Really? No Flying in next patch?

I like how someone is claiming they can see the names of all the people that like a post, one of those people has 13 likes and I do not even have the same amount of Achievement points as that other person yet we all magically are the same person. I guess Gaymerbear has 151 characters because a post can only be liked by the same person. Not even going to ask why all of these posts you say are from the same person have a different amount of likes on them because frankly I really do not want to see you post something even dumber than you have already. but I do love your “Friends” comment, it says it all. I guess you are one of those solo people.

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nice reach there. Nice of you to assume people who dislike dragonriding are disabled. User name amd server checks out.
I wouldnt use that word scum so liberally if I were you.

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This assumption that younger players don’t like TBC flying is very wrong. There are people that are young that do like TBC flying.

It is a choice that players should be able to make and not be gated behind so many rep grinds.

The crazy thing is that they have let this level of toxicity directed towards disabled players fester on these forums for almost 10 months now. BlizZard pretends that they can ignore the forums but they are a representation of their own company

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


False premise. Aside from the resource management issue: it sacrifices precision for speed, and—more importantly—it sets off some people’s vertigo. Pointing that out isn’t “hate.”

This. I’m irritated that they’ve got those giant wings, the lore seems to have them actually flying…and they can’t even actually use the dragonriding abilities without a mount.


Um, yes you can see the people who’ve liked a post. It’s a basic feature of this forum. The likes number is clickable and shows a list of players that liked the post.

That’s how I found this:

Note a few things:

  • They are all from Eonar an mostly from the guild

  • They all have a similar amount of achievement points (these don’t stay perfectly up to date if you haven’t logged in the toon in a long time but they will be clustered around a similar value, in this case around 8000)

  • They all have the same pet collection

  • They mostly joined the forum in the same period of time since late August until now

  • Besides Jai and Vladamire, they have very little forum activity beyond a few scattered threads in which they like each other’s posts

They are clearly all the same person i.e. you.

It’s one thing to boost your like count using your own characters. It’s a whole new level of slimy and dishonest to participate in the discussion on multiple characters and pretend to be different people. On your Death Knight (Jai) you acted as if you supported dragonriding (as opposed to Vladamire who doesn’t) and you directly stated you were a different person. Deplorable. Own up to it and move on instead of further embarrassing yourselves. You could have hid your tracks a whole lot better than this if you knew how the forums worked.

EDIT: A whole lot of your earlier posts look hilarious now in context:

Stopped replying on his main, pretends on an alt he’s a different person. You can’t make this up!

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Hey, Vlad! Do you want to chip in? Are these all your buddies and this is all one big misunderstanding or what?

I can see you posting in other threads so I know you’re online.

I can understand you losing track of your notifications when you have to switch between characters so often.

EDIT: Wow! Look how many likes I got! I must be the most popular person on the forum! Thanks to my fans!


BlizZard is being very abusive toward their player base.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


What’s the surfing emotes on every comment supposed to mean

Riding the wave from my flying carpet.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Old flying was pretty boring and this is a good improvement

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I do not consider it better so I prefer TBC flying as I feel it is better.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I totally agree with you Mumo, old flying had become stale and boring at 18 years a brain dead mechanics of it. Sure everyone took full advantage of it, no matter what your game play style was, only a complete fool wouldn’t. But for years now people have asked for something new, a change, and improvement to flight over all. Something that open a door way to something more interactive. Even if Dragoinriding is not perfect and they are still working on it. Its still an improvement at the same time they are not taking away old flying mounts or even taking away old style flying. Its just the same as its always been for years now.

They don’t even know what they are arguing for at this point.

They each have their benefits and drawbacks, IMO. Speed versus control. Dragonriding is great for covering long distances, but…damned if I don’t find myself missing the precision of TBC flight after overshooting that dumb dreamsurge shadowflame node thing by a hairbreadth. (And don’t even start me on the stupid Thaldraszus Apex glyph.)

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I would like Dragonriding a lot more if they increase the height you can ground skim. I’m not exactly sure what it is, but it feels too low for me.

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That is a very good post and you are a valued member of the WoW community.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I mean: if it really is as objectively superior as people claim, that’d make a lot more sense.


Well this is going to upset the folks who were smugly telling all the rest of us to “deal with it”.

Either way though - good move by Blizzard.


Ok sherlok

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Well, that puts me that much closer to never overshooting a node, or taking off when I meant to counterattack, again. And yes; good on them.

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