Really? No Flying in next patch?

refer to above

And, again I ask, why is basic traversal in need of a skill check?


Not saying Old style flight has no place, but when asked “Whats the point of DF if we have old flight?”
In this Go-go-go-Doo-eet-Nao! wow culture? Speed will always have a high pedestal

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What is the point of stamina when you can just wave it aside anytime you want by switching to a normal mount? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of the new flying method?

You have no idea what a cult is

the purpose is already defeated since they are adding an instant vigor ability to the dragonriding abilities

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How does one switch mid-flight to an old mount and why does anyone care who flies up a mountain slower or faster?

What is there to exploit?


Dragon riding should be the only for of flying

Yes, because you actually interact with other players - name one event in which people now randomly just sit around in the middle of the air for waiting for it to be over, or to hit a mob, or do anything at all

Let’s talk world design where the most intricate vertical aspect we have seen in the past 20 years was mountains - not layers of verticality, towers, ledges, ridges, nothing of those were anything but ever scenery, now because of just the simple fact that you have to be able to land on anything - everything gets designed to be part of the world, which means that you’ll find players there

With time each zone gets emptier and emptier as folks are more homogenized in the sense of their activities but that took months instead of weeks in DF

And this is an admission to the overall point; yes, people quest on the ground but there’s now a reason beyond just going from point A to point B to care about your environment because if you have to land you have to land, just that simple design elements mean a world a difference

Who would have thunk it, a change in how you traverse the world changes how you view and interact with the world - its amazing that one has to explain that

Btw, you kept saying “slippery slope” in terms of what I was saying … here’s two examples of the actual slippery slope fallacy:

I thought Dragonriding’s reward was supposed to be improved speed and the ability to do neat maneuvers. Not allow traversal in general.

What’s the point of walking when you can just ground-mount up? Shouldn’t there be a ‘cost’ to that too?

I agree. However if this expansion follows suit, Iʻm thinking that regular flight will be implemented at about the same time that normal flight got implemented after pathfinding in the last few expansions.

Then there is no point in having this nonsensical conversation and I won’t be dragged down into this ridiculous grasping at straws.

Have fun trying to delete old flying, druid forms and 80% of the mounts.


It’s not mid-flight. Usually, when you run out of stamina, you have to wait on the ground for a bit. Instead, if you were able to just switch to any old mount, you could waive the need for stamina entirely until you build it back up. To me it only serves to devalue the current system.

If both methods are to be implemented in DF, I suggest an NPC switch somewhere on the map, like a flying trainer, so that you can’t just switch from one to the other anytime you want.

This is literally just you all making up this insane strawman
No one is arguing for this, like seriously


Not for everyone, definitely not for me personally

The MOMENT regular flying gets “unlocked” (…whenever that might be), I’m most likely never touching Dragonriding mounts again

I’ll gladly trade 830% speed for 310% speed since I really value convenience and versatility - regular flying is better at both. Just the ability to “hover in place” of regular flying alone makes it superior to Dragonriding for daily-driver use imo


sure seems like there is a war on old flying in these forums

You’re also failing to realize that every mount doesn’t work with Dragonriding.

Gyrocopters don’t move like that, for one.

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I want to thank you Gaymerbear for starting this discussion. The other players negative responses towards adding regular flying to Dragonflight is so disgusting that it has further strengthened my decision to leave this game forever.

Cheers to you Gaymerbear, I wish you nothing but peace and happiness :slight_smile:


Or… no passive vigor regen while mounted on a non DF flight mount?

Hmm… Never experimented, but does anyone know if vigor will regen passively if you switch to a ground mount?

It should do since you regain vigor when you aren’t mounted at all

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