Really? No Flying in next patch?

No you don’t. You point yourself down, circle around, get your vigor, keep going. But this hasn’t been an issue since max glyphs. So… really, it’s never been an issue.

Someone having to fly back down, swap mounts and slowly make their way at 410% vs 800%-1200% is meaningless. That slow is punishment enough.

And again: what is being exploited?

You’re failing to comprehend what I’m trying to even say in the first place.

I think you should be able to ride dragons or old mounts. While I think it’d be cool to be able to incorporate dragon flying with the older mounts, I understand it doesn’t really work for all mounts.

Simply put, I would like people to be able to choose whether they want to use old mounts or new mounts, just not in conjunction with each other.

You’re talking about max glyphs, which isn’t everyone. I’m speaking from plenty of personal experience.

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it takes time to refill either way in the world and not valdrakken

You’re failing to understand there’s no ‘risk’ here. Both systems compliment each other; Dragonriding allows for wide-area traversal at extreme speeds as well as unique aerial maneuvers, while TBC Flight allows perfect precision flight for exploration, cameraperson services, and vista-viewing.

The only time i would regularly make use of that feature is if i have to afk a bit and want to be relatively safe.
In DF i just park somewhere on a mountain or something. same effect.


You and I agree on many things around here. This just isn’t one of them. Sorry, dear.

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Great! Then have a switch somewhere so you can experience both. I don’t agree with switching between them at will anywhere you are. That is all.

If you don’t have max glyphs, that’s a personal decision and not an argument to be used against flying.

Still haven’t answered what’s being exploited with static flying.

Not a single person has asked for your mode of travel to be altered, and or taken away in ANY form. You still get to use your DF specific dragons, and we get to use come of the 600 mounts we have collected over the years.

I mean do you and the dragons have something against us bringing our best buddy mounts into your dragon utopia lol?


Except that makes no sense.

So, what, I’m locked out of my Gyrocopter just because I wanted to try the Kalimdor Cup?

That’s stupid.

Goober take but okay. Maybe some of us like to look and discover them for ourselves. Just because you’re already passed it doesn’t mean these challenges aren’t present for others.

Considering the races put you on the dragonriding mounts, I don’t even understand the point of a toggle.

Disable races for old flying mounts. Simple.

You already have flying. There is no need for old style flying in Dragonflight content. Old flying will disappear real soon in the old worlds as well.

Adapt or move on because the game is changing with the times.

Times change! - Garrosh

I mean you can still bring them into DF zones. nothing stopping you.

They somehow forgot how to fly Again like every pathfinder expansion. but you can bring them.

Oh please, if you’re interested in ‘preserving the challenge’ you should rail against the add-ons that basically ant-line you toward glyph locations.

The reward for being good at Dragonriding is supposed to be the ability to go really, really fast and pull off aerial maneuvers, two things that TBC Flight isn’t capable of doing. So there’s no ‘exploit’ there to worry about because the two styles cannot do the same thing.

EDIT: Also entering a race with a TBC Flight mount seems like a very poor choice.

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Then switch back for the Kalimdor Cup. I don’t see the problem here.

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Yours certainly is. Claiming that the few people who have yet to get their glyphs for whatever reason that have been available since day one of playing this expansion is somehow the standard basis for why static flying shouldn’t be added is nonsensical at best.

And still waiting on these exploits you claimed.

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I changed my mind waaaay back in this thread concerning implementing it. I think it should be implemented, just not switched between at will.