Really? No Flying in next patch?

dragonriding isn’t retaining players

some like it, some not - obviously the peeps hanging around tend to like it and the the peeps that quit tend to include more of those that don’t

the dragonriding vs flying barrier is completely artificial and there is no reason they can’t exist at the same time from the start

regular flying doesn’t need pathfinder, that is just another artificial barrier when you already have most of flying with dragonriding

for me I just want chill transit where i can turn on ‘autorun’ in the air and disconnect because most travel is insanely boring/tedious - just wasting my time

dragonriding requires constant attention for no reward for me. The feel of speed does nothing for me. I’d happily trade off the speed for being able to autofly whereever I want and be able to hover safely at times

I genuinely engage with the world FAR more when I have regular flying and if the world is still relevant (i.e. prior to completing it all). I end up exploring more because it carries much less friction. The world becomes a source of discovery instead of a source of irritation at wasted time for zero rewards.

As far as dragon racing, if I wanted a real racing experience this would be the last thing I would play. I’m good.


This is what I genuinely do not get. People say this… then follow it with…

You engage more by afking? Que the nick young question mark face.


every pathfinder to date was a bunch of hoops to get the other form of flight. Where have you been?

Dragonriding is the other form of flight in the context of that post. It has no Pathfinder.

Where have you been?


Your statements seem to contradict.

Although I do kind of understand, with any kind of flight Iʻm more apt to try and get somewhere that flight would allow me to.
Being stuck on the ground i really donʻt want to waste time exploring off of the beaten path only to run into some unscalable ridge that i need to follow halfway across the zone just to get around it.

you seem to have some difficulty understanding how the destinations are the interesting part, not the transit, for some people - you are strangely unable to separate the two

let’s put it another way, the world offers mildly interesting things that range in dopamine rewards

the more friction there is in simply getting there, the less likely I am to even bother with it - I can just stick with the instanced stuff that has no wasted time in transit or grouping

conversely, I’m more likely to bother going to places in the world map if it is easy and relaxing and I can skip a lot of the boredom of the transit time with autorun in the air


Dont worry, they added new dragonriding abilities which functions as a third training wheel for people like you who dont want to ride a normal bike.

Mis reading your post seem like.
Although the wording makes one think that this “other form” aka Dragonflight, has had iterations without hoops, when it in fact never existed before this so i couldn’t have “had hoops” to begin with.

Anywhooz, personally I wonder why pathfinder wasn’t added to give us dragon flight with standard flight being unlocked at level cap this expansion.
Want the fancy new speedy flying? Do pathfinder.

if they want to hook you, the first taste has to be free

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Your really going to hate to hear this bro. But they are working on a patch to make it so all flying is dragon flying. Even in old worlds.

They’ve said they have no plans to remove old flying from anywhere. Wish I had a link to the blue post.


I prefer automatic over manual to be honest. As a car enthusiast I prefer automatic all day.

What these so called mensa members don’t understand is that BlizZard is going to do the rug pull on them with DR like they have done with TBC flying…slow learners.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Rug pull? You mean in 11.0 there won’t be a dragon riding unlocked without Pathfinder first, and normal flying is ???.

Yes, that’s a possibility. Nothing has been announced yet.

What do we agree on? Because as I can see it you’re babbling about having proof and lecturing me for having none, when you in fact have none. You’re deflecting and I don’t think you’re doing it subconciously (read: I think you’re a dishonest person).

You’re not on my side. Ridiculous statement. You’ve been ardently opposed to every one of my points. This is just a tactic to try to come off as a reasonable centrist and it isn’t working. If I wanted to hear that dishonest nonsense I would listen to Tim Pool.

So? Even the negative ones have positive remarks as well. Look at the first few replies to this very thread.

The thread I linked has 4.7k upvotes and 926 replies, all mostly very positive about dragonriding. Delusional cope lmao.

That thread is smaller, it’s not specifically about dragon riding and it again has comments with positive remarks about dragon riding. To be fair to you it also has a negative comment about dragon riding, but it’s not honest to assume that a commenter that’s dissatisfied with the expansion in general is automatically upset by dragonriding.

Wow, a whole lot of “x and y post doesn’t count” coming from you. If you knew anything at all, MMO-champion has a userbase that’s much more prepared to be critical towards Blizzard than the official forums and especially the WoW reddit. So to say it’s a paid-for positive opinion site is utter nonsense and really exposes your lack of understanding of the WoW playerbase.

There’s no “us” here. You can pretend all you want but you’re on the opposite side of this argument. You exclusively promote anti-dragonriding opinions and attack pro-dragonriding opinions. No one at all is buying your charade that you’re on the side of dragonriding. I’ve seen this dishonest tactic of “Bro I’m on your side I’m just more reasonable” tried many times before, and it never works.

They stopped replying because they have bad arguments and they know it. They’re not very good at the game, they’re upset that a new mechanic has disrupted the hyper-specific and static approach to the game they’ve always held, and they’re lashing out at everyone they can over it while pretending the popular opinion is on their side.

