Really? No Flying in next patch?

Ah that makes sense. lol

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People with vision, mobility, or coordination issues, or nausea that weren’t having trouble playing previously are having difficulty now. The game is now less accessible to them.

This was all discussed in great detail when the expansion was newly released.


This is the most convincing argument in favor of the old flying option for me.


That’s not what’s going to happen though, and taking even half a moment to think about it reveals why:
“Oh my gosh! Why should that loser on a dragon fly so much faster than me?!”

If you have two options and one is far superior than the other, that creates implicit elitism and classes of people - you can’t get people to change their way and you can’t balance the feeling of difference that creates
Does it matter in the short term? Nope
Long-term it absolutely murders people’s interests in games and events when these are the options

Do I think there should be more options? Sure
Do I believe it would be good for the game overall if “fly swimming” came back into the game? No, I honestly don’t - and I see no reason that it would actually be more beneficial for the game’s overall health

Even in terms of this one complaint that is genuinely the only real good argument against it (yes, there are others - the problem is that there’s almost always universally a solution to those things meaning that they aren’t so much problems as much as ‘things to deal with’ but yes there are other critiques that should be taken into account)

I’m not a designer so I don’t have the solutions but … just to spitball ideas - why not expand on the flightpath system? Add a functioning whistle back into the game and add “custom” flightpaths where you have more “nodes” on the map where you can fly to, that’d be a way to add more accessibility options to the game whilst also benefitting everyone (since a crucial element of it to be more seriously proposed you’d have to make it useful for the most amount of players and both of these systems would be practical for a lot more than just people who require additional help)


I don’t know what to tell you man. Maybe you’ll get something that helps your situation.

I’ll be honest I wasn’t really thinking about people who had issues like that

Not everyone is obsessed with speed. :person_facepalming:


But that’s not true for everyone. This is mostly an accessibility issue concerning most topics we’ve seen in the past.

You can create a slippery slope argument for just about anything. But the point is, there are people who need the slower speed.

Many don’t, because we’re seeing it only from our own point of view. And often times, it’s difficult to comprehend how anyone could have an issue with dragonriding, because we all figured it out. Some it took five seconds. Me? It took a month. :slightly_smiling_face:


It sorta is but also isn’t

Yes there needs to be accessibility options for the game but … I have had disabilities as well that prevented me for years to play the game as I wanted to (similar situation as brain fog but derived from another condition called a ‘chiari’) and accessability options are good but you need to design for a broader audience as a majority of players don’t have these issues

One can like it or not but, one can’t really make or get productive changes implemented if folks aren’t using these systems, and any system implemented into the game would need a large enough playerbase to interact and use it to make it a worthwhile addition
Its sadly the reality of dealing with disabilities, as incredibly unfair and cruel that is … one can’t make these changes without a target audience in mind and that audience need to be “enough” of a reason to make those changes


lol wrong

This isn’t a slippery slope argument though, this is in particular dealing with percieved “fairness” issues - see stuff like the Disney Park express pass tickets as examples of this

A slippery slope fallacy deals with exponentially growing ‘issues’ that aren’t reasonable or grounded in reality, the complaint I’m listing is the actual complaint itself - its not even a slope as it is the complaint itself

Right, you can’t. That’s why removing accessibility from the game is a bad idea. Removing options because “Well, maybe in the future people might complain, so let’s give them something to really complain about so we can get those disabled, elderly, and not as talented as I am out of my game once and for all.”

They are not working on any of those things. Not having normal flight keeps gatherers who can’t do dragonriding from gathering. “Suggesting” something that isn’t going to happen and isn’t even a good replacement is less than useful.

Anything that isn’t already being worked on won’t be ready by the end of the expansion. Throwing out new ideas now means you don’t want anything to be done.


It took me a few weeks and getting all the glyphs. Just because someone can do something doesn’t mean they find in enjoyable… which for me is the whole point to any game.


What are you even talking about?

I’m not saying “remove accessibility” from the game, I’m saying add more … again, see my response above you - this isn’t a hypothetical, we know people behave like this and we know when you create artifical inequalities that perpetuates issues, it doesn’t make them go away or makes them better - it makes things worse

I want more options added to the game but I will not argue in bad faith just because I personally want something I wished had existed when I needed it

I am well aware, and we aren’t going to see any changes except a year or two from now - that’s why one make suggestions now rather than tomorrow

“The best time to plant a tree was 50 years ago, the second best time is now”
I want there to be options for those who need them as soon as they can be ready, but I’m not going to make excuses for something which I fundamentally will make things worse for everyone because we know from other examples in the real world and from psychological studies that artificial inequalities are some of the worst things imagineable to people, so if you add those you need to create an off-set to make those changes worthwhile enough

Again, see my above response

Other than players enjoyment and freedom to traverse the virtual world however they want? Yeah I see what you mean, horrible for the health of the game.

“Curse that guy moving at half my speed over the trees! It’s ruining the game!!!”

We have the dumbest community in gaming history. Straight up.


There are some selfish people who think there way is the only way and if it kills the game oh well.


Then go play Classic hardcore? If you hate retail (and the systems) that much, then why are you playing retail?

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Which isn’t what I said, but ya’ll love projecting so damn much rather than actually reading what someone says that this is a moot point

Agreed, but not for the reasons that you think

Yup, they dont care for people who get motion sickness from DF and have always hated normal flying.


I enjoy dragon flying and I’ve been asking for years now to do something different than just go faster with flying and this is a great step in the right direction, even if it has that blizzard spite feeling attached to it. (to me anyways)

However I have tons of mounts I’d like to use and not some goofy looking drakes. I haven’t used any dragon mount since Wrath, I don’t enjoy how they look and them rounding the edges off hasn’t helped in that department. Now I know they’ve said they’re working on them but until it happens static flying should come in eventually. Not at the start eventually but some time in the expansion.

When/if they retro fit the old flying mounts I’ll be right here with you that it should be one or the other. Not until then though.

you can use your ground mount in dragon isles.