the last few expansions she’s taken a back seat to other toons. Each expansion has me focusing on different alts, or creating new ones, such as my Dracthyr.

I keep this one around for nostalgia:

Was in a guild that did retro raiding during Cata, so this character’s gear is all from BC era.

Not my oldest character by any means, but the only one that looks old.

My oldest character still exists. Actually dusted them off and used them in legion.

It had been a very long time.

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