Really? No Flying in next patch?

Never before in over 25 years of playing MMORPGs have I seen so many fight against the idea that players should not have to do crazy amounts of grinding to get a system mechanic back that has existed in a game for some 15 years.

Pathfinder is a horrible concept. If anything, normal flying should have been free and Dragon flight should have been an unlock behind a rep grind and they could have pushed players into it by having the races as a thing players could have done from the start as a way to see how great it was.

Anyway, ya’ll get back to fighting each other and keeping the community divided like the lovely players you are. Guess you need something to do when you are not in game treating others like garbage.


Should I be at all surprised that your post was all at once liked by a bunch of low level alts who all recently joined the forum, seem to do nothing on the forum but like your, Vladamire, and each other’s posts, most from the same guild (Vladamire’s guild, coincidentally), and most with a similar amount of achievement points to you and Vladamire?

EDIT: And you have exactly the same pet collection as Vladamire. What a crazy coincidence!!

Hey Pootycatdog how did you manage to get the same achievement points and pet collection as Jai, Vladamir, and all the people that liked his post? Are you all best friends?


Why does everyone hate dragon riding? Every time I go back to ogrimmar or anywhere from any of the previous expansions I just think… “man…… this is soo dang slow” it’s not like dragon riding is hard. All you have to do is tilt your mouse SLIGHTLY downward and you gain stamina as your flying. Only issue I’ve ever had is when I need to get to the top of a really high mountain or Something and drains my stamina. Other than that dragon riding is a godsend.

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Never judge the popularity of something in the game, by the complainers on this forum.


Nobody does, though.

Excluding people with disabilities, this is a minority group of whiners who can’t bother to get all of the Dragonriding glyphs and are still playing with the most limited version of dragonriding. These are the same people who then whine about “omg there’s no content”, and then fume about completing the most basic of basic content to unlock pathfinder.


I still don’t know why they’re playing this game, it doesn’t seem they like it that much.


5K and 20 alts is cheap…its only 100,000…heck most times when you level up a alt in new expansion they make 5K or more off quests…there is your money to fly right there…nothing out of pocket or savings…how do you think us veterans did this for years and manned many alts…

So people that have legit complaints about DR are now complainers? What about the people with disabilities?

It is called feedback. If you don’t like it you don’t have to participate in this thread but you spend more time complaining about people giving feedback which I find really odd.

TBC flying should not have more hurdles attached to it given that it was already time gated.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


In the past it was a gold sink for most expansions, if they brought back paying for it it would absolutely be a gold sink again (thinking BFA mount prices).

Which would make the crowd who don’t like Pathfinder switch to saying Blizzard just wants to sell Tokens shrugs

(I’m fine with Pathfinder being removed/made easier, I just don’t see it happening)

I’ve said since Legion that Pathfinder should be available and completeable in the launch patch, but with extreme requirements that require a lot of jumping through hoops and doing difficult content.

Then ease up on the requirements over time.

That leaves the choice up to the player. Go all in earlier to get it earlier, or chill and wait for it to get easier and - eventually - free.

Much like gearing, I suppose.

I looked at the requirements for the new pathfinding. It’s very generous. You just have to complete the zone story lines, explore the zones, and get 15 renown in all the factions (which is mostly completed just by doing the story lines). It’s basically for free if you’ve been playing the expansion at all, and this time around you have a literal superior version of flying to help you get it.

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It isn’t free and it is a bad thing to force people to rep grind given that DF is sold as an expansion that is about playing how you want.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Yep, if they are going to go back on that, might as well bring back daily WQ since they seem to be ok with pulling a 180 on no forced content.


Yep. It is one giant cluster they have created.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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You don’t have to grind much renown, though. Like I said, just doing the non-repeatable story quests gets you most of the way with each of the factions. You also get a substantial amount weekly for very little effort from the quest.

It’s an amount of effort that amounts to playing any notable amount of the expansion at all, and to bemoan it being too much effort is effectively saying you don’t want to play the game, in which case I wonder why you’re still here.

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BlizZard can not back track and claim that is how it is supposed to be when they said DF is play how you want expansion.

Can’t have it both ways.

Or else it means they lied and did a rug pull

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


You’re not advocating “play how you want”, though. You’re advocating not playing at all.

Most players who have at all engaged in this expansion will either already satisfy the requirements for Pathfinding already or be close to it.

Arguments about it being too restrictive are utterly baseless.

Ending every post with emojis comes across as extremely immature.

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Of which many of us veterans, like me since 2005/2006ish didn’t have a bag of alts and 1 toon that could fly.

Awesome that 100k is easy for you to get/spend. It’s not for me and prefer once and done.

How I wanted to play was to press the jump key repeatedly while standing in Stormwind. But I didn’t get any loot or rep or prizes of any kind. And they had the nerve to say this was a play your way expansion! Those liars! What a rug pull!

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How about this as a compromise, if you want to Dragonride in old world, there is a Pathfinder with the same requirements, including getting ALL old world reps to revered, all the old world zone storylines, and explore all the old world zones.