Really, really old characters

Hello all forum users, I am a gnome. I wonder, what are the oldest retail characters you have, or the oldest things you have? I love having the power to confuse people when I fly around on a level 25 (level locked). I’m especially interested to see old twink characters or ones that haven’t been touched in many years, I wonder what their armory stuff looks like, and what their ilvl is, if that will even load! XO Rita


My Character is this old…


Thallia is from 2005. I don’t have twinks. I don’t know how to do such things and I honestly didn’t have much interest before. But after Remix, I may try this out.

This was my first character I ever created when I started WoW back in '05.
He’s updated though because I’ve played him as a main since. Well mostly, now my hunter is an alt and my DH is my main.

I also have a rogue from vanilla I still play.

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That’s awesome, is this from wrath of lich king or earlier? I remember I made a warlock in wrath and got annoyed that I had to use a bag space for something like hunters with ammo. Lol

I just deleted my oldest characters and remade (fused) them in remix-- probably this mechagnome right now. :timer_clock::robot:

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Ohh, I hope the deleted character wasn’t gnome-type!! But I’m glad you remade them. I also “re-made” a character for remix, a night elf monk named hunk. I thought maybe in remix he would be delicious enough to level, and I still haven’t found the motivation, he’s level 32 though which is better than his original level 23.

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You’re talking to it. This baby dates back to wotlk. Would be tbc but blizz had to transfer my data to a new account after my account got compromised. Never fun to log in to your toon naked.

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this my oldest character. i have the dreadsteed feat of strength.


From TBC, Even still have all the mats for the Dreadsteed encounter. Sadly missed out on getting it and securing the achievment when I had ample opportunities. Waited to the last day, and decided to take a short nap. That short nap lasted 17hours and woke up to the patch and missed it lol.

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i deleted all my mats long ago.

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That’s so relatable. A nice nap is such a wonderful gift, our bodies protect us by making them last as long as we need them to! (And they always would, if it weren’t for those rude alarms).


This character has existed since like 2006 and started off as a night elf, then race changed to a worgen for a time, then back to night elf, then gnome, now this.

My oldest unchanged character is from the same time and was never race changed (still has the original Dartol’s rod of transformation)

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My oldest existing toon.

He was made a few months before TBC

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Oh it was a worgen druid and human paladin. Which I ended up with another human paladin but named Howlhammer. :robot::test_tube:

…kinda disturbing how many horde characters were behind Breakcog when I think about it. :robot::sweat_drops:

Almost there for those big rewards. :robot::tada:

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Ahhhhhh!! So you’re telling me you were an angel bean gnome-type and now you aren’t!? How long was he a gnome? (And would you ever go back)

I wonder what the first character ever made on live servers was.

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I made this guy in Wotlk but haven’t played him since BFA, my alliance characters get the short end of the stick. I’m definitely going to play some DK in TWW though so maybe he’ll get some playtime.

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Ohh cute, now I know what you mean when you said you fused them. They both live on!

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Is there a way to tell how old your character really is? I believe I created my first character, a Blood Elf Paladin, around the time that Cataclysm came out but I’m not sure if it was the same 'toon or if it was even the same account.