Really? No Flying in next patch?

Here is my proposition: Have an NPC somewhere that can toggle old style and new style. Old flying will disable the appearance of glyphs.

My concern is that, if one can just switch mounts on the ready, stamina means next to nothing.

I quoted you.

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Want to try that again?

It’s the same one we’ve been shooting down since people started asking for static flying.

“First you’ll want flying, then you’ll want it to be faster, then you’ll want it to be added to races, then…”

Slippery slope argument. We’ve been hearing it way too often. :wink:

And screw druids, all the mounts we got, etc!


Ion literally told us we would be able to, so people need to start calling him out.


Yes, a small portion that is by far not indicative of the actual argument made

That’s called cherrypicking

I’m okay with this. Gimme that faerie dragon mount!

Those settings don’t help everyone. And they certainly don’t help those with visual and brain disabilities who had no issue with regular flying.

Whether you want to play devil’s advocate over “they’ll want it to go faster” or not, it’s not going to go faster and it’s not going to work with races. So there’s no reason it cannot stay for those who need it.


You’re talking about never implementing normal flight in Dragonflight content, and trying to come up with some solutions that will only take care of some of the issues. How will having more flight points help people get up to inaccessible nodes?

Talk about projection. All your band aid fixes represent artificial inequities. Replacing something some people find difficult with a different problem.

In some future expansion. Right.

So people who need this should just be quiet and let people who aren’t interested in solving this problem in real time handle it.

What you’re saying is that even though there is already a solution, even though you will be upset if someone complains they want to go faster, you want Blizzard to start working on something that will never happen.

You keep making this “artificial inequities” claim as a good reason for dragonflight to NEVER be made playable for those who are currently unable to play it. I don’t know why you keep creating artificial inequities as your “solution” to the problem of people who can’t play the game right now, but that’s what all of your suggestions are.

The idea that millions of disabled players who can’t currently play the game are going to come back and annoy you by wanting to be able to play your game, I think you need better criteria. Your “solution” is to have everybody quit who wants to be able to play the game fully and enjoy it. Or do you want them to keep paying even though you have no solution to the problem that keeps them out of the game right now?


Here I’ll quote you again so you can explain how this was taken out of context.


Or, simply have the toggle — however implemented — disable glyph collection while static flying is enabled.


I literally have no idea what you are even talking about at this point

That’s what you are saying I’m not saying that in the slightest - I can add though that the way to “solve” this would be to make them equal in speed but then we are back to the same problem I pointed out about one being percieved to be better than the other

Again, this is dealing with psychology - or do you somehow think that FastPasses doesn’t exist or something?

Repeatedly saying the same thing doesn’t make it a slippery slope fallacy

I’m talking about this:


I am arguing for good solutions, not the most basic barebones ideas that benefit next to no one - you want change? Then you gotta advocate for something which works as accessibility option and provides a benefit for other people

Or do you seriously think that ramps only ever exists for wheelchairs?

You are indeed saying that they will complain, and that’s enough reason to keep them from being able to play the game they paid for.

What you are arguing for is no solution anytime soon, and a patchwork solution at sometime in the distant future.

“We will think about this and take it into consideration in future planning” is something Ion has said in the past about various issues.

Is that you, Ion?


They sure do! Not just this topic neither.

I have yet, in every thread that a players asks for regular flying, i never, ever see the players asking for regular flight say they want DR to be taken away.

Not a single time.


The best and simplest and best solution is to enable normal flying since it already exist in DF.


But you aren’t. When the simple answer for the majority of disabilities is static flying, all you’re doing is causing more issues.

Static flying isn’t going away and should be added at some point to DF for those who need it. It already exists in DF.

It’s just that simple.


It should be restricted as one or the other. You should not be able to use dragon flying and normal flying together without a switch that has some kind of timelock or has few accesible locations. I think it would be best implemented this way.

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I really wouldn’t care since I much prefer normal flight.