Really? No Flying in next patch?

You forgot the 100 WQs

It really is a shame that Blizzard ignores open hatred of the disabled, not surprising in the least since they obviously hate us too based on their pathfinder silence and inaction. You should be banned for a very long time, but you wont be, scum likes scum.


Hey look, another off-the-wall hysterical attack against “open hatred of the disabled” that isn’t actually there.

Genuine comedic relief.


People like this are always going to complain about something. “I hate the dragonriding mechanic! Give me old world flight!”

They get old world flight

“Old flying is too slow! Everyone is passing me on their dragons and I can’t reach the rares fast enough! Beef up old flying so it flies at the same speed as dragonriding!”

I hope we get old world flying. And I hope they absolutely REFUSE to increase the speed on it.

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Still trying to be manipulative using the “They hate disabled” garbage…

So they are such scum that all the “disabled” appaled by this, which has only been around for years, are still paying the “scum” and continue playing their scummy game?

If scum were an academy award, you all claiming this nonsense would have one.

I have no way to measure any of this, but I will say that if they do away with Dragon Flying or limit it only to DF zones, I’m done. I love it and whenever I’m forced to do content in the old lands, moving so slow is awful. It feels like walking by comparison.

I really don’t understand the preference for old flying that some people have expressed. Is it the ability to hover? flying AFK?

I’m not pushing to get rid of old flying. Just to keep dragon flying. /shrug

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The people whom are complaining about Dragonriding, complain about anything new in the game or changes it. They are stuck in a time capsule of just how the game should be. They accept nothing new or challenging or interactive in the game as good. They would rather watch people slowly leave the game out of pure boredom and not accept the fact that Blizzard has to try things to get a whole new age group into this game if there is any hope of a future for it.

This game can not be held together on the hope that the 50 year old and older player will some how either come back to playing WoW or magically stay around forever. But every time Blizzard tries something new, no matter what part of the game it effects, the rage on the forums by people who openly will tell you that they do very little in the game in the way of actual game play. Yet they will instantly make fun of raid loggers who probably still do more than them in game play.

When it comes to these flying topics I have watch some, not all, but some go so extreme as to how bad off they are, there is no way they could even level a toon much less do anything else in the game. Yet they still somehow play just fine. It no wonder why Blizzard doesn’t listen to them or respond to them. You also have some that constantly badger Blizzard for everything and has been for as far back as I can remember their names on these forums. Yet they expect Blizzard to actually respond or to listen to them. Again prime example as to why Blizzard spends as little time on the forums interacting with people who choose to post here. Way to many over the top poster that sound more like just trolls looking or seeking attention, or doing forum PVP.

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well, you had me right up until your strange opinion about 50 yr old gamers.

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Let Dracthyr fly. Please.

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My enology on the age group is a gamming company cant just rely on a aging group of people to hold a game together forever. Even myself being 52 years old at this point, I know I only have a shelf life and given the next 10 to 20 years I may no longer be around to play games. I surely do not play them now like I used to play them just 10 years ago. I still have the ability to invest 8 hours per day into game playing. Just not the desire all the time to do that anymore.

I also know that its very important to grab ahold of the next generation of gamer when it comes to any company when it comes to game production. WoW has had a really difficult time of doing that. I just get tired of listening to people who love to use the arguments on the forums that because they are an old fart that the game company needs to cater to them more than anyone else.

man I’m putting your out of touch vitriol posting on ignore forever

a ton of players hate questing, it is just mindless tedium - yet they like instanced content or a few things in the world

i for one mostly play pvp, both rated and unrated, and do instanced dungeons and LFR for most of my time. I play a lot at times.

Yet my renown for anything is 1-3 on any of my toons. Even my toon that finally played the main storyline (which sucked but i wanted a vendor that i couldn’t access until it the main story was unlocked) is still at under 5 renown on anything.

For the longest time I didn’t even have world quests unlocked because they require the main story that I really didn’t want to do because it doesn’t entertain me at all. It is just a chore.

people like what they like and no, they don’t need to be expected to do what they don’t like - that’s just bad design

putting rep grinds on flying is weak weak design, it is taking low hanging fruit (the flying carrot) and trying to get some more metrics out of it

I get it, you have an incredibly low ability to critically think about anything or to see anything objectively or from other viewpoints.


I hope this isn’t due to an illness or something. Personally I plan on being around longer than 72 years, and I’ll probably still be playing video games to the end.

Granted, I won’t be anywhere as good as I am currently. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I told my son I would come back and haunt him if he puts me in a old folks home with no Wifi or fast Internet…hehe


When I finally move into a retirement home, the one thing I will require is internet. I’m tying it to my sons’ inheritances! And they have to run me through mythic keys.

Hahaha you tell them …

I cannot use dragonriding much due to motion sickess from the speed. It has nothing to do with skill.


I’m sorry to hear this. I struggle with FPS for a similar reason. For your benefit, I do hope they keep old flying in game.


I have given up Mythic anything already. I grind 40 toons to max level. Get them all the best gear via general catch up mechanics. I keep my main fairly raid ready, though I have pretty much lost all interest to raid this xpac. I do my live streaming on this game as well as D3 and D4. As well as my videos on YT or FB. No I wont advertise my links here, I think that is like being desperate for views. LOL.

I am in 3 guilds, one is a hardcore raiding guild mostly Aussie and Kiwi with a few Americans like myself. The other two guilds are filled with casual players doing casual content. I still really have fun doing a huge chunk of the game and interacting with 100’s of people in world and discord while playing.

“Whom” is not just a smarter version of “who”. It’s the inflected version of whom i.e. when the word takes any other role than the subject (the one doing the verb). Here it’s the subject so it should be “who”.

I agree with this. A huge amount of the complaints come from people who can only cope with a very narrow and specific approach to the game and react incredibly viscerally if anything changes that. Back in WotLK there were a couple raid fights that involved vehicles and despite how easy they were a good amount of players absolutely could not keep up if their lives depended on it. They also rushed to the forums and blamed Blizzard and everyone else.

You literally get a better version of flying from the very start so I care very little about these sorts of complaints.

Having under 5 renown means you’re basically going out of your way to ignore all the content. Quests, zones, exploration, and story are integral parts of an RPG like WoW. If you don’t like them it sounds like this game isn’t for you and you’re better off playing a PvP lobby game like League of Legends. Otherwise I’m really not interested in this hyperventilating about “I want all the rewards without having to engage in the game beyond the most superficial level!”.

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