I still use my earliest characters from 17 years ago.
More like Monster Rancher-- if anyone old remembers that series.
…which is funny because I evolved the gnome Breakcog into a mechagnome Breakcog sorta like pokemon.
I still have all of my original level 60s from vanilla and my priest, which was my main then, is my main now:
She was originally a night elf male but has faction/race changed so many times. My very first character is still around too, but I don’t play him:
I made him as a male human all the way back in January of 2005.
i guess technically this toon but i’ve remade life so many times recently before resettling on warrior that it might be a rogue i made in cata that i don’t actually play lmao
My blood elf hunter, Pharae, is my oldest character.
Here she is standing in Tarren Mill during BC, while I was leveling her! I had no idea what I was doing until Wrath
I love this screenshot it makes me think of how much the UI has changed(sometimes by me with addons)
So nostalgic over this
For at least one expansion, then it’s not so much “got rid of a gnome character” as I “swap races with an alt” so now this is my main and my gnome hunter is an alt.
Reasons for this swap were a) this is the character I always wanted to play since 2006 and b) I championed gnomes getting the hunter class for years so I wasn’t about to give that up.
Well thank you for doing that, I love my gnome hunters!
This guy’s my oldest, I made him when I bought WoW just a couple weeks before WotLK launched
How long did it take you to get to level 70 the first time, were you leveled in time for wrath launch? I remember a friend telling me that it took them until cata to have a max level character because the leveling took longer back then?
This toon played WoW before they had PCs, I had to send Blizzard a letter telling them which dungeon I wanted to join, then 2 weeks later I would get a reply letter telling me I had been kicked from the group.
This character was born 11/4/2004
My mage still has runes of portals. I never charged people for teleports. I just required them to give me a rune as a form of payment. I’d stand in the city and offer them. I have other reagents and even items like Arthas’ Tears, old arrows and things like that. My oldest paladin was my second character ever from TBC. Funny how he isn’t even max level to this day.
Nice to meet you, angel!
My characters also have that problem … the older ones don’t get leveled
I uh have uh Holy candle and Kobold Candle
Feeling old enough?
The game really has changed so much, it’s so nostalgic to look back on old content like this
And I can’t recall how long it took me to get to 70, but I did it while I watched Blizzcon 2008 live on Pay-Per-View, because the streams didn’t exist yet!
I remember when these were current, and what drew me to leveling Warlock… lol
And of course the most infamous one that really peaked my interest…
Also, there is still a pretty nasty bug that been around since Cata. Dealing with Casting Unending Breath on another player right as they use a flight path in a certain cata zone.
Long explanation short, when player with UB lands, they die instantly. Also, no I wont divulge the location lol. Makes it that much more entertaining.
Oldest character is a troll rogue on the Hellscream server. Made in 2004. I left him at level 85 in early Cata and now he’s a level 32.
Aww he’s a baby now! It’s crazy that our characters would be like level 140 without the level squish!
I’ve had this paladin since early vanilla, before they even did the original talent revamps that Classic uses. I have a Hunter that’s slightly older, but it’s on another account.
The oldest item in my bank is probably this: https://www.wowhead.com/item=6766/flayed-demon-skin-old2
Which is just some random quest item from Desolace that wasn’t supposed to drop for Alliance in the first place, but I managed to find it before they removed it. Eventually it changed into the (old2) version when they added another version to fix Alliance finding it.
I have no idea why I originally kept it, but I’m not deleting it now.