Now here’s my honest thoughts about the whole thing:

I’ve always been in favour of flying. There’s a faction of players, particularly WoW classic boomer dads, who think flying as a whole was bad for the game. I think that’s nonsense and I’ve always argued against that.

I have, however, been open to reasonable limitations on flying. Here’s an opinion I hold that I fully understand isn’t popular: I don’t mind pathfinding. While I support flying, I fully understand that there’s value to having the content experienced while grounded first. It should have been introduced much earlier in each expansion since and including WoD but it’s not inherently wrong to introduce flying in that way. BFA was a great example: that expansion actually had a lively and entertaining world PvP scene, and I’m glad to have experienced it both before and after flying. It wasn’t better or worse either way, but they were both good in their own ways.

As for dragonriding: it’s a feature that adds a lot to the game and is very good. Almost perfect. It makes an otherwise menial expenditure of time engaging and fun (and also faster) and allows for fun side content like dragon racing. It’s definitely one of the best things they’ve ever added, and this is coming from someone who’s extremely jaded about most things WoW post-MoP; you can ask the Hunter forums to verify that. It does mean you don’t experience the continent the first time while grounded but that’s a small sacrifice to make.

Having said that, I say almost because there’s one thing I have in mind that gives validity to the resentment: it’s not very accessible to disabled players and that matters a lot. While they have made accommodations and the system is very generous once you get all the talents (I’ve boosted quite a few people I know who aren’t good at dragonriding to all the talents with the passenger mechanic), it’s never going to be as accessible as legacy flying and that’s why they should eventually add it in like they’ve done now.

So, in conclusion: I respect the misgivings of disabled players and their preference for something accessible. I do not respect the misgivings of lazy and set-in-their-ways general discussion posters who reflexively throw tantrums at every perceived attack on their playstyle.

What does time since posting have anything to do with it? Liquid Max is still strongly in favour of dragonriding to this day.

People just post less reviews of it because it’s been in the game for a year now. So it’s only natural the only people still going on about it are the ones who hate it.

It was borrowed power in the context of Shadowlands because each power required accepting that covenant, which took a lot of time investment to get it up to speed (due to conduits and renown) and they purposefully made it difficult and time-consuming to switch. It would have been preferable to make improvements to the baseline classes instead of that gloss.

Don’t try to pin the shortcomings of Hunter covenant balance on the players. Every step of the way we submitted feedback yet they kept buffing overpowered ones (Wild Spirits) while nerfing underpowered ones (Death Chakram, Flayed Shot). At one point in beta Flayed Shot was far behind, people including Preach pointed it out and the very next day after Preach’s video they nerfed it by 33%. The player feedback was on point; the developer response was atrocious.

Lol? People absolutely started switching covenants more often and guides recommended it. Unhinged statement.

Lmao most logically coherent dragonriding hater right here, folks. “I engage more when I can autotravel and disengage from the game”.

Did it occur to you that dragonriding is meant to make that part you find boring more engaging?

Come 11.0 the next xpac if Blizzard locks dragonriding behind Pathfinder in order to use it. So what, I will just do it and unlock it and get on with my life. It is not that big of a deal. I pretty much can play WoW 7 days per week for 8 or more hours per day if I want to. I have more than enough time to earn a little rep, explore a map and do the main quest lines of any xpac.

This is my sentiment as well. I have [insert actual racing game here] if I want racing, or [insert flight sim here] if I want to feel like I'm actually flying.

Coupled with the genuine pain I deal with over extended ‘flying’ sessions, I basically don’t play the game anymore. I log in to do things when friends ask and that’s it.

Dragon falling-with-style is a large part of why - If it’s painful to do anything I would want to do, why would I bother? Especially when I have access to hundreds of other games that aren’t nearly as demanding of my hands and wrists as this one is now.

Can I use flight paths? Sure, and I do. But you are still gated for travel by the verticality of the world that requires Dragon ‘flying’ to access.

Legacy Flying solves that problem. I don’t care about speed, I care about reducing literal pain points.


I think both forms of flying have their place. I vastly prefer Dragonriding now, but I can absolutely see a case for old school flying as well. I think both should be options (and Dracthyr’s Soar treated exactly like a normal Dragonriding mount).

But also, we shouldn’t have to “unlock” any of that stuff. Particularly normal flying in Dragonflight, which seems more like a “downgrade” to me, and with how much players seem like they’ve enjoyed Dragonriding, I’d just as soon make it a default feature in the game.


Yeah TBH I really don’t care for dragonriding.


I am just saying that BlizZard is more than willing to do a rug pull. They always do thinking that they are making the best choice for players instead of you know letting players make the choice.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


And what I think is that you are arguing with so many people you have lost the plot. It was someone else that you demanded proof from, and they provided it to you and you ignored completely which is when I CAME IN.

And in that same post I said what I agreed with you about.

You are arguing with half the people here and are completely lost and I laugh at you calling me dishonest. You have become a joke. Also, you have had a bunch of people talk about you, not to you because they found you unworthy to continue talking to…you even attack those on the same side of the argument you are flailing about trying to defend.

/SMH go take your meds.