Really? No Flying in next patch?

No, I’m not - I’m saying that long term implementing “swim flying” isn’t a good solution for the health of the game
I have made ZERO arguments for the removal of it (and yes, removal; Ion has said it is coming in Dragonflight and it should - long term though better design is always a better option than a bandaid)

Yes, because I can see beyond my nose
One can’t make large-scale changes to stuff that’s already made; that’s not how designing MMOs work so of course one has to advocate for changes in the future that makes bandaid solutions not necessary

People like yourself and others who are purposefully mischaracterizing what I am saying because you want to paint me as an ableist yes I would love if ya’ll would quit that and read rather than project

In DF sure
Again I’m not saying anything about that short term

Oh-kay, then here’s my issue with this take:
Solve the “empty world”-feeling that the type of flying that has existed since TBC creates

A good solution solves issues relating to accessability WITHOUT creating a world that is empty and devoid of players - I have played the game since vanilla, I know how each and every single expansion has played out in terms of with and without flying

A good solution is one that enables people to play the game without taking away from the game itself - Dragonflying is one of the first solutions that has been attempted at fixing the latter half but it made things worse for the earlier ones

Their solution to motion sickness was to add more options
When folks said that they couldn’t use the system at all they introduced the whelpling system

A good solution is a system that works and if the system works then you add bandaids to the various areas in which it doesn’t work - the dragonflying abilities could’ve been solutions to those things, why do you think they added a “breaking” ability when folks were complaining about issues to land on top of things?

I didn’t ask for change, I asked for a basic working travel feature that’s been in the game for 18 years and has zero affect on the players around me.


Yes, they do. Because old style flying is, literally, the swimming code reused for air travel.

That’s hilarious! The worst part about the Kalimdor cup races was getting to the races themselves on the slow as crap hover-flying mounts.

Now, I’m not against them adding old style flying to Dragonflight, but they also need to add Dragonriding to the rest of the game as well. I can definitely see people complaining that the old flying is “too slow” and it needs to be sped up, though. That’ll be kinda funny to see.

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Some people still cant use DF because it triggers their motion sickness regardless or people with hand problems too, yet they dont care.


Speed. /10

EDIT: I’m all for having both, but speed is the reason why I’d pull out a dragon pretty often (when having the option for both) when going across half the world. Then when out of stamina, pull out the old mount.

I’m sorry… are you actually trying to claim that dragonriding is somehow different in this respect?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It’s flying. Slow or fast, people hovering or sitting on a mountain top, it’s literally no different.

People quest on the ground, they fly off to do other stuff. The same way they did then and do now. Dragonriding didn’t change that.

My god… I can’t even believe I explain that and have this ridiculous conversation.


i just dropped my old dragon mount into the water

it doesnt flap its wings. it swims. so old flying is literally flying not swimming


No long term solutions are needed… just give people the option to use either. Seriously it isn’t rocket science. I guess some people just like looking for solutions for problems that don’t exist.


Here’s a scenario: you’re trying to make it up a mountain, you run out of stamina. The problem becomes nil when you switch to an old mount and just fly up. The punishment for being bad at managing stamina completely negated. It’s not just about speed.

Considering your username, this sounds like a good thing.

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Because with old flying you will never get to elites/rares or the dreamboss thingy in time to get a single hit in before its dead.
With old flight you dont zip anywhere, you slowly flap there.

Yup, I’ve made the same observations

Dragonriding fanboys are basically on the same level as a cult.

Like, I’ve literally witnessed GD’ers on here say stuff like “please Blizzard just delete flying from the game, make Dragonriding the only form of flying”… they have such a cult-like devotion to their “cause” they literally advocate for choice to be taken away from their fellow players :flushed:


Sorry I cross edited my post. I’m all for having both, but I love being able to fly so fast for at least part of the trip. So, I’d always pull out a dragon for those longer flights, then switch over when needed (as you are saying).

This could be said for any group who strongly feel their idea is the right one

I’m now trying to support the case for old flying to help people who physically have trouble with the dragon flying, now that I learned it’s actually a problem for some people. I just think it needs to be implemented a specific way so that people don’t exploit the system that much.

Definitely true.


I’d post the “She Sells Sanctuary” video here if I could.

the only right idea is that both flyings can exist at the same time


I continue to believe that if standard flight had the same speed as dragonriding, you’d see a signficant switch to standard. Other than doing races, the only thing that matters really about dr is the speed. Put that onto our main mounts and all problems would be solved.


‘Exploit the system.’ You mean use the feature?

What’s next, QWOP-style movement for walking/running? Ground mount maintenance?

Why on earth do you have a need to make basic traversal a skill check?